Chapter 9

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Gaara's p.o.v

Eventually I fell asleep some time ago, not noticing Naruto exiting my bedroom. I woke up at a gentle voice calling my name and noticed a hand that was shaking my body carefully. <<Oi, Gaara?.... Gaara, wake up.>> I tried to open my eyes but I only managed to do so slightly.

At first I couldn't make out who was calling me, but after a few seconds I recognized the familiar boy with spiky, golden hair. <<Mnn.. What is it Naruto?...>>, I mumbled while opening my eyes a bit more. Naruto looked at me with an apologizing expression. <<I'm sorry that I have to wake you up but I really need to use the bathroom just now and take a quick shower.>> I smiled at him slightly, causing his worried expression to slowly fade away.

<<Don't worry. I don't mind you waking me up. Do you need a towel or something?>>, I asked him while slowly standing up. <<U-uh... yeah. I kinda forgot mine at home...>> He looked uncomfortable like he didn't want to cause any trouble for me. <<Hey, it's no problem, alright? You're not causing any trouble if you think that. Just follow me.>>

I made my way to the bathroom with Naruto following me in silence. While I opened a drawer to grab a towel for him, I asked <<Hey, are you hungry? What about we go and grab something to eat later?>> Naruto's expression went from uncomfortable to happy in a matter of seconds. I chuckled slightly at the cute sight.

<<Yeah, good idea! Let's do that! I'm starving!>> <<Alright, we'll go after you finished showering, then.>> I gave him the towel I held in my hand causing him to smile. <<Okay, I'll be ready in 10>> With this words he closed the bathroom door, locking it behind him.

As I was waiting for him to finish I was thinking about him. He's the reason that I'm not alone anymore. He opened my eyes as we were kids and I was still grateful for that. I don't know if I would've made it without him. Now I have friends all over Suna and I'm happier than I've ever been. Heck, I even have the luck to live with him in the same apartment. I knew it's only gonna be like that for a couple of days but I want to make the best out of it.

I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard the bathroom door open. When I looked up I saw a slightly wet Naruto standing a view feet away from me, the towel wrapped around his waist. He smiled slightly as he saw I was looking at him and then disappeared into my bedroom where he had all of his stuff.

After he exited the room he was fully clothed, wearing a white T-shirt with a black yin and yang symbol and a pair of black jeans. While I checked out his outfit I remembered that I've never seen him wear anything different than his usual orange-black training suit. Somehow this plain outfit suited him though. <<Let's go!>> he exclaimed walking out of the door.

I followed him as soon as I stood up, walking fast to catch up with him again. <<Oi, why are you walking so fast? Slow down a bit.>> Naruto turned around with a smile on his face. <<Hehe, sorry! I'm just so hungry that I can't wait to eat anymore!>> I let out a low chuckle. <<Do you even know where all the restaurants are located here in Suna?>>

He suddenly stopped in his tracks. <<Oh, right... hehe, I guess I don't.>> I grinned at his cute embarrassed expression. <<Hahaha, sometimes you're really funny! Let me  guide you to my favorite one, alright?>> His expression suddenly turned happy again while agreeing with my plan. After that I walked beside him, taking him to the best restaurant in town.

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