The dreaded Monday (2)

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Hey, so as you can see this is my first story on wattpad and I would like to dedicate this chapter and 2 of the new characters apperaring in this chapter to melanie_mills and biddyoxo/ becca_noble_mills for being simply amazing and my first readers in this book. So I hope you enjoy and um yeah...?


Beep Beep Beep, the dreadful sound of my alarm clock was pounding against my ears. I was hoping that I accidentally set it an hour early, so I could have more sleep but unfortunately luck was not on my side today and it was 7:00am on a Monday Morning.

I slowly made my way out of bed and looked in the mirror. Hmm do I always look this crap, wait I can answer that, yes. Figuring I was already up and if I slept in I wouldn't get a ride to school, I walked into the kitchen and made a bowl of coco pops, also known as the best cereal in the world.

As I crunched away at the chocolate goodness, I looked at my surroundings figuring there was nothing better I could do. Mason was sitting on the couch watching a rerun of Tom and Jerry, because that's what all seniors in high school do these days. Note the sarcasm. Thalia was telling dad about some amazing barbie movie she watched a couple days ago. Then there was me looking like a weirdo while studying my families actions.


The sound of a car horn startled me, I looked at the window and instantly knew who it was, and hour had passed and I was already to go, I quickly grabbed my bag, put on my shoes, and ran out the door. See, the person driving this car doesn't have much patience. So as fast as I could, I opened the car door and sat down in the passenger seat.

"Wassup Lori," Peyton said.

I rolled my eyes. "Hey Peyton, ready for school."

"Yea totally cause everyone loves school right," she said.

"Of course, who doesn't want to go through six hours of hard work and torture." I said.

Peyton smiled and laughed, "I can name a few."

Before we knew it we were at school, and Peyton found a place in the school car park to park the car in, as we made our way out of the car we could see some of our friends waiting for us at the school gate.

"Hey Lori and Peyton," Lacey squealed. "How are you guys, what did you do this weekend, oh my god Lori you're hair looks really nice today..."

"Oh my god, Lacey just shut up! We just got here and you're all up in our faces and just ugh back off a bit ok." Peyton said.

You could already see the shock and hurt in Lacey's eyes. "Oh sorry Pey, it's just I was really happy to see you guys and I don't know uh never mind." With that she walked away.

"Nice one Peyton," Bree said.

"Yeah you know she's sensitive and that was a bit harsh." I said.

"I think harsh is a bit of an understatement." Bree relpied.

Peyton paused for a sec, clearly not knowing what to say. "Well jeez I'm sorry guys it's just she was all," she made a few weird hand gestures, "like this and it was annoying me."

Bree and I just gave her a blank look.

"Ok fine, I'll go apologize, but don't hold a grudge against me." Peyton said and then walked off in the same direction Lacey went moments earlier.

"Hey, so Bree do you want to head to class now." I ask

"Seriously Lori, we still got another 10 minutes until class actually starts you realise." She says.

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