Chapter 4

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A/N: In this fanfic Gaara's still Jonin, not Kazekage!

Gaara's p.o.v:

I was walking around the village to look if everything was okay and safe. The Kazekage put me and my friends, Temari and Kakuro, in charge of keeping the village safe. Basically, I just had to walk around and see if everything was okay and peaceful. Normally, nothing happened on those control walks anyways but today was different. Kankuro, Temari and I split up into different directions to get this over with faster. As I was walking down the streets I didn't expect to find three genins from Konoha running around excitedly. Right as I wanted to ask them about their permission of being here, a familiar ninja from Konoha ran up to them. He changed a bit since I last saw him but I was sure that is was him. Naruto Uzumaki! What was he doing here in Suna?! It looks like he was trying to catch them but before he could even reach them he tripped and let out a surprised scream. As soon as he hit the ground he disappeared into white smoke.

It took me a while to realize what just happened, then I remembered that his special ability were shadow clones. I snickered. He still was the good, old Naruto from three years ago. Still as silly, clumsy and clueless as always. I know these were supposed to be bad traits but I kinda like this about him. It just makes him special in a cute way. As soon as I realized that I was drifting off I shook my head and collected my thoughts. I had to focus on the three hidden leaf genins in front of me. <<Hey, you! Konoha ninjas!>>

They turned around, looking confused because they didn't know my voice. <<Yeah?>> the tallest of them went forward and looked me straight into the eyes. <<What are you doing here? Are you allowed to be in this village?>> The genin in front of me grinned. <<We're the ninjas that came to help you with the reconstructions of the buildings since you got attacked!>> <<Yeah? Can you prove this?>> If this little brat thinks that I'm gonna believe him without any proof he's wrong. <<U-uhm.. prove?>> He was clearly thinking what to say next. Then he snapped all of a sudden <<Prove!? You know what?! You should be happy that we went this super long and exhausting way to your village just to help you weak guys reconstructing some houses! Why do you even need help with such a simple task?! Are you really that weak and incapable->> He couldn't finish his sentence because someone suddenly tackled him from behind and pressed him to the ground.

<<AAH! Let go!!>> The little brat struggled to free himself but the ninja above him pressed him to the ground with such force that he couldn't even move. <<Konohamaru, be quiet! You little brats only get me in trouble! Think before you speak! You can't just walk up to a ninja and scream at them like that! We're in their village, don't be so disrespectful! And don't you ever run away like that again, understood? I'm so mad right now, I was worried to death!>> As he was done scolding the young ninja, he looked up. Judging from his facial expression he didn't know it was me until now. His eyes went wide and his mouth was slightly open. A few moments later he snapped out of whatever trance he was in and stood up. <<Oh, hey Gaara! Long time no see!>> he greeted me friendly. <<Yeah, it's been a while.>> The moment I said this I knew that I was too cold with him. I didn't quite know how to act around him. Great, now he probably hates me.

<<Uh.. yeah. Konohamaru! Stand up and apologize to Gaara! You were very rude and disrespectful.>> The little brat did as ordered and apologized to me. <<I-I'm sorry! I shouldn't have done that..>> He looked to the ground and his voice sounded ashamed. I suddenly felt sorry for the kid and ruffled his brown, fluffy hair. <<It's okay, just don't do this ever again.>> <<A-Alright!>> Naruto looked satisfied and patted the kid on the back. <<Alright guys! Moegi, Udon? We're going now, we have to go to the Kazekage's office and announce our arrival.>> He then looked at me. <<Later, Gaara!>> <<Wait! I can take you there if you want.>> I didn't know why I said that just now. I just blurted it out before thinking about it. <<Oh, yeah! That'd be nice! Thanks, Gaara!>> He flashed me a sweet, heartwarming smile <<N-No problem!>> Why did I stutter all of a sudden?  Why is my heart beating like crazy?? Come on, Gaara! Keep it together!

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