Chapter 1

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Third person's pov:

Naruto was strolling around the village. He didn't quite know what to do since the rest of his team didn't have time to go on missions or to do a bit of practice with him. Sakura was busy helping Tsunade, Kakashi was on a mission himself and Sai... well, he wasn't quite sure what he was up to but he wasn't in the village either.

He was bored out of his mind and the fact that he was still a genin freaked him out even more. Everyone of his peers were already chunins or even jonins! He was devastated. The only thing that he could do to distract himself from that fact was to go on a mission or hang out with friends and do a bit of sparring. Something like that but everyone was too busy with their own stuff.

Naruto's p.o.v:

<<Hey, Naruto! What are you up to?>> I looked in the direction the voice came from and saw a familiar, little ninja standing in front of two other ones. The one on the front was Konohamaru, the two behind him were his friends and teammates Udon and Moegi. They all greeted me by waving so I waved back immediately. I liked them even though I don't show it often and right now they were a welcoming distraction. <<Hey, Konohamaru, Moegi and Udon! I'm not doing anything at the moment, I'm currently taking a little break from my missions.>> That was a solid lie but I'd never admit that no one has time for me. Especially not to Konohamaru. He's looking up to me and I don't want to ruin the way he sees me. <<Oh, that's great Naruto! We were looking for someone to go on that mission with us. Our team leader is currently not available and Tsunade told us we're not allowed to go alone unless some older ninja tags along! Do you want to come with us?>>

Shit, I'd love to go with them, even thinking about going on a mission makes my skin tickle, but I just told them that I'm currently taking a break from going on missions. How do I agree without sounding desperate? <<Didn't you listen to me? I just told you that I'm taking a break>> I paused a few seconds as if I was thinking. Then I sighed <<Oh, well. I can't really say no if you ask me so eagerly. Okay, I'll tag along... What's the mission about?>> Yes! I sounded so convincing and not desperate at all! I should consider an acting career!

<<Really? Thanks Naruto! It's about helping to repair some buildings in Sunagakure since they got attacked a few days ago and some of the houses got destroyed.>> It's in Suna! Even though I love Konoha, I'm always happy to see another part of the world. Besides, it's a mission that has a good influence on the relation between our village and Suna. That's very important! <<Alright, let's go and tell grandma Tsunade about going on a mission together!>> All three of them happily agreed so we made our way to the hokage's office.

When we finally arrived, we were greeted by a rather happy Tsunade. It was usually really rare to see her happy but I guess it happens sometimes. <<Hey, grandma Tsunade! We'll be going for a mission if that's okay with you? Konohamaru told me that they needed an older ninja to go with them so I agreed and here I am!>> Tsunade looked at me and nodded slowly. <<Well, it's not like it'll be a very hard mission. There'll be enough qualified ninjas in Sunagakure to protect you while you're there. The only reason I didn't want you to go alone was because of the way to Suna and back to Konoha. But as long as Naruto is with you I'll allow it>> The three of them were happy to be going on a mission soon and so was I. <<Sweet, thanks grandma Tsunade! We'll be going now!>>
<<Take care. All of you!>>
<<O-of course!>> we all chanted in unison and left the hokages office soon after.

It wasn't that late yet, probably around 3pm, so I decided that we'd set off today. I told the little brats to pack the things they'll need for the mission and to come to the gate of the village after they'd done so.

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