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Today Mom made me promise to take the throne, I had no choice but to accept. And last night I heard her talk in her sleep. She mentioned the name Scott a few times, and a mistake she'd made. And I don't understand! Who's Scott? What mistake? Anyway, I went to the surface to see the full moon, (about 100 yards offshore) and I saw a man sitting on the dock staring into the water. He was crying, I saw drops fall. I've heard about humans, but have they heard about us? He seemed so sad. I wanted to help him, but HOW?? Without him finding out about our kind? I love the water, but I love the surface too, it's almost as if I belong up there just as much as I belong in the water, even though I can't go up during the day because humans go swimming, and it's no fun in the winter because the air up there is FREEZING. But I don't think I will ever go up again. I can't take it when living things are sad! It makes ME sad! I wanted to help SO, SO much, but he probably has his own daughter. My tail started shivering (it does that when I'm sad, no matter WHAT the air feels like) so I went underwater to escape. Sammy, knew how I felt. She always does.   -Aryella

The Tail of Audrey and AryellaWhere stories live. Discover now