Chapter 1

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Chapter 1, 1454 words
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Mark had been sat in his room on the highest level of the west wing. He was leaning his arm against the windowsill, resting his chin on the palm of his soft hand. His father had informed him a few years ago that he was going to get married to Prince Jackson, the prince of King Wang's kingdom which was just across the lake. Jackson and Mark had never formally met, only had ever written small letters to each other. Mark slowly closed his eyes, breathing in the fresh air of the outside world, knowing that this was possibly his last day of true freedom. He was becoming a king in a few days, he was scared out of his skin. He didn't know how he was going to run a kingdom. He had studied, had his face buried in books on what the other kind before him had done. Even more so, he had studied the way his father ruled. His father had always been everything to him; his air, his sun, his world. While everyone always left Mark behind, his dad would never fail to pick the poor, red-haired boy up off the ground. After his mother passed away, things got a bit silent and distant between King Tuan and Mark. Mark was absolutely terrified that when he became king, his father and he would drift farther and farther apart more than they already have.

Mark puffed out a short breath, removing himself from the window and walking into his closet to get changed and ready to meet his future husband, Jackson. Unlike Mark, Jackson had been shaking with excitement over seeing Mark, he could not wait to marry the beautiful red-haired male.

Mark sighs profoundly, sliding off his shirt and pajama pants before sliding on black dress pants along with a tight black button-up shirt. He looks at himself in the mirror, noticing how the shirt perfectly hugged his skin, considering it was measured for him. He slides on a burgundy suit jacket before running his hands through his hair to make less messy than before. He reached for the black choker on his neck that had a small lilac crystal dangling against the middle of his throat. He grabs onto it with his pointer finger and thumb, sighing as he squeezes it lightly.

"I can do it, Mom, you and I both know that." He whispers as he stares at his reflection. Sighing once more, he makes his way down into the dining room where his father is already sitting, waiting for the Wangs to arrive. "Good morning Yugyeom." I smile at the servant who is standing quietly behind Marks chair.

"Good morning sir." He bows lightly, sending a wink Mark's way. He blushes at the boy, sitting down slowly. He leans down, pushing Mark's chair in while whispering lowly into Mark's ear. "You look stunning today Mark, I can't believe that you are being taken away from me." He stands up straight once again, smiling lightly at Mark's father.

"Yugyeom, can you do me a favor?" King Tuan smiles lightly.

"Of course sir, anything for you." He bows again, smiling.

"Can you please take my son back upstairs and iron his shirt? He has to be looking his best for Prince Jackson." The king sends a light glare to the young prince, causing the prince to avert his gaze.

"Of course sir, please follow me, Mark," Yugyeom says as he begins to walk towards the stairs that lead to the west wing, where Mark's room is.

Mark followed close behind Yugyeom, excited that this is the time they can finally be together, alone, before Jackson 'claims' what is supposed to be his. They enter Mark's room, Yugyeom closing the door before walking into his closet and grabbing the ironing board and the iron. "You need to stop wearing such wrinkled clothing or your father will end up killing you, babe." He chuckles as Mark takes off his jacket, unbuttoning his shirt swiftly.

"Oh shut up Yugyeom, it's not like I try to wear wrinkled clothes." Mark lets out a soft giggle, throwing his shirt at Yugyeom's beautiful face. Yugyeom turns on the iron, laying down the shirt neatly before pressing the iron against it.

Mark strides over to where Yugyeom stood, stepping behind him and wrapping his arms around the servant's small waist. Since Mark was a bit shorter than the other male, he just pressed soft kisses to the back of his neck as he held him as close as possible. "I'm really going to miss times like this Mark, just you and I being able to be together as we wish we could be." He mumbles, causing Mark to sigh against his neck.

"I know Gyeomie, but this is how it was going to end up, and we both know it. I'm sorry this is how it had to turn out, I wish we could be together, you and I."

"As long as I still get to be here and watch over and care for you, I'll be able to hold on." He smiles before turning off the iron and turning towards Mark, sliding the shirt on for him. Yugyeom slowly buttons up the shirt, pressing a soft kiss on Mark's cheek each time he would close one of the buttons of the now smooth black shirt. A small smile spreads across Mark's nearly perfect features, his eyes squinting a bit.

"I love you, Kim Yugyeom." Mark whisper, sliding his arms around the taller boys' neck after he finishes buttoning the shirt.

"And I love you, Mark Tuan." He smiles, resting his hands gently on the prince's waist.

"Can I have a kiss?" The prince smiles cutely, staring into Yugyeom's bright eyes.

"You always can, my prince, always," Yugyeom whispers before leaning down and pressing his lips against the other males. They continue to kiss softly until they hear a loud banging on the castle doors, causing them both to jump apart. "We should head back down Mark." Yugyeom grabs Mark's jacket, handing it to him. Mark slides it on quickly before gently grabbing the taller males slightly larger hands.

"Listen Yugyeom, no matter what happens between Jackson and I, I will always love you and you will always be my one love, okay?" He smiles softly in an attempt to make Yugyeom believe it just a bit more.

"I know Mark, I know." He smiles, pecking his lips softly before opening the door. The boys walk side by side back down to the dining room where King Wang and Prince Jackson were greeting King Tuan.

"Ah, Mark! Yugyeom! You boys are finally back, what took so long?" King Tuan asks, smiling at the two boys.

"Sorry for taking so long, Mark was being stubborn as always." Yugyeom chuckles, bowing slowly. Mark glares at him a bit, standing straight to make sure he looks presentable enough to the Wangs.

"It's alright, it's a pleasure to finally meet you, Mark." King Wang reaches over, grabbing Mark's hand a shaking it. Jackson does the same after, Yugyeom noticing him holding Mark's hand longer than he needs to. Yugyeom quickly looks away from the two princes, looking straight ahead.

"I'll go get the lunch the chefs prepared, I shall return in a few minutes," Yugyeom says, bowing before quickly leaving the room. Mark frowns when his lover leaves the room, wanting him to be here with him.

"Yugyeom is mainly Mark's personal servant and he helps him with everything so prepare to see a lot more of him." King Tuan chuckles, folding his hands on his lap as a few of the female servants walk over and pull out chairs for the other three males standing in the room. Soon after all four of the men are seated and comfortable, Yugyeom comes out with a cart filled with an array of perfectly prepared meals. He lays a meal in front of each male, making sure to smile slightly at Mark and gesture to the note that was left on his plate. Mark reached and grabs the note, reading it quickly.

If you ever begin to feel nervous my prince, just look at me and you will feel a weight lift off your shoulders. I love you, Markie.

- Your love, your Gyeomie

Mark smiles at the sweet note, folding it neatly and tucking it into his suit jacket, making a mental note to make sure to keep it. As the two kings are conversing, Jackson and Mark sit there in very uncomfortable silence, taking small and slow bites of their food. In a few minutes, a small boy with a face that resembled one of a child's came into the door.

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