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        So many weird things happened today I don't know where to START! I guess I better start at the beginning, if there is a beginning to start at but I'll try to sum it up.

It all started when went to this enormous whale jail (that's not bad) that everyone calls the "whale" (I don't know why, I guess it sounds good). I couldn't believe that we had to go into it! Of course, I should have trusted my instincts because while we were rescuing Kyle and Mary's parents. I don't know what we did wrong! Wait! I do know what we did wrong! We just swam in place while they answered a TON of questions Audrey just HAD to ask. I admit I wanted them to answer the questions as much as Audrey did, but I wish we swam while we questioned them. This is basically what happened...

Audrey: (Stopped swimming and sighs deep enough it made me think she was going to trail off into sleep right there)

Mary: What are you doing?

Audrey: I have some questions.

Mary: We don't have time for questions! We'll answer them when we're off the "whale".

Audrey: (Crosses arms and pops Mary's air bubble)

Kyle: What are you doing!

Mary: (Glared at him)

Audrey: *sigh (recreates air bubble)

Mary: *gasp! What are your questions?

Audrey: What are your names?

Kyle: I'm Kyle, and this is...

Mary: I can introduce myself! Thank you! I'm Mary.

Audrey: How old are you?

Kyle and Mary: 15!

Audrey: Who do you work for?

Kyle: (glances at Mary) um... we don't work for anyone, we just, want to free our parents.

I can't explain it any better than that. -Aryella

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