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this is gonna be full of angst and like kinda sad so sorry if you wanted a happy imagine


It had been a bad day for both of us. Me and Timmy were both stressed and it didn't help anything. He had been filming a movie all day and I had been out at a photo shoot.
"Seriously Y/N, What is your deal?" He asks me
"What do you mean what is my deal?" I ask finally sitting down.
"Where the hell is dinner? I had a hard time at work today and I was expecting dinner!" He says annoyed.
"Do I look like a personal chef? I had a hard day too, make yourself something if you are so hungry" I tell him and he lets out a deep breath.
"That's your job. You always make the food." He says trying to stay calm.
"That is not my 'job' it's something I do to be nice." I was starting to get annoyed. He had been pissy all day about his work and now he was taking it out on me.
"Well let's go out because you're too lazy to make something" he scoffs and I roll my eyes getting up off the couch.
"Fine, where to" I ask and he shrugs.
"Okay great answer" I laugh and he groans.
"Let's just go get something quick" he says and I nod.
"Okay" grabbing my keys, we walk out the door.
Getting into the car, I head to the passengers side while Timmy drives.
"I don't know where you were planning so you can go wherever you want." I say and he scoffs.
"Yeah were gonna get there and then you're gonna complain." He says rudely.
This boy is really trying to start a fight.
"If I don't like it then I just won't eat. My appetite is not the best right now" it wasn't a lie. I had been so stressed at work that it felt like my brain was fried. I quite frankly just wanted to sleep.
"Fine" He says blankly and I don't respond.
         After about 15 minutes of driving, we still hadn't arrived any where.
"When are we gonna be there Timmy? I don't want to be out all night." I ask and he groans
"Do you ever stop complaining?"
"I've had a long week, I need some sleep." I blatantly say and he laughs.
"You have it hard? Really. I spend 10 hours a day on set." He says and I just decide to stay silent.
"I just can't believe you have this attitude with me" he continues.
"Timothée, Stop." I lecture and he scoffs.
"Don't tell me what to do" He tells me and I just look forward.
"You really have the ner-" I interrupt him.
"Pay attention to the road!" I yell as he swerves and he gets even more mad. But before he can yell, the car swerves into the other lane and all I can see is black.
            My ears were ringing. I didn't know where I was but I knew that there were people around me.
Opening my eyes, they could barely focus.
"Stay calm Y/N. You're gonna be all right." A unknown voice said to me and I tried to speak.
"Timmy" I could barely speak.
"He's okay, don't talk. Rest yourself" the voice said to me and I fell back asleep.
I heard a beeping and machines next to me. I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a hospital room. Taking a look at my arms, I saw tubes attached and I instantly panicked. Trying to get up, I felt someone try to push me down. Looking to the side I see a nurse. I let out a disappointed sigh after realizing it wasn't Timmy.
"How are you feeling" the nurse asked.
"Not the greatest" I said, my voice was weak.
"You and your boyfriend got into an accident. You were on the crashing side and had a majority of the injury's." She said and all I could think about was if Timmy was alright.
"You bruised some ribs and your right foot is broken. You got scratched up pretty bad. But you should be okay to go in a day or two." She finishes and I nod.
"How's Timmy?" I ask
"Your boyfriend is just fine. He was mostly just shooken up. He had a sprained wrist and some scratches, but nothing bad." I thank her and she leaves the room.
Why isn't Timmy here?
I was upset that he wasn't with me. I know things were tense before it all happened. But I never thought he would just abandon me. I closed my eyes and let myself rest.
I had been there for a day. Not much had happened except sleeping. I'd wake up randomly hoping that Timmy would all of a sudden be in the room. It never happened. I wasn't mad. I was more sad. It had felt like I had been abandoned.
"Y/N someone's here to see you" the nurse pops in my room. I got excited and nodded queuing her to send them in. It was Timmy. He looked horrible. His eyes were sunken it. He hadn't slept, I could tell.
"Hey" I said and he just kept looking at me.
"How are you" I ask
"How am I, how could you be worried about me when you are sitting there in a hospital bed" He comes up next to the bed and grabs my hand. His eyes were flooding with tears.
"Timmy, I'm fine." I say and he shakes his head.
"I was being such a dick. I'm sorry this happened" Tears are streaming down his face and I sit up and pull him in close. Wrapping my arms around him and holding him tight. He just barely touched me. I could tell he didn't want to hurt me.
"Why didn't you come sooner?" I asked him
"I didn't want to see you like this, and frankly I didn't think you wanted to see me." He mumbles into my shoulder.
"Of course I wanted to see you. You were the first person I asked for." I told him and I felt his tears soak through my gown.
"I'm so sorry Y/N. I'm so sorry" he says through tears and I pulled him closer.
"Can we just never fight again" I laughed and he giggled.
"Yeah that sounds great." He replies.
For the next day Timmy never left my side. Sleeping on the sofa next to the hospital bed while holding my hand couldn't have been comfortable. I offered to scoot over but he refused to let me. He helped me through just about everything. And when it was all over, him and I had grown incredibly close. As we walked out of the hospital, well as he walked and pushed me in a wheelchair. I was very excited to go home.
"I can't wait to sleep in my own bed" I exclaimed
"Neither can I" he laughed and so did I.
"Thanks for being here with me" I thank and I feel him stop the wheel chair and walk towards me.
"Anything for you. I love you." He says and pulls me into a quick kiss. It was short lived but it was enough.
"and I love you" I said back.
"Now let's go home"

As I was writing this I realized this book got to 1k views!!
thanks for actually reading this stuff lmaoo

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