Chapter 6

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 Chapter 6, 1318 words

 Mark was staring at himself in the mirror, smoothing down the ends of his suit jacket.

"Are you ready to go downstairs now? The priest just arrived." Yugyeom says as he walks out of Mark's closet.

Mark turns around quickly, walking over to Yugyeom and cupping his cheeks, pressing their lips together softly. Mark kisses him slowly and softly, a tear rolling down his cheek. Yugyeom wraps his arms around Mark's waist, pulling him even closer. Thank the heavens that they had locked the door since Jackson wasn't allowed in before the wedding.

"I'm so sorry for all of this Yugyeom," Mark mumbles after pulling away, resting his arms on his shoulders and leaning their foreheads against each other.

"It's okay my prince, everything will turn out well in the end," Yugyeom whispers, smiling softly as he brings his hand up to Mark's face and wipes away his tear with his thumb. "Let's get going before they get suspicious, okay? I'll be by your side the entire time." Yugyeom smiles which calms Mark just a tad bit.

"Okay, let's go," Mark says, pecking Yugyeom's lips quickly before opening the door and heading downstairs. Yugyeom follows close behind, looking down and feeling as if his heart is slowly and painfully being pulled out of his chest. Ever since he and Mark have gotten together, he had dreaded this day and wished to never have to experience it. He knew that this day was to come but he wished he could freely be with his prince.

King Tuan had been waiting at the stairs for Mark. They interlock arms causing Mark to roll his eyes a bit. Yugyeom quickly runs ahead of them and takes his place next to the Bam Bam that was sitting in the next room. Jackson stands there, staring at Yugyeom with a anger and jealousy plastered on his face.

Mark and his father walk in, Jackson sending a soft smile to them. Mark sighs, moving to stand in front of Jackson. Jackson grabs Mark's hands, laying a soft kiss on both hands while making eye contact with Yugyeom. Yugyeom turns away before shifting in his seat, Mark's dad and Jackson's parents sitting next to him and Kunpimook.

*time skip of the priest saying shit because I'm too lazy to use google atm*

"Do you, Jackson Wang, take Mark Tuan as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." Jackson smiles, still holding a tight grip on Mark's hands.

"And do you, Mark Tuan, take Jackson Wang to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I-I do." Mark glances at Yugyeom, sighing sadly. Jackson slides the ring onto Mark's finger, Mark doing the same to Jackson.

"You may now kiss the groom." The priest says as the room is filled with slow claps as Jackson and Mark kiss slowly and hesitantly. Mark pulls away as soon as he can, sending a fake smile to their parents.

"Congratulations both of you! We expect both of you to be amazing rulers of this kingdom. As of tomorrow it will be official so go ahead and go rest now, we will see you tomorrow morning." King Wang says, bowing before leaving with Jackson's parents.

Mark sighs once their parents leave the room, stepping away from Jackson.

"Stop being so distant and hesitant Mark, this is how it's going to be for a long time. You are mine and I'm yours, remember?" Jackson says while pointing to the rings on both of their fingers.

"I-I'm sorry, this is just, it's all really new to me," Mark mumbles, looking down at the floor while spinning the ring around his finger.

"I know, I know that you want to be with that," He glances at Yugyeom. "But you are with me and you need to get used to that. I know I have been a bit harsh with you but I promise I will help you get through it." He says sweetly and softly, stepping closer to me and lifting my chin with his pointer finger. "Everything will work out, trust me." Jackson sends him a small smile. Mark smiles back, pulling Jackson into a hug.

"Thank you. I know this isn't what I want and I know you know that too and thank you for being understanding. I know this is what we have to do and if that means that everyone around me is happy and safe, then I can bear this burden." Mark wraps his arms tightly around Jackson's shoulders, holding him close. Jackson snakes his arms around Mark's waist, smiling at his words.

"They are right when they say you will be an amazing king Mark. You truly are a magnificent person. These people are lucky to have you." Jackson whispers to Mark, pulling away from the hug.

"Do you think that I can just have one more night alone in my room? I just, I need time to process everything and I'd rather do it alone." Jackson nods at Mark's question causing a small smile to appear on Mark's features.

"Thank you." Mark bows quickly, laying a hesitant kiss on Jackson's cheek before leaving with Yugyeom to go back to Mark's room.

Jackson stands there smiling, reaching his hand up and gently touching where Mark kissed.

Mark and Yugyeom enter Mark's room, Yugyeom immediately going into his closet to get pajamas for Mark. Mark slowly sits down on the bed, staring straight at the wall with a blank face. Yugyeom walks out of the closet, sighing as he goes to sit next to Mark, rubbing his back soothingly.

"It's okay Mark, it'll be okay," Yugyeom whispers, pressing a chaste kiss on Mark's shoulder.

"I'm married now Yugs, I'm scared for what's to come of all of this. I know Jackson isn't that bad of a guy but, I'm just not ready for this commitment. By tomorrow, I'll be ruling this kingdom and, I'm just not ready. I don't know what to do." Mark sighs, putting his head in his hands and pulling at his hair.

"I know Mark, but you will do great, trust me. You have gone and pushed through so much already, I know you are strong enough to push through more. You are Mark freaking Tuan, you can do anything." Yugyeom says causing Mark to let out a slightly humorless laugh.

"Thanks, Gyeomie, that means a lot coming from you," Mark mumbles into his hands.

"I'll be here through it all Mark, I'm just down the hall if you need me." Yugyeom lays a kiss on Mark's head before standing up from the bed. "Shout for me if you need anything and I love you," Yugyeom says causing Mark to look up.

"I love you too." Mark smiles a bit, Yugyeom waving before leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

Mark locks his door quickly before sliding down the door, putting his head in his hands. He sobs quietly, finally letting all the tears flow out. He had wished that everything was different, that it could be the way he wished.

He felt insanely sorry for what he had been doing to Yugyeom. He made him fall for him, let him be with him, knowing that this is how it would all end up. It took him long to realize but he is truly a terrible person. Mark wished that he could just turn back time and take back all of the things he has ever done. He wanted to change so many things that lead to this point. He got Yugyeom's hopes up and he felt sorrier for that than anything else in his life.

He sometimes wishes he could take everything back. Let Yugyeom live a regular life, take back the things he has said to people, he just wished he could change himself. With that though, and the tears slowly drying on his face, he lays on the floor, letting exhaustion take over him.

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