Part 1

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The moss gives off a calming fresh scent. The rain has only just ceased and the sky has cleared to give a full view of the waning moon. It is slightly windy, causing the large leaves of the young Mallorn trees to rustle loudly as they dance in the wind.

Between the rocking and groaning trees, a pale figure stands, waiting quietly. Their hair dances along with the leaves, but other than that, they remain motionless.

It is not before the sound of hoof falls reaches their keen ears that they move at all, looking up to see into the distance to behold a dark horse fast approaching. It goes nearly unseen in the pitch-blackness of its surroundings.

It is carrying a tall rider, but it isn't until they came closer, that the pale figure can distinct another smaller figure seated before the rider, wrapped up tightly in a dark cloak.

As the rider comes to a halt, the pale-one steps out from the tree line and into the moonlight to reveal a woman of significant beauty. Her long blonde hair catches the moonlight, making it shine eerily. Her night blue colored eyes seem to be full of stars while they look worriedly towards the small figure in front of the rider.

"Na he negr? (Is she hurt?)" the woman asks while she watches the figure closely as they are taken down from the horse by the rider.

"Baw nin híril. (No, my Lady.)" they reply as they set the figure down on their small feel. Their legs seem to tremble from weariness and fear.

The woman crouches down before them and reaches out to unveil the cloaked face. A pale girlish face is revealed. Her rosy cheeks covered in shed tears as they continue to fall from the round crystalline blue eyes. "Ceri ú nifred. (Do not fear.)" the woman tells the youngling before her in a comforting manner. "Im nidh deli cin eithel. (I intend to hide you well.)"

The woman looks to her new ward in surprise when the child unfolds herself from her large cloak and holds out her hand, holding out something within her small curled fingers.

Curious, the lady holds out her hand to receive whatever it may be that this child holds. She can't help but gasp as the child lays a ring in her delicate hand. "O adar. (From father)" the girl hiccups.

The lady looks at the delicate ring in her hand carefully, sensing the power held by it. It is most precious, with its stone shining like a star as it is held with its Mithril grasp.

"Hen est na Nenya. (Her name is Nenya.)" the girl reveals as the lady slides the ring carefully on her finger, eyes wide in awe.


Many eyes are on Arwen Undomiel as she dashes into Imladris on her light mare. Her stormy grey blue eyes are large in fright, afraid for the live of which she has been entrusted to carry to safety. Because she is not alone; she carries with her on her horse the figure of one of the smaller folk of Middle-Earth; a Hobbit. He looks to be in ill health and must be close to death, judged by the lack of color in his face and the pained look he carries.

Calling for her father, her voice resonating through the halls; Lord Elrond is quick to greet her and takes the young hobbit from his daughter before hurrying to the House of healing, where he will without a doubt use all his resources to make sure that his patient doesn't succumb to his injury. It is this hobbit's only chance of survival.

Now alone, Arwen hangs tightly unto her horse, completely out of breath from her ordeal. It took a great deal out of her to rid the both of them from those deadly horsemen. She knows they are likely to return, but for now she's home, safe and has accomplished her goal.

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