Chapter 3

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Chapter 3, 1558 words

After the two had finished taking the suitcases to the east wing, they send the carriage to where the rest of the carriages are located and stored. As they are about to enter the castle door, Kunpimook grabs onto Mark's hand once again.

"Thank you for your kindness Mark, I sincerely appreciate everything you have done. Thank you for your respect and care." He smiles lightly, pulling open the door for Mark to enter the building. As Mark is about to walk back over to the table, Kunpimook lowly calls for him. Mark turned his head slowly. "My friends when I was younger used to call me Bam Bam if you wanted another name to call me." Bam Bam smiles before closing the door and striding over to where Yugyeom is stood.

Mark smiles widely as he takes his seat across from Jackson again, slowly eating his now cold meal.

"Sir, let me warm that up for you." Yugyeom strides over to his seat, taking the plate and walking back into the kitchen. After a minute, Yugyeom walks back out, placing the plate in front of him, another note laying atop the white dish. Mark takes the note, reading it slowly.

Kunpimook is staying in the room across from mine if you ever wanted to see either of us. I love you, my prince.

- Your love, Gyeomie

Mark smiles at the small note, folding it and putting it in the same pocket as the last. He looks down at his food, eating slowly. King Wang clears his throat causing Mark to avert his eyes up to him. Mark smiles lightly, folding his hands over his lap and staring at King Wang.

"Yes, Sir?" Mark smirks a bit, knowing that he had annoyed the King for his previous actions with Bam Bam.

"Why don't you tell Jackson and I a bit about yourself?" King Wang smiles as fake as he could, folding his hands onto the table.

"Oh well, I'm Mark, I enjoy writing, reading, studying, and spending time with Yugyeom. I also like taking walks near the lake, and walking and spending time in the gorgeous garden. I truly love nature and just being outside, sometimes I enjoy going to town and spending time with the townsfolk, I love learning their culture, things such as that." Mark says, a glint of joy shining in his eyes as he talks about the things he loves. Jackson noticed how much more calm and comfortable he had gotten when he was speaking about these things, it warmed his heart knowing this about Mark.

"So Mark, shall we take a walk in the garden together soon? It could help us get to know each other on another level. Aren't I right?" Jackson smiles sweetly at Mark, sending him a wink. Yugyeom balls his hands into fists at the wink, refraining from punching Jackson in his oddly perfect face.

"You're absolutely right, but considering we need people there with us. Yugyeom and Ba- Kunpimook should come with us." Mark sends a small smile to the two boys that were located at the other corner of the room. They both bow lightly, signaling that they accept the offer.

"O-Oh Yes, you're right." Jackson fakes a smile. In all honesty, he wanted to be all alone with the gorgeous prince.

"Shall we head out then?" Mark smiles lightly at the younger boy, pushing his chair out and making sure it doesn't scrape against the floor this time. Bam Bam and Yugyeom slowly stride over to Mark and Jackson. The three males wait impatiently for Jackson to rise so they could leave the kings to discuss their wedding, hopefully, finally setting a date.

The four males exit through the kitchen and out to the garden that is scattered with several different colored flowers and an array of colored trees. Jackson walked next to Mark while Bam Bam and Yugyeom followed close behind. Yugyeom and Bam Bam share a glance, both sighing at how tension filled the air is.

"So Mark, have you ever been with anyone before?" Jackson says softly, looking down at the floor. Mark turns and glances quickly at Yugyeom, Bam Bam noticing which causes his eyes to grow large.

"Um, no." Mark blushes, twirling his pointer fingers together as he stares down at his shoes.

*Flashback to two years ago when Mark was 16*

Mark had been pacing around his room, waiting for King Wang to arrive and discuss with his father. Luckily he didn't have to be downstairs but he was waiting for Yugyeom to bring him some water so he didn't have to exit the room for one moment.

Yugyeom returns after a moment with a tray holding a nicely crafted vase and a clear glass. He closes and locks the door behind himself as Mark likes and hands him the glass filled with water.

"Thank you Yugyeom." Mark smiles, taking the glass and chugging the water quickly. Yugyeom watches as Mark's Adam's Apple bobs up and down with each gulp of water, he moves his eyes up to Mark's lips, licking his own as he wishes he could kiss his beautiful prince just once.

"You okay Yugyeom? You seem to have dozed off." Mark giggles causing Yugyeom to blush and release himself from his trance.

"Yes Mark, I am fine thank you." Yugyeom bows, trying to cover the blush on his face.

"Hey, Yugyeom?" Mark steps closer to him, looking down sheepishly. He knew that Yugyeom had been seven years older than him, but he truly couldn't help himself.

"Y-yes?" Yugyeom stutters causing him to mentally curse at himself.

"Can I kiss you? I know that we could get in so much trouble but, I just, I really like you Yugyeom." Mark bites his lip, looking up and meeting with Yugyeom's eyes. They stare at each other for a moment before they both begin to lean in. Their lips brush together, Yugyeom reaching his hands and snaking them around Mark's waist. Mark wraps his arms around Yugyeom's neck, playing with his hair as they kiss each other slowly and softly. They both know that there is no need to rush so they take their time, cherishing the way the other feels against themselves. Yugyeom slowly pulls away for air, resting his forehead against Mark's as he pants softly. Their breaths mix together with each exhale, a smile spread across both the boy's faces.

"Let's... let's make this a thing Mark. You and I, we can be together." Yugyeom squeezes his hips gently, pecking his lips once more.

"Yeah, yes, that would be perfect Gyeomie," Mark says before pulling him back into another kiss, smiles still on their faces.

*End of flashback*

"Oh good, so I'll be your first a lot of things." Jackson winks at him causing Yugyeom to almost choke on air and Mark's cheeks to turn a bright shade of red.

"Y-yeah, I guess." Mark mumble, still twirling his fingers.

"Yugyeom, Kunpimook, will you leave us alone for a moment please?" Jackson stops walking, turning to the two boys, a smile on his face.

"Yes, sir." They say in unison, bowing quickly. Yugyeom sends Mark a little smile in hope that it calms him down a bit. Mark smiles back, mouthing a quick 'I love you' to him. Yugyeom smiles, nodding since he can't say it back. Kunpimook and Yugyeom go to a different section of the garden, waiting for the two boys to finish whatever Jackson had been planning on doing.

"Listen, Mark," Jackson grabs his hands gently, Mark looking straight up and into his eyes. "I'm so so happy that we are going to be together, I mean, we will make the perfect pair. You and I are perfect for each other but I need you to be more comfortable around me. We need to be able to act as if we are together even if it's not the wedding day yet. It will be soon so we both should start getting closer." Jackson lets go of one of Mark's hands, placing it on Mark's cheek. He runs his thumb along Mark's cheekbone causing Mark to subconsciously lean into the touch. Jackson smile, leaning forward and pressing the two boys' lips together.

Mark's eyes widen when he feels the other males lips against his. He slowly closes his eyes, wishing that this was Yugyeom instead of him. They kiss for a moment, Mark trying his hardest not to pull away and wash his mouth, no offense to Jackson. Yugyeom leans against the wall, glancing every few seconds at the boys kissing, his heart feeling as if it's being stabbed with a million shards of glass.

Jackson slowly pulls away, smiling brightly. Mark forces a smile, noticing Jackson still staring at his lips.

"Well, it's getting late so Yugyeom and I should go up to my room and get me ready for bed. I shall see you tomorrow morning Jackson." Mark smiles, laying a soft and hesitant kiss on Jackson's cheek before walking back over to Yugyeom and walking inside. Jackson smiles, placing his hand on the cheek that Mark had kissed.

"Kunpimook, please lead me to my room." He orders, Bam Bam quickly following as he walks towards the back entrance of the east wing, Jackson walking close behind with a smile still on his face.

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