Mixed Emotions (4)

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"So tell us ok, what's his name and what did he say." Lacey squealed, clearly full of excitement.

"Who, the guy I talked to in math today." I say.

"Well duh, who else would I be talking about, not Sam." She said.

"Sam?" I ask.

"You know Sam, the guy asking for the calculator, never mind. Just tell as again, I know he's eye candy and stuff but I never caught his name." She asked.

"Carson, Bree? Help me out here please, I feel like I'm in some of interrogation room." I say.

Bree laughs. "Sorry Lori, but I'm actually enjoying this, continue."

"Gee thanks for the help, Carson?"

"Sorry, but I'm with Bree on this, I want to know what happened." She said.

I sigh in defeat. "Ok ok, just don't expect some fairy tale story, it's not that great ok."

"Fine by me," Says Bree.

"Me two," Says Lacey.

"Me, three," Says Carson.

I just laugh and smile. "Ok well, first he picks up my pen, says that I should go Lorraine and not Lori as it is such a beautiful name and yeah that's pretty much it."

"You serious, that's all," Says Bree.

"Yeah that's it, I told you guys it wasn't that great." I say.

Just as Bree was about to say something Lacey cut her off. "Well, actually in my opinion I thought it was rather sweet."

"No surprises there," Said Bree a little to loudly, which caused Carson to laugh while I just smiled and Lacey looked a little annoyed.

"What, sorry Lacey it's just everything you say is just so cheesy and la la la la," she said in a sing song voice.

"Some people just have more creative imaginations, I guess." Lacey said in her defense.

"Some people clearly don't have great come backs in their imaginations either, right Lacey." Said Bree, smiling innocently.

Knowing this wasn't going to end so well, Carson and I turned around and started our own little conversation.

"So how you liking school here?" I ask.

"Yea it's great and I've made a lot of friends already."

"That's cool, how do you like my friends?" I ask, curious to know her response.

"Well... umm they are different but cool in their own way, I guess."

"Go on," I say.

"Peyton, don't get me wrong she' cool and stuff but she can be a bit mean towards you guys and Josh, man how does he tolerate that."

I laugh a bit. "I know, only few guys Peyton have dated could last for over a week with her. Josh and her have been going out for over 6 months now, he's just got used to it."

"Aww that's quite sweet actually," she says. "Anyway Bree and Lacey are nice even though Bree can be a bit of a smart ass sometimes." She says.

"Heard that," said Bree.

"Don't care", me and Carson say in unison.

We turned back around and joined the group while eating away at our lunch.

"So anyway," Carson asked. "Where is Peyton and Josh."

Bree laughed a bit. "I'll give you one guess."

"Uh gosh, I don't know, Library?" Carson said.

Lacey and I both looked at each other and cracked up laughing.

"Way off Carson, they are probably in the boys bathroom." Bree said.

"Doing what...... Ohhhhh." Said Carson, proving to us just how innocent she was.


"Oh my god, what the hell Mason!" I hear on the other side of my bedroom door.

"What? Just thought I would give my little sister a small present." He says.

I already knew this was going to end up bad.

"So, you're small present to me was a bucket of water thrown at my face, as soon as I walk out the bathroom." Erin says.

"Yeah, pretty much." He says

"I can already imagine, what you're gonna give everyone for christmas." She says.

I decide to walk out the door and catch a glimpse of a very rare occasion I will never see again.

Erin's shoulder length golden hair, was damp and all tangled. Her shirt and leggings were drenched and her makeup was running all down her face. Did I mention, when she started high school she completely changed her image. She's all hair, makeup and the latest trend now.

As soon as I see this I can't help but smile and laugh a bit.

Erin clearly noticed.

"Oh so you think this is funny." She says with the word anger written all over her face.

I look at her innocently. "No not at all, I would never laugh at my sister like that."

"Lori, lets face it ok, you are a terrible liar and you're gonna pay for this." She says.

"Woah woah woah," I throw my hands up in the air. "Why me, I'm not the one who threw water at you."

She glares at me. "Hm fair enough, so Mason..."

He is no where to be seen.

"Ha, typical. He's probably hiding somewhere." Says Erin.

"Mason!" I yell. "This is a warning, show you're self before Erin kills you.

No exaggeration Erin may only be 13 but she is no one to be messed with, unless asking for serious consequences.

Erin smiles at me. "Aww thanks for the compliment Lori."

"Yea ok, but don't get used to it, this is a one off." I say.

Suddenly Thalia comes running round the corner. She looks at me than at Erin clearly not understanding why she is all wet.

"Lori, Lori! Someone's at the door for you." She says.

"Oh ok um who? I ask."

"Oh um... a girl with long brown hair and really pretty blue eyes."

"Lacey." I say.

I make my way out of the hall, leaving Erin and Thalia.

Before I could make it to the front door, Lacey is already sprinting up the stairs.

"Hey Lacey." I say. But she doesn't say anything, she just grabs hold of my hand and pulls me towards my room.

As soon as we are in my room, she falls flat on the floor, looking like she just ran a marathon.

While she's trying to catch her breath. I look at her, trying to understand why she just ran into the house like that.

Once she was finally breathing normally, she quickly got up to her feet and looked me straight in the eye.

Her lips were quivering as if she were about to cry and her face was full of worry. "Lori, I've got news."

"Yea...?" I ask.

"It's not good, It's about Carson."

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