Chapter 2

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  Chapter 2, 977 words

 "Ah! Kunpimook, you are finally here." King Wang says, Mark furrows his eyebrows at the slight aggression that was laced in his voice.

"My apologies sir, the bags are here, what would you like me to do with them?" The thin boy with oddly long legs mumbles, looking down. Yugyeom and Mark share a glance at each other and the boy, Kunpimook, both sighing as they realize what times King Wang still has his thick skull in.

"Take them up to our rooms in the east wing, now." King Wang says sternly, with some aggression in his voice, causing Mark to flinch. Yugyeom nearly takes a step forward to comfort the red-haired boy but he refrains since they still have a facade to keep up, all though he wishes they didn't have to.

"Yes, Sir." Kunpimook sighs, slowly walking away with his head hanging low, his arms pressed again his sides and his hands shaking lightly. Mark quickly stands up, the chair sliding against the wooden floor causing an echo to run through the room, walking over to the boy and putting his hand on his shoulder.

"Would you like some help with the luggage? There must be quite a lot and they must weigh a ton." Mark whispers, squeezing his shoulder gently, smiling as sweetly as he possibly could muster.

"Th-that would be lovely, thank you prince, but you mustn't waste your time on something that should be done by me." Kunpimook bows, his fluffy brown hair falling into his dark brown eyes.

"Just call me Mark, please. And it is truly no worry or burden to assist you, it would be my pleasure." Mark smiles, taking Kunpimook's hand a shaking it lightly.

"Mark, please, come take a seat." King Wang says, glancing at King Tuan and wondering how he could let his son converse with a servant in such manner, how he could talk to someone of such low class as if they were a real human. It was disgusting to the close-minded King.

"I will be back after I assist Kunpimook with taking the suitcases up to the east wing. I won't be too long." Mark smiles at the king.

"No, you will come sit down, he is capable of doing it on his own." The king mutters between clenched teeth, glaring at Mark.

"Much respect King Wang, but this is my kingdom, not yours. I will assists Kunpimook and I will return when I finish, is that clear?" Mark folds his arms over his slightly puffed out chest.

"Just... return soon so you will actually be able to speak with your future husband." The king sighs, turning his stiff shoulders back to the other king, then, of course, discussing their son's marriage that would be set in a few weeks.

Mark and Kunpimook walk out to where the luggage is set in a cobalt blue and black carriage that was lined with red stitching. They each lifted two from the back, holding it tightly so it wouldn't fall. "I know an easier and quicker way to the east wing if you would like to take that, Kunpimook." Mark smiles at the slightly shorter, and much cuter boy. He had never seen someone with such a defined face. He had perfectly sculpted features that made him truly stunning. His eyes shined as if every star had been stolen from the night sky and put into his eyes, he had these plump lips that anyone in their right mind would love to kiss, he had this thin body, not an unhealthy thin but an attractive thin that made you find him even more attractive. He was just, so beautiful and Mark couldn't seem to take his eyes off of him.

"We can take a short way. It's best not to be seen by the prince and king again anyway." He smiles, the two males beginning to make their way to the back entrance of the east wing. "I truly wanted to thank you for this, prince. It was extremely kind of you. I do not remember a time that I was treated in this manner." He bows once we reach the rooms, setting the bags down on the floor.

"There is truly nothing to thank me for, why should you be doing all the hard work? People will never learn if they don't do things such as this. Right?" Mark smiles, walking back towards the carriage with Kunpimook, Mark's broad shoulders brushing Kunpimook's thin ones with each stride.

"You are absolutely right, Mark. I couldn't agree more." He giggles softly which cause a wide smile to appear on Mark's face. That was possibly one of the most angelic sounds he had ever heard come from another humans mouth. "You know, you will truly make an amazing king Mark, and I have just been acquainted with you."

"Thank you for that Kunpimook, that really means a lot. I have been so scared becoming king, it's truly frightening knowing that so many people will depend on you. It's such a burdening job that I can not seem to give up." Mark sighs, reaching for another one of the suitcases. As he is about to grasp the handle, Kunpimook gently grabs his hand, turning him towards himself.

"Trust me, Mark, you will do amazing. And I promise to stand by your side no matter what happens. I'm not only Jackson's servant, I'm yours too. And I have never felt so honored to serve someone." Kunpimook says with the soft stare on his face. He leans forward, pressing a soft kiss to the back of Mark's slightly larger hands. He straightens himself back, letting go of Mark's smooth hand and grabbing two more suitcases. Mark reached and grabs the last two, his cheeks tinted with a light shade of pink after the words that Kunpimook had spoken to him. 

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