Chapter 8

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Gaara's p.o.v

As I left Naruto alone in my room I sighed. I'd love to show him the village and hang out with him but I can't let him notice that. I have to act normal around him. I can't let him see that I like him, I have to keep some distance between us two. After all he's only here to help Sunagakure out and not to hang with me. Though I really like him and I'm going crazy at the thought of him sleeping in my bed. It's gonna smell like him later. I'm looking forward to that!


Naruto's p.o.v

Aah, I'm going crazy right now! I have to be super careful not to make any noise. I made up my mind and decided on doing it here on his bed since it's the only solution I came up with. Though my heart's beating like crazy at the thought that Gaara's probably just a few feet away from me. My hand slowly made it's way into my boxers to grab my hard cock. I tried to remember the scenes of my dream and began moving my hand slowly.

I closed my eyes and saw Gaara sitting naked on my lap again. I was confused why this image made me so horny but I tried not to think about that right now. I just concentrated on the movement of my hand and the image before my eyes. I whimpered as pleasure ran through my whole body, trying hard not to moan.

Suddenly I felt the need of feeling something inside of me so I did a thing I've never done before. My other hand slipped into my boxers from behind and I started to rub my fingers around my entrance. I suddenly flinched at the sensation I was feeling. This was something I've never felt before but this feeling was amazing! I wanted to feel even more so I slowly slid a finger in. A low whimper escaped my lips at the sensation I was feeling. I slowly slid my finger in and out, creating a steady movement that was beginning to get faster. As I was aching for more I put another finger in and moaned in pleasure quietly. Soon I felt pleasure coming up rapidly, so I tried to grab one of the T-shirts I had with me and put it over my pulsating cock. I didn't want any of Gaara's things to get dirty.

After I made sure it was save to come, I moved my fingers in and out as fast as I could, suddenly hitting a sweet spot that was sending huge waves of pleasure through my body. <<Aaah! Hnnn...>> I couldn't contain the noises anymore as I hit that spot over and over again. I was covering my mouth with my other hand, trying to conceal my pleasured moans as I felt my orgasm building up. <<Hmm! Hnn! Aghh!>> Suddenly I felt every muscle of my body tensing up as I let out a huge load of semen into my T-shirt.

After a few minutes of lying in bed and breathing heavily, my breath was almost at it's normal pace again, so I decided to finally stand up, put on some clothes and went outside of the room.

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