A new student? (3)

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Do you ever feel like your dreaming, and the whole world around you seems unfocused and could collapse any second. I felt like that right now.

It made no sense, how could Carson be here, only a couple days ago when we were on Skype she told me how she and her family were living it up in South Africa and not planning to come back.

But here she is right in front of me, I couldn't believe it, it made no sense how...?

"Lori?" The sound of her voice startled me, I shook my head slowly coming back to reality.

Before I said anything, I simply walked up to her and gave her the biggest hug I could manage. You couldn't blame me, it was the first time in 4 years I have seen one of my best friends in person.

"What, uh, how, huh..?" Is all I could manage.

She laughed a bit. "Long story short we weren't really enjoying it over there and I wanted to keep it a surprise from you. So here I am."

"You have no idea how much I've missed you Carson." I say.

"Yea I know, I am pretty amazing." She says.

I just smile and hug her again, I suddenly remembered my other friends were behind me. "Oh Carson have you met my friends."

She just shakes her head.

"Well over here is Bree and trust me on this she is the most sarcastic person you will ever meet."

"It's a gift." Bree says.

"Yea of course, and this is Peyton and Josh and as you can already tell they go out." I say.

"Remember Lori, they just shove their tongues down each others throats for the fun of it." Says Bree, whilst smiling.

Carson and I laugh a bit. "Like I said Carson, queen of sarcasm over here." I say. "There are a few others, but I'll show you them tomorrow. Um anyway which school are you going to and when do you start?"

"Oh this one, me and mum are looking around now and I start tomorrow, so I have to go now Lori, but I'll see you tomorrow ok." She says.

"Yea of course." I give her one more hug. "It was really good to see you again, can't wait to see you tomorrow, see ya."

The rest of us then head towards Peyton's car, ready for the trip home.

"So, she seems nice." Says Josh.

"Yea she's really cool." I say.

"Um what's that supposed to mean Josh." Peyton buts in.

Bree and I can't help to crack a smile.

"Seriously, babe I'm just saying she's nice ok, no biggy."

"Yea it better be." She snaps.

The car goes silent for a moment.

"Wow..." Bree drags on. "What a great relationship you to have."

I nudge her in the Elbow, giving her the signal not to carry on.

"Shut up, Bree." Peyton and Josh both say in unison.

I laugh a little, while Bree throws her hands in the air as if to surrender. "Gosh sorry, just saying."


The next couple of days went by quite quickly, Carson settled into school and is now quite good friends with everyone in my group. Turns out I got an A for my poem, about confusion. Thalia is still obsessed with Barbie, Erin still obsessed with her phone (which she got back) and Mason is still an idiot, so therefore everything is just fine.

Except for one thing, Lucas Brighten.

So, who is this Lucas Brighten I speak of. To many he may just seem like the new kid in Math, who sits in the back of the class. But me, I see something different in him, I don't know what makes him different but he just is. Lacey thinks he's hot and Bree thinks girls should stop drooling over guys all the time. But I don't know at this stage. I'm not some sort of mind reader with immortal like powers, though that would be pretty cool. I just see something different in him that's all.

"Hey Lori, you done with the calculator yet." I hear a guy say.

"Hmm," I give the boy a blank look.

"I said, are you done with the calculator yet."

"What calculator..." I look down in my hands and notice a calculator resting neatly inside them. "Oh um nearly, II'll be done in a second."

"Ok cool," the boy I yet don't know the name of walked away, and sat a couple desks down from where I was.

I looked at the calculator and tried to remember what equation I was typing into it. My mind went blank.

"Uh, god what is it." I mumble under my breath. As I was flipping through the pages of my math book, I accidentally knocked my pen off the desk. "Great." I say.

Just as I was about to pick it up. The pencil was already on my desk. I squint my eyes a little, thinking it was just my imagination when I hear.

"Um I think you may need this."

I look up and see him, my heart stopped.

"Oh um thanks." I barely make out.

He released a small chuckle. "Anytime, so anyway I never quite caught you're name, so you are..."

"Umm Lorraine, but everyone calls me Lori."

"Lori huh? I prefer Lorraine why shorten the name, when Lorraine is just as beautiful." He says.

The butterflies in my stomach were released.

"Oh umm thank you? I never quite thought of it that way." I say.

"Well that's just my opinion, Lori is nice as well, so I better get back to work, it was nice meeting you Lorraine." He says.

As he starts to walk off, I speak a bit louder so he can hear. "Like I said you can call me Lori."

He shrugged. " And like I said why ruin a beautiful name like Lorraine, by the way I'm Lucas.

"I know." I instantly regret saying that.

He smiles and looks a bit confused. "Uh ok?" He says before walking off.

I look at the pencil and smile a little. Did that just happen? I feel like jumping up and down, yelling yay! Like London Tipton. But that would be a bit weird as I'm in the middle of math.

"Um Lori, you done with the calculator yet?" The same boy asks.

I look down at the calculator rested in my hands. "Yeah, here you go." I pass him the calculator.

"Thanks Lori." He then walks away back to his desk.

I never even typed in the equation that lesson, but I didn't really care, I was to focused on what happened a couple minutes earlier.

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