18: cancer. (epilouge)

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"Daddy. Wake. Up."

She was standing on her father's bed.


The blonde man grunted and turned away from the bright window, pulling the cover over his head.

Meanwhile, the black haired dad was snoring. Dreaming about jellybeans.

Ryan jumped off of the bed, being only three years old, she grabbed a water bottle.

She couldn't open it, though.

So, she threw it at Mike.

He woke up, rubbing his face.

"Wake." She repeated, pouting.

He tapped Billie, and he woke up.

"Happy birthday, butterbean!" Mike lifted her, sitting her between them.

"Happy birthday, love." Billie said sleepily, kissing her cheek.

"We going to mommy's house?" She asked.

Mike nodded.

"Babygirl, do you wanna take her your macaroni present you made her?" Billie asked.

The three year old nodded and smiled, running to go put it in her backpack.

So, they got ready, Mike and Billie wearing hoodies and jeans.

Ryan was wearing a cute black and red polka-dot dress. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail and a black bow adorned her blonde hair.

They drove to "Mommy's house."

The cemetery. 

They walked to the flower shop, Ryan always chooses the pink tulips.

She didn't quite understand why mommy wasn't with her. She was with her dads, but why wasn't mommy here?

The three walked to Brittney's grave, Ryan laid flowers on the grass, taking off her backpack.

She opened it, holding a small box covered in dry colored macaroni.

Inside was a small origami heart.

3 birthday, Ryan Ruby Mae to Mommy. Was written on the inside of the badly made heart.

She put it down next to her deceased mother's tombstone.

There was a slow, peaceful vibe to the situation.

Billie turned to Mike and smiled.


"Yes, baby?" They both answered in unison.

"Why mommy not here?" She asked, innocently.

Billie sat with her on the grass, so did Mike.

"..because, lovebug. She loved you so much."

"B-But why she not here?"

"I can't tell you that, princess."

"Mike, just tell her." Billie whispered.

"Babygirl, your mommy had cancer. Do you know what that is?"

She shook her head.

"It makes people very sick. But, mommy is not sick anymore. She got better, and she's in a better place with your grandpa." Billie said.

"Remember when daddy told you about Grandpa?"

She nodded her head.

"He had cancer too."

"Oh." She simply said.

There was a moment of silence for the three, and their daughter got up and hugged them both.

"Love you dads."

"We love you too, Rye." Mike said, squeezing her softly.

Mommy loves you, baby.

a/n coming tomorrow thanks for reading

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