Chapter 11

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Naruto's p.o.v

<<A-Alright... If you say so.. Wait, I think I've got a pack of tissues with me somewhere>> Gaara was looking through his pockets until he found what he searched for and handed it to me immediately. <<There you go.>>  <<Thanks...>> I took a tissue out of the pack and started cleaning my face with it, which turned out to be harder than I thought since I didn't have a mirror to see where all the blood was.

Gaara seemed to notice me struggling with cleaning myself up and chuckled slightly. <<Come here, let me help you.>> He came even closer to me, our faces just inches apart from one another. I could even feel his breath on my skin, making my heart jump. He took the tissue from me and started rubbing the blood off my face gently.

After some time he seemed satisfied with the result and smiled. <<Alright. Now you don't look like a bloody killer anymore.>> I laughed at him and told him to start moving again since I was still starving.

Luckily, we made it to the restaurant in less than 5 minutes. It looked nice and was visited by quite a lot of people. As we entered I immediately smelled the food, causing my mouth to water. We found a vacant booth and sat down. <<Sooo, what do you usually eat here?>> I asked curiously. <<Hmm... That's hard to say since I try to order different things everytime I go here, but their ramen is quite nice>> he chuckled, causing me to smile.

He still remembered my favorite food! Well, even though it's probably easy to remember since I really am obsessed with ramen. <<Okay, so I'm gonna order some ramen, but which one... hmm...>> I took a look at the menu. There were a few different ones. Not as much as at Ichiraku's but still I couldn't decide.

<<Hello, do you two already know what you want to order?>> A friendly waitress stood at our table and was smiling at us. <<Yes, I'd like to get the Don Katsu, please>> Gaara told the waitress politely. She scribbled something in her little notepad and then turned to me. <<I'd like to order the beef ramen.>>
<<Alright, thank you! I'll be back with your order soon!>> Then she went off, leaving us two alone again.

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