Chapter 4

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Chapter 4, 1651 words

Mark and Yugyeom quickly go up to Mark's room, closing the door once they get in.

"Gyeomie, I'm so sorry that happened, I didn't plan on kissing him, I'm sorry." Mark places his hands against Yugyeom's chest, looking up at the taller male with pleading eyes. Yugyeom's eyes soften from the anger he was previously feeling, a small smile appearing on his face.

    "It's okay Mark, I know that you have to fake it, you don't need to apologize to me. I will get jealous because I mean, someone it taking my prince from me but it's okay Marky, it's okay." Yugyeom leans down, pressing a chaste kiss to the red-haired male's lips. Mark smiles, wrapping his arms around Yugyeom's waist and pulling him into a hug. Mark rests his head on Yugyeom's chest, listening to his heartbeat. Yugyeom rests his hands on Mark's back, holding him as tight as possible without hurting him.

    They stand there for a moment before they end up kissing to make up for the kiss that Mark and Jackson had shared. Mark cups Yugyeom's cheeks as Yugyeom steps back, pushing him against the door. Mark slides his hands down Yugyeom's chest, pulling away to pull off both his and Yugyeom's shirts. Once the top half of their clothing is off, Mark walks back, pushing Yugyeom down on the bed and straddling his waist. Yugyeom quickly flips them over, kissing along Mark's jaw slowly when they hear the door slam shut causing Yugyeom to pull away.

    Jackson walks over and grabs Yugyeom's shoulder, pulling him off and punching him in the face before shoving him roughly to the ground.

    "J-Jackson let me explain," Mark says as he looks worriedly towards Yugyeom, hoping with all his being that he isn't in too much pain.

    "I will tell my father about this and you will be executed! I will make sure of it." Jackson growls, scaring both boys, walking over to the door and reaching for the knob.

    "W-Wait Jackson, please," Mark says as tears well in his eyes. He walks over to Jackson, grabbing his hands and looking him in the eyes. "I beg of you, please, I'll do anything, just don't tell our parents about this. Please, I can't have Yugyeom getting hurt because of me, please." Mark sobs, looking up at Jackson with pleading eyes.

    "Fine, you get 30 more minutes with the servant before you will never be found alone with him again. I will always be there Mark, and starting after the wedding, I'm staying in your goddamn room with you and you can't say a damn thing about it." He says angrily, pushing Mark roughly to the floor. "You disgusting excuse for a human," Jackson mutters, pulling the door open and stepping out into the hallway. "I'll be back in thirty minutes." He says before slamming the door and stomping down the hallways like the drama queen he is.

    Mark stands up, running over to Yugyeom and gently grabbing his face. His nose was bleeding slightly but luckily that was it. Mark quickly runs into the bathroom, grabbing a rag and a bowl filled with warm water, running back over to Yugyeom. Mark sits down, resting Yugyeom's head on Mark's thighs. He dips the rag into the water, gently cleaning the blood from Yugyeom's face.

    "I'm so sorry Yugyeom, I should have locked the door, I'm so sorry." Mark sobs, as he finishes cleaning the blood.

    "Sh-sh, it's okay my prince, it's okay." Yugyeom sits up, pulling Mark into his lap and hugging him tightly. Mark nuzzles his nose into Yugyeom's neck as tears slowly roll down his face. Yugyeom runs his hands through Mark's hair, kissing his head. "Please Mark, stop crying. I promise that everything will be okay one day, I promise." Yugyeom says as he holds Mark even tighter, pulling him as close as possible. Mark grabs Yugyeom's face, pulling him into a slow and sorrowful kiss that would only last a few moments.

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