Part 5

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Ithilae stands beside Randir, repairing his saddle. He quietly watches her, only from time to time trying to nip at her fingers for attention until she playfully warned him of sowing his lips to the leather as she was stitching it to fit the buckle. That got him to stop quite effectively. She almost felt sorry for the horse, but she needs to finish this work.

While she was busy, she was joined in the stables by Legolas, the Prince of Mirkwood so she learned. He greeted her pleasantly enough, but kept his distance otherwise, occupying himself with his horse, but she could see the questions in his eyes.

The silence was only broken when also Boromir arrived at the stables after seeing his men, who joined him to Imladris, off.

It took him a moment, but finally he just spits out the question that was on his mind, and perhaps others as well; "Are you per Elf-witch?" he questions as he tries to appear more occupied with petting his horse than interested in hearing the answer to his question.

Ithilae raises a brow indignantly. "No. You have some nerve asking me such a question." she huffs.

"You can't blame me for asking my lady. After the feat you pulled... So what are you then?" he continues to ask.

Ithilae is in no mood to tell him, a stranger, anything about her. "What does it matter what I am? I'm your ally. Is that not enough for you?" she asks in return, rather annoyed.

Boromir frowns slightly, facing her now. Legolas glances over the back of his horse worriedly. Wondering if he should step in at some point.

"I'm sorry if my questions bother you, but if we are to travel together, how can any of us put trust in you if you are keeping secrets about yourself." Boromir states, not unreasonably, but he is pushing it what her privacy concerns.

Ithilae interrupts her work for a moment to look at the man pointedly. "Your mind could not even begin to grasp at my secrets." she tells him.

"So you do have them?" he nods at her.

"Of course I have. But that doesn't mean I'm willing to share them with you. Now will you cease trying to lay them bare? It's pointless." she tells him, her patience growing very thin.

Seeing her knuckles turning white as she fists the hand not resting on the saddle, Boromir frowns, clenching his jaw. "Suit yourself. Good day." he greets rather coldly before stalking out of the stables.

After a moment, Ithilae is about to return to her work, her face slightly red still in anger, when she catches the Elf Prince still staring at her. She narrows her eyes on him, daring him to start, but he only looks away unconcerned.

"Aragorn seems to trust you. For now, that is good enough for me." he tells her, not glancing up at her.

She nods silently in gratitude even though he cannot see it; happy that he will not be pestering her for answers.

Finishing her work, she places it on Randir's back. "Gwaem." (Let's go.) she tells the beast, leading it out of the stables, making Legolas look up at her in question.

"You are leaving unarmed?" he asks.

Ithilae glances back at him for a mere moment. "I'm never unarmed." she states before mounting her steed and darting off. Legolas steps out of the stables to watch her speed off like the wind.

"She is a curious character." he states as Aragorn appears beside him, following his gaze.

"Indeed." he nods in agreement.

"I suppose you could not give me a hint on her story? She does not like to be asked apparently." Legolas says, turning to his friend while remembering the near fallout she had with Boromir.

Aragorn shakes his head slowly. "It is not my story to tell. But believe me when I tell you that she has much to gain by the destruction of the Ring and the defeat of Sauron. I'm glad to have her join us. Her aid will prove indispensable."

Legolas mulls it over. "I trust your judgement of course, but she holds much anger." he notes.

Aragorn chuckles bitterly. "Well, she doesn't have much to be happy about." he states before changing the subject, much to the curious elf's dismay. "Will you join us at the table my friend?" he asks.

Legolas nods, smiling. "Of course."


Gandalf finds himself very much amused. Because over the past few days, despite Ithilae's efforts in trying to avoid all kinds of socialization, she often seems to find herself the main interest of the Small Folk.

The hobbits seem to gravitate towards her for some reason. It started with Frodo, who has, for reasons unknown to him, made it his personal mission to befriend the elleth.

Observing his efforts, Pippin started to try and lure her out of her shell, quickly followed by Merry after he threw away his reservations. Lastly, Sam felt he could not be left behind and although a little wary of the woman, he starts to see something in her as well.

She doesn't chase them away, but neither does she encourage them to provide her with company. Whatever it is that attracts them to her, it is amusing to see four Hobbits following after the straight-faced elleth.

Something tells the wizard that they will continue to hold a connection, even after many years to pass, should they all make it through what is to come.

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