Chapter 7

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Chapter 7, 1497 words

*the next morning*

"Mark?" Mark hears someone from the other side of the door causing him to sit up, rubbing his eyes. "It's me, Jackson. Can I come in?"

"Yeah," Mark says with a slightly raspy voice considering he has just woken up. He stands up slowly, patting down his disheveled hair to look at least a bit presentable. He opens the door, sending Jackson a small smile.

"You are still in your suit? And you look like a mess." Jackson chuckles, stepping into the room. "a cute mess, nonetheless."

"Wow, thanks, Jackson." Mark rolls his eyes, pulling off his suit jacket and walking into the bathroom. He looks at himself in the mirror, grimacing at how terrible he looks. "I just had a rough night last night." He says as he turns on the sink water, washing his face then proceeding to run his hands through his hair a few times to make it look less like shit.

"Yeah, I can tell, did you sleep on the floor?" Jackson asks when he sees that Mark's bed is still perfectly made.

"Yeah, I did." Mark walks out of the bathroom, yawning. He lets out a small shriek when Jackson grabs him by the waist, pulling him against his chest. "Don't scare me like that, that was extremely rude." Mark hits his chest, chuckling.

"Sorry." Jackson smiles, leaning in slowly. Mark rests his hand on his neck, hesitantly pressing his lips against Jackson's. They kiss for a moment before they hear someone clear their throat from the doorway. Jackson and Mark immediately pull apart, scratching the back of their necks. "Hey, dad," Jackson mumbles, chuckling quietly.

"I see you two are getting along quite well, eh?" King Wang smiles.

"Yes, we are." Mark smiles, grabbing Jackson's hand and interlocking their fingers. Jackson smiles at Mark, lifting his hand up to his mouth and pressing a soft kiss to it.

"I'll leave you two alone, be down in about 15 minutes." King Wang says before slowly closing the door.

"You're really good at this whole pretending thing Mark, it's really great since," Jackson smiles, moving to stand in front of Mark and grabbing both of his hands. "I love you and want you to feel the same. Even if I know you are just acting and doing things for the sake of the people you love, I really appreciate you not pushing me away." Jackson smiles even wider, laying a kiss on Mark's smooth cheek.

"You're welcome. We should really be heading downstairs now, shall we?" Mark smiles a bit, keeping his eyes from looking directly into Jackson's deep brown orbs.

"Yes, we shall." Jackson smiles, interlocking their arms before walking into the main hall where their fathers were located.

"Good morning." Mark smiles, leaning close to Jackson and clinging to his arm.

"Good morning Mark, are you both ready for today?" King Tuan says, smiling at both of the princes.

"As ready as we can be," Jackson says as Mark rubs his hand on his bicep, making it seem even more believable that they have gotten closer.

"Why don't you both sit down for breakfast and then we can get you into your suits for the coronation later today." King Wang smiles as Yugyeom and Bam Bam go to pull out chairs for Jackson and Mark.

"Thank you Gyeomie," Mark says, gently brushing their hands together as he sits down. Yugyeom doesn't look at him or pay mind to his touch, pushing in Mark's chair once he sits down. Jackson glares at them as Bam Bam pushes in his chair. They quickly eat the meal served to them, few words exchanged between the four males.

Once they finish eating, Yugyeom and Bam Bam take Jackson and Mark to their rooms to get changed into their suits. Once they get into the room, Yugyeom closes and locks the door.

"So do you want to wear the black cape today or no?" Yugyeom says, not looking at Mark, with no emotion in his voice or in his eyes.

"Yes, please." Mark frowns, sitting down on the edge of his bed. "I'm sorry for having to be so touchy with Jackson."

"It's okay Mark, I understand." Yugyeom grabs the outfit that Mark is going to wear today.

"Yugyeom, come here please," Mark says. "You won't look at me, you seem distant."

"I can't Mark, I don't want to become more attached than I am. I need to distance myself from you. It's the only way that this can work." Yugyeom mumbles loud enough for Mark to hear.

"Kim Yugyeom, come over here," Mark says once more, staring at Yugyeom. Yugyeom sighs, setting the outfit down on a chair, walking over to where Mark was sitting on the bed and standing in front of him, still not looking at him. "Yugyeom-ah," Mark whispers, hooking his fingers into Yugyeom's belt loops and pulling Yugyeom in between his legs, looking up at him. "Gyeomie, look at me." Mark grabs Yugyeom's hands, holding them gently. Yugyeom looks down at Mark, sighing. Mark reaches up, gently running his fingers along Yugyeom's cheek. "There are the eyes I love," Mark says while smiling, Yugyeom smiling back.

"I'm sorry Mark, I really am." Yugyeom sighs, resting his hands on Mark's shoulders.

"It's okay." Mark smiles, resting his hands on Yugyeom's forearms. "I just- I don't want you to distance yourself from me Gyeom, I need you, I need you here for me and with me. I need you Yugyeom, I really do." Mark rubs Yugyeom's arms, squeezing them gently.

"I can't Mark, we can't, it's not right. It's just going to put us both in danger, we can't do this anymore." Yugyeom removes Mark's hands, pulling his arms away and stepping away from Mark. "I'm just your servant, and that's all, please accept that. I can't- I don't love you. I'm sorry Mark." Yugyeom goes back over to getting Mark's outfit ready. Mark frowns, his eyes glossing over with tears. He stands up, walking over to Yugyeom, grabbing his arm and turning him back towards himself. He cups Yugyeom's cheeks, pressing their lips into a loving and slow kiss. Yugyeom melts into the kiss, resting his hands on Mark's thin waist. Mark pulls away after a moment, him and Yugyeom staring at each other.

"Tell me that you didn't feel anything when I kissed you Yugyeom. Tell me that you don't love me. If you truly mean it, tell me that you don't love me. If you really mean it, if you truly don't feel the way that I feel for you anymore, I'll stop." Mark says, sliding his hands down and resting them against Yugyeom's neck.

"I-Mark, I love you. I can't change the way I feel about you and I know that it may be wrong but I can't change- I can't change how much I love you. I can't stop caring about you as much as I do. I love you Mark, and I hate myself every day for that. I'm putting both of us in so much danger and I'm so sorry but I'm so selfish and I can't let you go. I can't bring myself to do it. I love you, Mark. And no one can change that." Yugyeom says quickly, leaning down again and kissing Mark passionately, pulling him impossibly closer. They pull away for air, panting a bit while staring at each other's piercing eyes.

"I'm sorry for this Yugyeom, but I have to do it." Mark steps away from him, walking out of the room and running down to where his and Jackson's parents are. Yugyeom stands there in confusion, taking him a few seconds but it hits him.

"Mark no!" Yugyeom yells after him, but Mark had already reached the parents.

"I'm sorry, I can't keep it a secret anymore. I'm in love with Yugyeom, and I know that I shouldn't be but I am. I'm sorry for this, and I'm sorry for being such a mistake and a disappointment." Mark says quickly.

"We all know what has to be done, you do too Mark." King Tuan says, staring down at Mark with sadness in his eyes. "I'm sorry that this had to happen to you but it happens." King Tuan says as two guards grab Mark's arms roughly.

"You can kill me, I'll allow that, but promise me not to hurt Yugyeom," Mark says, not fighting against the guards.

"It's not his fault you fell for him. He will be safe, you are taking the fault." King Wang says as the guards drag Mark down to the cellar, throwing him into one of the rooms and locking him in. Jackson runs downstairs to his parents, staring at them in shock.

"Your husband is to be killed tonight, the coronation is canceled." King Tuan says, him and King Wang walking out of the room. Jackson stares in shock, not wanting this to have happened to him, Yugyeom, and Mark.

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