6: the flight home

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Billie sat closest to the window, staring blankly into the night sky. The plane was departing from LAX to San Fransisco airport.

This was the worst seating arrangement at the time, since Billie and Mike fought. Billie had to sit next to Mike, and Tré was in the aisle.

Billie made his emotions of being unloved by the person he loved the most by listening to Adele. The classic cliché type of music for this occasion.

Mike was watching Batman, of course. He always brings that movie to watch.

Billie's eyes teared up as he began thinking about what Mike said.

Mike acted like he loved Brittney. Billie knew Mike loved Billie.

Billie just couldn't understand why is it that Mike is acting so dumb. He fucked Billie over. He fucked his feelings over.

They got off and Billie hugged Adrienne and they went home.

Brittney didn't go to meet Mike at the airport.

Sara did, though.

So that left Mike alone, standing with his luggage, ordering an uber.

Adrienne insisted on driving, and Billie shrugged.

"How was the show, babe?"  She asked, making a left.

"It was great." He lied.

"That's good!" She said, cheerfully.

"Love, What's wrong?" She asked, pulling into the movie theatre parking lot.

"Nothing, Adie." He said, kissing her on the cheek.


Billie wasn't in the right state of mind to do anything with his wife.

"Do you want Chinese food, love?"

"Yeah... sure." He said, shrugging.

She watched him walk into the restaurant, then followed.

She knew something wasn't right.

"Can I have rice and orange chicken, please?" Billie asked, taking his wallet out and walking to the register.

"Adie, what do you want?"

Adrienne smiled and shook her head.

"I'll just have an egg roll. Thank you."

Billie nodded and got the food, paid, and sat down across from Adrienne.

Billie picked at his food, eating the rice.

"Baby, is everything okay?"

Billie chewed slowly and glanced up at Adie before looking back down, he nodded.

"Are you sure? Baby, talk to me. Something went wrong during the show, didn't it?"

The black haired, sleep deprived, angry, hurt man sighed and stuck his fork into the rice.

He didn't look up as he said,"Yes. Something went wrong. Please stop asking me about it. I don't want to talk about it."

Adrienne replied, as if Billie hadn't spoken.

"Billie! Talk to me, please. We said no secrets, remember?"

She continued talking, but Billie zoned out.

For some reason Mike had come up in the conversation.

"- Was it Mike? Did he do something? Billie, honey, talk to me.."

Billie stood up, he didn't want to make a scene in the restaurant.

He walked to the trash can and threw away his full bowl of food.

Adrienne followed him outside.

"Billie?! What's going on? You aren't like this!"

He turned and said in his most genuine, sincere voice,"I know."

He walked down the street, melancholy surrounding him.

Into the bar he went, sat on a stool and ordered a pint of beer.

"Here you go." The bartender slid the big pint of alcohol to the anxious and depressed Billie Joe.

Beer after beer, he became more and more numb.

Adrienne decided to let him walk home and cool off, what she didn't know is that he went back to stuffing his feelings with drugs and alcohol.

"I'm going..... home." He said, taking another full cup of beer with him.

The bartender watched him as he left, holding Billie's keys in his hands.

"I don't neeeeeed Mike." He said to himself.

He knew, deep down in his subconscious that he did, in fact need Mike.

Mike was his rock.

He walked across the street, stumbling and slurring songs lyrics to himself.

Mike got off of his uber and looked up at the stars.

It wasn't like Brittney to let him go home by himself.

Mike walked up to his apartment and unlocked his house.

"Uh, uh, uh, uh!"

Mike put his bag down quietly and listened to see if those sounds were from his wife or from the tv.

He walked closer to his and his wife's bedroom and peered inside.

It was Brittney. She was riding another man.

"Britt...?" Mike said, his voice breaking.

She screamed and the man under her sat up.

"Britt, What's going on?" He asked, turning on the light.

"M-Mike? I'm so sorry, wait! I can explain!"

His sadness quickly turned into anger.

"Explain what?! You tripped, fell, landed on his dick?!" Mike yelled, pointing at the man.

"Hey! Don't yell at her!" The man said, putting his pants on.

"Shut the fuck up! Brittney, i-is this really- are you serious?! I leave for one damn day and I come back and you're fucking someone?!"

"Mike, sweetie! Please, let me explain!" She said, putting her clothes back on in a hurry.

Mike shook his head and stomped out, grabbing his bag.

"Micheal!" She walked behind him, grabbing his hand.

"No! Don't call me that! Don't call me, don't think about me anymore! Damn, I should have known. Bye!" He turned and slammed the door behind him.

He walked down the stairs and got into his car, starting the engine.

He sped down the street, angry, confused.

Ouch this chapter was too much for my MEmo heart i hope you enjoyed
Rage and Love

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