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Dear diary,

It's like 3:00 in the morning and I'm being taken away by this super cute guy and this girl giving me this glare like I'm going to steal her boyfriend of something, I would never do that intentionally, even if he is super cute. Right now we're scanning the rows of cells looking for Audrey, I hope she's alright. I don't know what I would do without her now that I know she exists. But what if she's not alright? What if she's hurt? What if we can't find her? I can't think of the what ifs now, I can't do anything but keep looking for her, I already got the help of some sea friends to help with the search using my talent, all the guards are on break right now, then I found her cell! She looked so stressed, there were bags under her eyes like she hasn't slept for days, but I know that she's been sleeping a lot lately, I called over to the others and they broke the lock causing water to rush in, I was expecting her tail to form but it didn't, it didn't form at all. Oh no! The shots got to her! And she was officially a human. This cannot be happening! Wait is she breathing? What are Mom and Dad going to think about this?

The Tail of Audrey and AryellaWhere stories live. Discover now