Chapter 24

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Gaara's p.o.v.

I slowly woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside. I yawned while stretching myself in bed, then I realized that Naruto wasn't laying beside me anymore. Somehow, the fear of going outside my bedroom and not finding him anywhere crept up inside of me. I knew that I could trust him, but I could never be 100% sure that he wasn't gone. I slowly began to panic at this thought and made my way to the bedroom door. My heart was racing and cold sweat ran down my spine. I took a deep breath, put myself together and opened the door slowly.

I was hit with absolute silence and clenched my fists in desperation. He wasn't there. Maybe he didn't want me anymore if he didn't stay. What other reason could he have to just disappear? I looked through my whole appartment, but couldn't find a single sign of Naruto. My head was starting to spin and the world around me became blurred, as realization hit me. He wasn't there and he won't come back anytime soon. What happened yesterday was a mistake. We shouldn't have moved on so quickly. I sank down to my knees and rested my face in my hands as tears slowly began to run down my cheeks before falling to the floor. 'Naruto...'

Only then I really knew what he meant to me. What he has ALWAYS meant to me. His smile, his voice, his laugh, his manners,... Everything. I loved everything about him and now I lost it all. How could I be so stupid to think that such a perfect boy would be in love with me. Me, Gaara of the sand. The one lost in darkness. The one, who already hurted him and several of his friends. I sobbed loudly and the tears kept falling, then I screamed out <<NARUTO!!!>> in total desperation.

Naruto's p.o.v.

<<NARUTO!!!>> I heard someone scream, as I was on my way to open the door to Gaara's apartment. This voice was Gaara's, I was sure. Why did he yell my name? Did something happen while I was gone? I quickly grabbed the keys and pushed the door open. I ran inside and called out to him. <<Gaara!? Did something happen?! Are you hurt?!>> Then I heard silent sobs coming from the livingroom, followed by a quiet <<Naruto...?>> As soon as I heard this, I ran to the livingroom. There I saw Gaara on the floor, sobbing lightly while covering his face with his hands. I felt my heart break a little at the sight.

<<Hey, hey... Gaara what is wrong?>> I tried to calm him down by speaking gently and ruffling through his hair lovingly. He instantly pulled me into a hug and burried his face into my shirt. I heard him sob and started to stroke his back with my hands gently. He tried to speak but I couldn't understand him. <<Hey, Gaara... calm down, okay?  I'm here, alright? I won't let anything happen to you. Never.>> His sobs died down and he tried to speak again, this time successfully. <<Naruto, I... I woke up and noticed that you were gone, so I looked everywhere, but I couldn't find you... I thought you left me...>> His voice sounded so hurt that I felt tears welling up in my eyes. <<I'd never do something like that, Gaara! I love you, I mean it!>>

I pushed him away gently to look at his face. His eyes were red and swollen from crying and tears stained his beautiful cheeks. I slowly wiped them away with my thumbs and brought his face closer, until I our lips touched.

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