Chapter 10

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Naruto's p.o.v

As we were walking I felt calm and at ease. Somehow Gaara always had this effect on me. I feel like nothing could happen to me as long as he's at my side. He's a super strong and experienced ninja and somehow I've got the feeling that he'll protect me if someone would attack.

We were walking in silence but it wasn't an uncomfortable one. The sun was setting and colored everything in a beautiful orange. My favorite color! I looked around in awe at the beautiful and peaceful sight.

Somehow Gaara seemed to notice that and began to break the silence. <<The town looks beautiful at this time, eh?>> I looked up to him and flashed my usual smile at him. <<Yeah, it's mesmerizing!>> When did Gaara even get this tall? Well, when I think about it, I guess he's always been taller than me since I was rather small as a kid, but I've grown a lot since then!

The fact that he's taller than me made me even more feel like a genin. Suddenly I became a little depressed and angry at myself for still being a genin at this stage of my life. Who would've thought that I'd still be a genin at the age of 16?! That's just pathetic! Well, I can't really change this fact right now... I just hope that Gaara doesn't think that I'm weak.

<<Heh, yeah. That's my favorite time of the day. Just everything is so calm and pretty...>> His calm voice soothed my racing thoughts a bit, letting me calm down again. I let out a small sigh while walking beside Gaara. I once again looked around to take the whole scenery in. Then ,all of a sudden, I felt the ground under my feet slip away. <<AAAH!>> I still haven't gotten used to the sandy ground of Suna. As I wasn't paying attention to the ground I slipped, landing face-first.

<<Owww...>> I rubbed my nose which was now bleeding from the hard impact. <<Oi, Naruto? Are you okay?>> Gaara appeared in front of me, making me feel embarrassed immediately. What is he gonna think of me? <<Uhh.. I guess..>> As I looked up I saw his hand stretched out to me. <<Here, I'll help you up.>> I grabbed his stretched out hand and let him help me up. Once I was standing a blush started to form on my face. I probably look so stupid right now..

<<T-Thanks...>> <<No problem, but are you really alright? Your nose is bleeding pretty much.>> He saw down to me with a concerned expression, making my heart jump at the thought of him worrying about me. Unfortunately, this only made my face become even redder. <<O-Oh, yeah! N-No problem! It's just a bleeding nose. It's gonna stop bleeding soon.>> Though I have to admit that it's really bleeding a lot. Blood is already dripping through the one hand that's holding my nose.

Suddenly, Gaara grabbed my shoulders with both of his hands, making me flinch. <<Let me see. Take your hand away.>> I didn't quite know what to do in this situation so I just did as he told me. As I took my hand away, blood gushed to the floor.

<<Hmm, this doesn't look good... I think we should get this treated. It could be broken>> He looked concerned while inspecting my bleeding nose. <<Ah, don't worry! I'm a jinjuriki just like you so you have to know how fast we heal, right?>> He seemed to think about what I just said. <<Hmmm, yeah you're right, but still->> I interrupted him quickly before he could say more. <<I'll be fine. I just need something to wash the blood off with. See? I think it stopped bleeding already!>>

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