Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


"Babe wake up." I said as I saw him smile.

"I'm up." Nash said.

"You sure." I said leaning in for a kiss.

"Yeah I'm sure." he said then we kissed.

"Are you a Hun--" I was about to say but then Nash came in for a kiss.

"Hurry up you two." my mom yelled.

"Were coming!" I yelled back.

"Get a shirt on will ya." I said to Nash.

"Alright." he said then I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and ran down stairs.

Nash POV

When I walked down stairs I smelled breakfast and saw Alex in her cute fuzzy pajama pants and a blue tanktop to match her pants.

"Good morning everyone." I said to be nice.

"Good morning Nash." Alex's mom said.

"Hey gram." Alex said.

"Yes dear." her gram said.

"Can I go swimming in your pool." she said.

"Yeah you and Nash can after breakfast." her gram said.

"Thanks gram love you!" she said.


"You ready to swimming." I said to Alex.

"Let me get my bathing suit on first." Alex said.

As she walked down in her strapless camo top and camo bottoms she look hot.

"Zaaaaam girl you look hot." I said I can see she blushed.

Alex POV

"You ready to go in." I said.

"Yeah." Nash said.

"We'll come on." I said.

We both jumped in at the same time.

"That was fun." I said looking at him.

"Hell yeah it was." he said.

After that I went under water it was relaxing. I came up and then me and Nash locked eyes and kissed it was like fire works just when off. then I jumped on his back when he wasn't looking. I have to say it was funny he didn't even know I was behind him.

"You ready t--" I got cut off because Nash started to kiss me i didn't stop him basically we had a full on out make out session it was great I love Nash.


When I was kissing Alex I thought off it and realized this is the girl I wanted to be with for the rest of my life I love Alex so much.

"Now let's go in." Alex said. I nodded in agreement.

As we walked in we ate dinner then when up to her room got changed and then layed in her bed and watched t.v for the rest of the night.

"Night babe." I said.

"Night Nash." Alex said.

"You know I love you." I said.

"Yeah I know an you know that I love you with all my heart." she said.

"Not as much as me." I said then I started to tickle her.

"" she said in between laughs.

"Alright night babe love yo--" she cut me off with a kiss then snuggled in my arms and fell asleep.

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