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@LittleMix: @sam_craske , thank you for the wonderful day. XxJadexX




                                                             Sam left after eating lunch with me. He made sure I wasn't hurting anymore, gave me a quick kiss, and left for dance rehearsals. I wasn't the only one who had to change. He wasn't Sam Stone anymore. He was Sam Craske and I should say that I think that name sounds better. Plus, he quit teaching and entered this dance group called Diversity. He's even admitted in interviews that I'm the cutest one in Little Mix. We had traded numbers this morning while he accompanied me as I bathed alone, wishing he was in here like Harry was the night I was attacked. That night has never been forgotten because I could have possibly died. The next few days after, though, I wouldn't have cared. I wanted to die, I still do. But Sam brings a new light into my life. I sat on the couch after fixing a few biscuits and clicked on Netflix. The girls usually come over on Sundays to watch movies with me, but they're all out. Perrie with Zayn, Leigh with her sister and Sam, and Jesy was with Union J. I was completely alone. But I didn't completely mind it. I folded my legs beneath me and clicked on a horror flick. I was in the mood to be scared. As the entrance rolled in and the familiar ringing of a phone sounded, I got bored. I have watched Scream a million times with Harry. It was his favorite. "Hello?" the girl spoke into the phone. Ew, blondes. I hate how everybody uses blondes as their main characters. That's why I enjoy the Hunger Games. Katniss is a brunette. And Peeta is just fine. 

I turned the movie down when my own phone rang, showing Sam's icon. We had taken a few pictures last night before we attacked each other. We looked so wasted. I slid the bar and pressed the device to my ear. "Hey, babe," I cooed, hearing him chuckle. "Hello, lovey. Guess what." I hummed in response, watching as the scared expression on the girl's face deepened. Oh the intensity. "Practice was cancelled. Perri and Jordan are sick." I made a mental note of the names just in case they came up anymore in conversations. "Aw, I hope they feel better." He laughed, mumbling a 'me too'. The line was silent and I even jumped at the sudden screaming coming from my television. "Want to meet me at the cafe down the street? My treat." I heard a couple of masculine 'aww's on his side, causing a giggle to escape past my lips. "I don't mind, but I can pay for my own tea, sweetie." He snorted and I rolled my eyes. "I'm paying whether you like it or not," he jokingly snapped at me, my bottom lip poking out in response. "Fine, but I'll get it next time." It was silent until he spoke up, "We'll see." And then he hung up. I felt butterflies flutter around in my stomach as I turned off the telly and ran to my room. I'd rather not wear sweatpants on my date. I took the turn into my room and bolted towards my drawers, slinging items of clothing left and right. Nothing was satisfying until I found a long shirt and my black, lace undergarment. 

I pulled off my tank top and sweatpants, replacing them with the long black and white checkered dress shirt and the lace shorts. I then put on some black combat boots to match. I styled my hair natural, just brushing out a few curls until it looked presentable. I put on a bit of eyeliner, nude eyeshadow, and pale pink lip gloss. Then I was done. Sam was making me happy. I could definitely tell that he had changed so much over the years. I couldn't even believe it. But I just shrugged the thought off and ran out of my room and towards the door, grabbing my keys from the counter. I held my phone tightly in one hand and the keys in the other as I jogged down the front steps. A few fans were walking the street and ran over to me. I was used to seeing girls and boys in front of my house. Some fans are just so dedicated. "Are you going to see Harry, Jade?" one girl asked me with a hopeful look. I dropped my gaze to the CD she wanted me to sign, it being a mix tape with Harry and I's ship name on it. "Sorry, love. No, Harry and I had a falling out. He, uh, he broke up with me." She frowned, flinging her arms around me. I burried my face in her strawberry scented hair as we hugged, tears once again filling my eyes. "He doesn't deserve you. You're too good for him," she whispered in my ear before handing me the disk. "But keep this. I think it will help." 

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