A day in the life of Lori Parker (1)

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How can one feel like this every single day of their life? How can one single sentence change everything? How can this one single thing happen to me?

I feel trapped, In some sort of bubble, a bubble full of confusion, hate and despair, a bubble that I cannot escape from no matter how hard I try.

Everyday I wake up to see the streaks of sunshine struggling to break through the curtains. To hear the birds chirping and muffled voices on the other side of the door. To feel the warmth the blankets are giving me. But what I'm thinking of isn't as pleasant.

Unwanted thoughts and memories make their way around my mind. I can't stop them, could anyone? I try to think happy thoughts like hanging out with my friends, or soaking up a tan while at the beach. But no, they are always interrupted by the constant bad memories that I can't get rid of.

At the worst and best of times his face appears in front of me. Not literally but in my head. It just won't disappear and that beautiful but almost deadly smirk he flashes my way is a constant reminder of why I am like this now.

He practically ruined my life, he says I ruined his but that is an understatement, if he saw me now he wouldn't even give me the slightest pity or consider apologizing. All that will run through his mind is success.

I don't know what to do, but what I do know is that I can't carry on like this. To wake up every morning to this, to go through a whole day like this and going to sleep that night, knowing the next day would be exactly like this.

I put the pen down smiling, another good grade could be coming my way. It's amazing how two worlds could be so different, one could see life like an accident waiting to happen or a terrible thing that one could experience. While another person could see life as a place one should cherish and enjoy until the day they die. That's exactly as I see it.

"Lori!" My thoughts were quickly interrupted.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"It's Dinner, can you come now please." My mum said.

"Sure, be there in a bit." I left my room and made my way to the dining room, I could already smell the pizza, If I got any closer I swear my mouth would start to water.

I sat down at the table, and grabbed the biggest bit I could find and took a humongous bite. Oh my god the pizza gods have done good with this slice. As I was about to take another my mum let out the biggest gasp I have ever heard in my entire life.

"Lorraine Francis Parker, you know the rules, no eating until everyone arrives at the table, this is the third time this week I have had to tell you that." She practically yells

"Ugh mum, I told you I like to be called Lori, do you know how old fashioned Lorraine is."

"C'mon Lori it's a beautiful name, but that's beside the point, next time this happens you won't be getting any dinner at all, ok." She says.

"Fine and ok." I reply while pouting like a 3 year old.

"Good," and with that she walks back into the kitchen leaving me with all this pizza right in front of me.

I slump back into my chair, while my older brother Mason comes around the corner and lightly whacks me across the head and sits across from me.

I glare at him, "and that was for...."

He shrugs his shoulders, "no reason, just a friendly gesture towards my little sis."

"Yea of course, and here's my friendly gesture." I grab a hot chip from the bowl and throw it at his face.

But being Mason he grabs it with one hand and pops it in his mouth. "Exactly Lori this is the brother sister love I was hoping you would show for me one day." He says, his mouth dripping with sarcasm.

I just glare at him and then the rest of the family enter the room. Thalia runs into the room squealing about the adventure she and her Barbie dolls just shared. While Erin just sits down, earphone in one air and texting, well who knows and Ben is thrashing around and kicking my mum and dad while they try to set him up in the high chair.

After many unsuccessful attempts, they finally get Ben settled in the chair. "Ok, are we all here, yes, ok you may now eat." Dad said

I didn't need to hear him twice, I dug into the slice of unfinished pizza, and grabbed some more. I must admit when I'm hungry I eat like there's no tomorrow.

While I was half way through my 4th slice, my mum noticed that Erin hasn't touched any of her pizza and was still on her phone texting.

"Umm, Erin?" She said, everyone looked at her apart from Erin her eyes glued to the bright light in front of her.

"Erin!" She yelled.

"Huh." She looked up and at mum.

"Don't huh me, do you know what you're doing is in fact very rude." Mum said.

"Not really, you guys are quite boring to talk to, so I'm having a conversation with someone who is actually interesting and not, well you know."

"Uh oh" Ben said before planting his face in his hands.

Mum's eye started to twitch and her knuckles turned white. I can just imagine how she would look like if someone destroyed something expensive.

"How dare you speak to me and the rest of our family like that! Can you show the slightest respect towards us and not be such a cold hearted cow!"

Everything went silent, dead silent you could probably hear a pin drop, No one dared to move when mum was like this, not even Erin.

To most my mum would sound like an overreactive idiot, but no she just gets angry really easily.

After a few deep breaths she spoke again. "Look I'm sorry Erin that I yelled at you like that, but you're only 13 and you shouldn't be talking to us like that. You shouldn't be on your phone at the table either, so hand it over."

She didn't even talk back or put up a fight, no one wanted to increase the risk of mum having another rage again.

Once we were all finished, we left the table and I went back to my room. A couple hours passed and I decided to go to sleep considering I was tired and I had school tomorrow. I closed my eyes and began to drift away into a deep sleep, with one thing on my mind. How could one see life differently than the person standing next to them.

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