Another Misunderstanding (5)

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Hi guys so I hope you are enjoying this story and the characters to go with them. Here is the next chapter and please comment and vote I would love to hear what you think.


Frightning and terrible thoughts ran through my mind. I'm one of those people who always think worst case possible, so in this case I was panicked. The fear and worry for my friend kicked in, was she in danger or worse, dead. No, I couldn't even imagine my life without her.

"Lacey," I paused, taking a deep breath. "What is wrong with Carson?"

"She, she, she and her mum." She burst into tears, unable to contain them.

This is wear I noticed myself crying aswell.

Through deep breaths and more tears, she finally made out. "Car crash."

I couldn't believe it she was only here a day and now she may be gone, forever.

I burst into tears and joined Lacey. We just sat on the ground crying our eyes out. We didn't know what to do. What else could we do.

"La... Lacey?" I ask, through sobs.

"Yea?" She replied. While wiping the tears off her face.

"How did you find out." I ask, desperate to know. But at the same time not wanting to hear the answer.

"She texted me." She said.

"Oh." I say, still crying. But I come to my senses. "Wait what, why would she text you if she was just in a car crash.

"Well I don't know, maybe she texted me before she lost consciousness."

"This doesn't make any sense. I say.

Then all of a sudden, Carson walks into my room.

Me and Lacey both look at her and scream.

Carson, clearly a bit shocked. Jumps a bit and puts her hand against her chest. "Woah, ok what's up with the screaming."

Me and Lacey can't say anything. We just look at her wide eyed.

"Umm ok, can someone tell me what's going on here?" She asks.

"But you were in a car crash." I say.

She just looks at us and laughed. " A car crash? What made you think that, guys?"

I slowly turn my head towards Lacey and death glare her. "Lacey can you please read out the text Carson sent you."

She slowly gets her phone out of her pocket and goes into her messages.

"Hey Lacey, I was just wondering if you had a car crash, cause the battery in my mum's car ran out?" She says.

"Oh my god Lacey! Did you read the whole message?" Carson asked.

"Well umm no," Lacey says. "But I just saw car crash and kind of freaked out, thinking you were in one."

Carson rolled her eyes and smiled. "Lacey I was just wondering if you had a car charger, but there was a typo and I tried to send another text to correct it, but I ran out of credit." She said while Lacey gave her an understanding look. " I thought you would understand, but anyway I walked over to your place, and you're mum said you left the house in a panic and needed to tell Lori something."

I could just imagine Bree's reponse to that. "Wow," she would drag out a little to long. "Don't worry Lacey, next time I text you, I will make sure to double check for spelling mistakes." I smiled at the thought of it.

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