Chapter 5

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Chapter 5, 1972 words

*The next morning brought to you by your lovely author being too lazy to write him showering and getting into bed*

Mark wakes up to someone knocking at his door. He sits up, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"It's unlocked." He says loud enough for them to hear, his voice raspy from just waking up. He yawns falling back onto his bed and running his hand through his hair tiredly. He had slept horribly last night and he had to wake up early to get ready for the wedding or whatever today, he wasn't even sure the time.

Yugyeom walks into the room, smiling at how cute Mark is when he wakes up. Jackson follows close behind Yugyeom, making sure nothing more goes on between the two males.

"It's time to wake up, my prince," Yugyeom says, walking over to his dresser and grabbing him a glass of water, going back to the bed and waiting for him to sit up. Mark slowly sits up, rubbing his eyes. Yugyeom giggles quietly at his cuteness, wanting to just hug and kiss the shit out of him. Mark slowly drinks the water, still tired and a bit cranky.

"We are getting married at five today and it is currently ten Mark, so I suggest you start getting ready at about three. I need to go get everything ready. Yugyeom, you better not do anything. You both know the consequences." Jackson says sternly before closing the door. Both the males let out a sigh, Mark still trying to completely wake himself up.

"You look like you need to relax Marky, I'll start you a warm bubble bath, okay?" Yugyeom smiles, taking the glass from Mark's hand and setting it on the nightstand before walking into the bathroom and turning on the water. Mark walks into the bathroom, sitting down on the toilet lid and leaning his head back.

"Thank you Gyeomie," Mark says with a raspy voice, yawning again.

"Anything for you my prince. Did you not sleep well last night? Would you like me to make you some tea? Are you feeling sick? Do you need medicine?" Yugyeom says quickly as he pours the bubbles into the bath that is now filling up.

"You worry too much Gyeomie. I'm okay, I'm not sick, I'd love some tea, I don't need medication, and I didn't sleep well last night." He stands up, taking off his clothes as Yugyeom turns off the now filled bath. Mark gets into the bath, sighing at the feeling of the warm water and soothing bubbles against his skin.

"I will always worry about you." Yugyeom runs his hands through Mark's bright red hair. Mark leans into the touch slightly, closing his eyes. "I'll make you some green tea and then I will come back up, okay?"

"Okay, thank you." Mark smiles, opening his eyes.

"You're welcome. Just relax, and if you want to go back to sleep, you can. I'll wake you up when I get back." Yugyeom lays a quick kiss on his head before leaving the room to go make him tea. Mark's eyes flutter shut once again, him falling asleep in the warm water.

Yugyeom comes back up after a few minutes with the tea kettle and a teacup up a tray. He smiles when he notices that Mark is asleep, setting the tray on the counter before walking over and running his hands through Mark's hair.

"Wake up my prince, I have your tea. It will help you wake up a bit." Yugyeom smiles. Mark's eyes open slowly, him yawning again. Yugyeom pouts some of the tea into the glass before carefully handing it to Mark. Mark takes a sip, sighing with a smile at the taste.

"How do you make tea taste so amazing?" Mark takes another sip, looking up at Yugyeom.

"I put a special ingredient, my love for you." He laughs when Mark blushes.

"Don't say such things, you romantic idiot," Mark mumbles, taking another sip. Yugyeom laughs as he walks into Mark's closet and grabs the suit he will be wearing for the 'wedding'.

"So Mark, what they decided is that today you will get married and tomorrow they will throw a ceremony for the town so you can officially be named the kings. The messengers haven't started delivering the letters so I was wondering if you wanted to deliver it to a few people before the wedding."

"Yes! That sounds great." Mark smiles, quickly finishing the tea and standing up from the bath. Yugyeom wraps a towel around him before unplugging the bath and draining it. He hands Mark his suit, leaving the bathroom so Mark can get changed. Mark slides on the black slacks along with the white button-up shirt before putting on his blazer. The blazer was all black except for the lapels that had gold leaves and vines running down it, twirling together. He slides on his shoes before walking out of the bathroom to find Yugyeom making his bed.

"Let's go out to town now, I want to see as many people as possible," Mark says as he smiles, putting on his choker with the lilac gem.

"It's eleven now so you have some time. Let's go my prince." Yugyeom smiles, opening the door as both of them exit. Jackson is stood in the center of the front room, staring at both boys.

"Where are you two going?" Jackson growls, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Out to town to invite people to tomorrow's official coronation." Mark smiles.

"You want to actually talk to the townspeople?" Jackson asks with a slight look of disgust on his face that causes Mark to frown.

"Yes, I care for them as much as they care for me. Stay here if you would like, Yugyeom and I are leaving though." Mark glares.

"Can I come with you, Mark?" Bam Bam says quietly, a small smile on his face.

"Of course! The town will love to meet a new member of the castle. Trust me, they will love you." Mark smiles widely causing Yugyeom to smile. Yugyeom knows that nothing makes Mark happier than knowing that his people are happy and safe. He tried to visit the town whenever he gets the chance but he has been so busy lately.

"I'll go too," Jackson says, grabbing Mark's hand and walking out of the castle. Mark intertwined his and Jackson's fingers, walking towards the town.

They reach the town and Mark smiles, letting go of Jackson's hand and clapping. "It feels so good to be here again." Mark smiles, walking towards a small house that has fairy lights lining the outside.

"Prince Mark!" A little girl runs over to him, pulling his blazer lightly.

"What is it, Lisa?" Mark smiles bright, Bam Bam, Yugyeom, and Jackson admiring how cute Mark is when it comes to the townsfolk. Jackson still thinks they shouldn't do this but if it makes Mark happy, he should be happy.

"I made you this!" She reaches into her bag and pulls out a flower crown made of paper that is sloppily colored pink and purple.

"Oh Lisa sweetie, it's beautiful, thank you so much." He pulls the five-year-old into a hug, allowing her to place the crown atop his head.

"You look beautiful!" Lisa giggles causing Mark's smile to grow larger.

"Thank you, Lisa." Mark looks up to see Jennie, Lisa's mom coming towards them.

"Lisa please stop running off like tha- oh prince Mark, what a pleasure to see you." Jennie smiles, bowing and grabbing Lisa's hand. "What brings you to town, it has been a while." She chuckles.

"I came to inform you all about the coronation tomorrow, do you and Lisa mind telling anyone that you see about it? It would be greatly appreciated." Mark smiles, bowing at the two girls.

"We would love to, let's go Lisa. It was amazing to see you again Mark, please take care of yourself." She smiles.

"I will, you too. Thank you for the crown, Lisa." Mark smiles at Lisa causing her to giggle. He waves as they walk away.

He looks at the house in front of him, knocking on the door gently. A little seven-year-old boy opens the door, smiling widely. "Uncle Mark!" The little boy yells causing Jackson and Bam Bam to grown very confused.

"Hey, Youngjae." Mark crouches down, pulling the little boy into a hug. "But you know better than to open the door without papa or daddy here," Mark says a bit sternly.

"Sorry, Marky." Youngjae pouts causing Mark to squeeze his cheeks together.

"Park Youngjae! What have I told you about opening the door without us there!" Jinyoung hits him on the back of his head.

"No hitting Jinnie." Mark laughs, pulling the boy into a hug. "It's so nice to see you again."

"It's been a while, been busy with stuff at the castle?" Jinyoung keeps his arms around Mark's waist tightly.

"Hey!" Jaebum yells to Jinyoung, causing the boys part while laughing.

"Yugyeom! Hey!" Jinyoung walks over to Yugyeom, pulling him into a bone-crushing hug.

"Hey, Bummie." Mark laughs, as he watches Jackson stare daggers at Jaebum.

"Who is the guy with the blonde hair?" Jaebum whispers to Mark, pulling away from the hug.

"Oh! This is Jackson Wang, my future husband." Mark reaches back and grabs Jackson's hand, pulling him to stand next to him. "We are getting married tonight and I came to tell you about coronation that is happening tomorrow."

"Congratulations on the wedding and becoming king Mark. We will make sure to tell who we can about it." Jaebum smiles, looking at Bam Bam.

"And who is that?" JB points to Kunpimook causing him to blush and look down.

"That's Kunpimook, he is a new member of the castle." Mark smiles.

"He is my servant," Jackson states in a manner to correct Mark.

"He is also mine but we plan on treating him as if he is another family member because that's what he is." Mark glares at Jackson.

"You are actually going to be the best king that has ever ruled this land." Jinyoung laughs, walking over to JB and grabbing his hand.

"Uncle! You're gonna be a king?!" Youngjae smiles brightly. "That is so amazing!" He runs over to Mark, jumping into his arms.

"I will be. And my first act as king is to demand that you treat your papa with respect and stop opening the door without his permission." Mark says causing Youngjae to pout. Jackson stares in adoration at the little boy with Mark, moving and wrapping his arms around Mark's waist.

"So who exactly are these people and why are you so close to them?" Jackson whispers to Mark as Mark sets down Youngjae back on the floor.

"The first time I came to the town when I was about nine, Jaebum was the first friend I made and we have just been good companions since then." Mark smiles at the fond memory of his and Jaebum's first encounter. "Anyways," Mark begins as he sets Youngjae back on the floor. "We have a lot of houses to visit and we don't have as much time as I wish we had so we must depart. I will visit right after I'm crowned as king, I promise." Mark grabs Jackson's hands, removing them from his waist as he bends down and presses a soft kiss to Youngjae's cheek. Youngjae lets out a soft giggle before running and standing behind Jinyoung, hugging his leg.

"Be safe Mark and I hope everything goes well," Jaebum says with a bright smile on his face, pulling Mark into a hug. Jinyoung pulls Mark in a hug after him and Jaebum pulls away from each other. Yugyeom goes over and hugs them quickly before leaving after a final goodbye. 

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