Part 19

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Aragorn pauses, gazing at the tracks laid out before them, mapping out their direction and speed. His concentration wavers however at the approaching of the clatter of hooves.

The sound grows louder and louder, indicating that it is headed straight in their direction. Uncertain of what will appear over the hill, he urges Legolas and Gimli to take cover behind some stray rocks before ducking into hiding himself.

Before long, a vast host of horsemen appear over the hill, all set into a fast gallop in the direction they have come from; away from Rohan.

It has been days since they abandoned the road into Gondor to follow the host of Uruk's that took part of their company. With barely any rest, they ran from the woods and across barren lands that seemed to go on for eternity. They ended up deep into the heart of Rohan, land of the Horsemasters.

Recognizing them not to be enemies, Aragorn jumps from his hiding place, quickly followed by Legolas and Gimli. "Riders of Rohan...What news from the Mark?!" he calls over the loud clatter and neighing as he watches them rush past.

With a single motion from their leader, they turn, circling the three warriors before closing in their ranks. Spear point threateningly at them, promising death should they step out of line.

Their leader steps forth, eying the strangers before him with stern eyes. "What business does an Elf, a Man and a Dwarf have in the Riddermark? Speak quickly!" he orders.

"Give me your name, horse-master, and I shall give you mine." Gimli retorts gruffly.

The man steps from his horse, looming over the dwarf threateningly. "I would cut off your head, Dwarf... if it stood but a little higher from the ground." he says lowly.

Faster than lightning, Legolas draws his bow, pointing it at the man before them. "You would die before your stroke fell." he tells him resolutely, causing the spears to shift in his direction.

Aragorn steps in between them quickly, holding Legolas' arm to keep him from acting rashly. He and Gimli have grown quite fond of each other over the time, forming a friendship that has not been heard of for many a generation.

"I am Aragorn, son of Arathorn. This is Gimli, son of Gloin, and Legolas of the Woodland Realm. We are friends of Rohan and of Theoden, your king." Aragorn explains hastily before things get out of hand.

The man eyes him for a moment before slowly taking off his helmet. "Theoden no longer recognizes friend from foe. Not even his own kin." he tells Aragorn meaningfully, motioning for his men to lower their spears.

"Saruman has poisoned the mind of the king... and claimed lordship over these lands. My company are those loyal to Rohan. And for that, we are banished. The White Wizard is cunning. He walks here and there, they say... as an old man hooded and cloaked. And everywhere, his spies slip past our nets." he tells them the tragic tale before eying them suspiciously.

"Éomer." a voice calls from within his ranks, but it is not from one of his men. He looks back to see Ithilae gazing at him over the shoulder of one of his men. The three warriors startle to see her, Legolas taking a step forward hesitantly.

"These men, they are not your enemy. They are my friends and yours should you let them." she defends them, before trying to dismount the tall horse she is sat upon.

She is feeling much better now that she had some rest, but she is still struggling quite a bit to her dismay. Before she can risk a fall, Legolas is at her side, wrapping one arm around her waist and pulling her from the horse gently.

"Ithilae..." he breathes in relief. "We were worried for you." he admits readily.

She steadies herself before stepping back, not quite comfortable with being so close to the other Elf. "I'm fine Legolas." she states as Éomer watches the scene, satisfied to know that they are familiar to the elleth.

"Your sword." Aragorn states, stepping forth and holding out her fallen weapon for her to take. She nods in appreciation, unconcerned by the gazes of the men around her that are surprised she is a warrior like them.

"Where are the hobbits lass, were they not with you?" Gimli questions anxiously.

The elleth frowns. "They were, but... I lost track of them I'm afraid. I-... I was not in the best of health." she admits shamefully. She turns her eyes to Éomer. "Did you happen to come across any hobbits where you found me?" she questions.

"They would be small. Only children to your eyes." Aragorn cuts in.

Éomer shakes his head. "When we slaughtered the Uruks, we did not have eye for much else. We left none alive. We piled the carcasses and burned them. We only found your friend by coincidence." he tells Aragorn, motioning towards a cloud of smoke in the distance that surely comes from the still smoldering remains.

"Dead?" Gimli wonders in disbelief.

Legolas casts his eyes downwards in mourning.

Éomer nods with a sigh. "I am sorry." he tells them earnestly. He looks back before whistling. "Hasufel! Arod!" Two horses step forth, no rider upon them for they have perished the night before.

"May these horses bear you to better fortune than their former masters." he says, gifting them to the weary warriors. Arod immediately nudges Legolas, who lays a hand upon the friendly beast.

He then turns to Ithilae. "I trust I can leave you in their care from here on my lady." he says, having her nod in reply. "Perhaps we meet again in the future, under better circumstances I hope."

"I thank you for your aid, Éomer Horsemaster. I hope you find a place that welcomes you." she tells him, watching him mount his horse.

"So do I. Farewell. Look for your friends. But do not trust to hope. It has forsaken these lands." he tells them, before they turn away from them, riding off North and leaving the four of them.

Ithilae sighs in dismay, only glancing up to take the bow and quiver from Legolas, who has kept them on him, like Aragorn has done with her sword. "Do not fret. There is no strong evidence that they are gone yet." he assures her, referring to Merry and Pippin.

"I suppose." she breathes before glancing around. Her heart falls when she finds no Boromir close, nor Frodo or Sam.

"Boromir, he...." she starts hesitantly.

Aragorn puts a hand on her shoulder. "He was overcome by his injuries." he tells her, pain in his eyes.

She guessed as much, but it's painful to hear either way. "And Frodo and Sam?" she questions.

"They left us lass. They are now journeying on their own towards the dread of Mordor." Gimli explains, frowning with worry.

Ithilae stares into nothingness for a moment. Taking in these developments. She is saddened, for she did not get to say goodbye. Those hobbits wormed their way into her heart somehow, and not knowing how there are faring, worries her. She would have gone with them. How will they find their way on their own?

"Come Ithilae. Let us focus on searching for Merry and Pippin for now." Aragorn urges gently, knowing she is having a hard time processing all that has happened. Not to mention that she is still not all well, judging from the large bruise on the side of her head.

He guides her towards the brown horse, letting her climb on after him to spare her some dignity, knowing a little of how she is and that is not being keen on showing weakness and having to be treated as such.

Legolas and Gimli mount Arod and the four of them quickly ride off towards the smoke rising to the clear morning sky.

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