Chapter 11

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Chapter 11, 1688 words

Jaebum, Jinyoung, Youngjae, and Bam Bam head towards the newly wedded couple. "Congrats, my brother," Jaebum says, pulling Mark into a bear hug. Mark smiles, wrapping his arms around Jaebum and holding him tightly. "Thank you for coming, Bum," Mark whispers, pulling away from the hug and smiling at Jaebum. "We wouldn't miss it for the world," Jaebum says causing Mark to smiles brightly.

"Uncle Mark!" Youngjae yells, jumping on Mark's arm. Mark smiles, kissing the little boy's cheek. He puts his tiny hand over Mark's mouth causing Mark to frown in confusion. "It's yucky to kiss people in public." He says causing all of the boys to burst out laughing. "Sorry, you had to see that Jae," Mark says once Youngjae removes his hand.

"Oh my god!" Yugyeom yells. Causing all the boys to stare at him in surprise. "What?" Bam Bam says, chuckling a bit. "I just realized that you named him Youngjae because you took the Young from Jinyoung and the Jae from Jaebum." Yugyeom says causing all the boys to give him a 'Really?' face. "Yugyeom, I noticed that and I met them not too long ago. That was literally one of the first things I noticed." Bam Bam manages with a laugh. "I married an idiot." Mark sighs, laughing a bit as he uses his free hand to facepalm. He sets down Youngjae, laying a kiss on top of his head. "Youngjae and I will leave you boys alone. I'm so proud of both of you, Yugyeom and Mark," Jinyoung hugs them both, kissing Mark's cheek before grabbing Youngjae's hand. "Let's go get you some food baby." Jinyoung smiles down and Youngjae before leaving the room.

"Someone's husband just kissed my cheek." Mark chuckles. "Someone just kissed my husband's cheek." Yugyeom wraps his arm around Mark's waist. "That someone was my husband," Jaebum says causing the boys to laugh.

They all stop laughing when Jackson walks over to them, going to stand in front of Mark and Yugyeom. "I wanted to congratulate you guys on the wedding, I'm glad you both are happy." Jackson smiles at them. Mark sends him a sweet smile. "Thank you Jacks. This wouldn't have been able to happen if it weren't for you." Mark reaches over and grabs one of Jackson's hands into his own. "Thank you, so much, for everything. Really, thank you." Mark smiles. "If it means that you are happy Mark, I'd do anything. I'm sorry for everything that I did to you, I truly am." Jackson looks down a bit. Mark let's go of his hand, putting a hand on Jackson's cheek and laying a loving kiss on his other cheek. "It's okay Jackson." Mark smiles, Jackson immediately smiling back. "And Yugyeom," Jackson says, turning to Yugyeom. "I'm sorry for being so rude and disrespectful to you. I shouldn't look down on people of a lower class just because they don't have as much as me. I truly apologize for my words and actions, though I do not expect you to forgive me." Jackson bows. Yugyeom smiles, patting his shoulder. "It's okay, I forgive you. You gave me the chance to actually be with Mark, so all is forgiven." Yugyeom says, removing his hand from Jackson's shoulder. "Thank you for your forgiveness. I need to return to my father now, as do you Kunpimook. I'll see you when I do and again, congratulations to both of you." Jackson says before walking back into the dining room. "I have to go now but I hope to see you all again in the very near future." Bam Bam says, hugging all three of the boys before quickly going to where Jackson and King and Queen Wang were.

"Does that mean I should leave you lovebirds alone?" Jaebum winks causing Mark to hit him on the shoulder. "Don't think inappropriately, you are not a child." Mark chuckles lightly. "I am two years older than you, you should respect me. You are the child because you are only 18." Jaebum smiles, patting Mark's shoulder. "Hey! Leave me alone." Mark pouts causing Jaebum to laugh. "I'm gonna go find Jin and Jae, I'll see you too soon." Jaebum smiles, hugging the boys before leaving them alone in the ballroom.

"Finally alone." Yugyeom smiles, wrapping an arm around Mark's waist and pulling him closer. Mark smiles, wrapping his arms around Yugyeom's neck. "You're such a dork, you know that?" Mark smiles, pressing a slow and soft kiss on Yugyeom's cheek. "Yes, I do. But I'm your dork." Yugyeom says causing Mark to hit his chest. "Gross, don't say things like that." Mark smiles. They lean forward to kiss but as their lips at about to touch, a loud clap echoes through the room. Yugyeom groans while letting go of Mark. "As cute as you guys are, King Tuan would like you to come eat so that they can finish setting up in here," Jinyoung says from the doorway. Yugyeom takes Mark's hand, following Jinyoung into the dining room.

After a beautiful dinner, they lead all the guest back into the ballroom, and Yugyeom, Mark, and King Tuan stand in front of everyone near the new chairs where Mark and Yugyeom would sit to be crowned. "We are here for the crowning ceremony of my son and his beloved husband. I, and the entire kingdom, are counting on them to lead us through the joy and despair that this kingdom may face until the time comes where we crown a new king. It has been an honor for me to rule this kingdom for the time I have. We have had several tragic losses and very joyful gains, but through it all we have stuck as one kingdom. I, and everyone in this room hope that Yugyeom and Mark will hold up this kingdom as well as we think they can." King Tuan smiles at the two boys. "I would like to take time to dedicate a message to them both. Firstly, I have a note to Yugyeom. You have been such an amazing family member the entire time you have been in this castle. You have always supported my family and I. I could not wish for Mark to have fallen in love with someone better. You are truly an amazing soul and you have and always will mean so much to me and the kingdom. Thank you for making my son as happy as you do. I hope you continue to care for him, this kingdom, and cherish any future family that you and Mark may have. Thank you so much for everything you have done and we appreciate you so much. Please take good care of my son, I trust him in your hands. Please give him all the love and care that he deserves." King Tuan says to Yugyeom causing Yugyeom to smile. "I will, King Tuan. Thank you for allowing me to marry your son, I will do as well as I can for this kingdom." Yugyeom bows. "Thank you. Now Mark, my beloved and only son," King Tuan moves to stand in front of him, gently touching Mark's cheeks. "You have grown up to be such an amazing man. I have never seen a soul as amazing as the one that you have been blessed with. You never bring harm to anyone and you care for every single thing that you come in contact with. You are bright and cheerful and I know you will be one of the most amazing kings. You put your trust in our kingdom and you let the people know that they can put their trust in you. I am so so proud of you. You have become such a strong and brave man, and how I wish your mother could see you now," King Tuan says causing a tear to roll down Mark's cheek. "She would be even more proud than I am. You remind me so much of her. Your kindness and wits were taught to you by her. You are strong because of how she taught you to live. You keep so much of your mom with you and it fills me with joy how much you love and miss her. She would love you so much Mark. Each passing day she looks down at you and admires how amazing you have become. Her and I are so proud of you, my son. You have never let us down and we know, deep in our hearts, that through whatever you face, you will be strong. You are a strong person, Mark, and everyone knows that. Thank you for being who you are. Thank you for being willing to care for this kingdom. I am so proud of you." At this point, Mark had several tears rolling down his cheeks. He smiles, quickly wiping them away. "Thank you, father," Mark says, hugging King Tuan tightly. They pull away from the hug after a moment. King Tuan turns back to the crowd, smiling. "Now, It's is time to officially crown Yugyeom and Mark the new rulers of this kingdom." King Tuan says, both Mark and Yugyeom taking a seat on one of the thrones set for them. King Tuan walks over to the maid standing behind Mark's seat, grabbing the gold crown from atop the deep red pillow. He slowly places it on Mark's bright red hair. He then does the same to Yugyeom, smiling down at the two males. "I officially announce Mark Tuan and Kim Yugyeom your new kings." King Tuan announces, a sea of cheers echoing through the room once again. Yugyeom and Mark stand up, bowing towards the crowd. Mark looks to Yugyeom, reaching over and interlocking their hands. Yugyeom looks down at their hands then up to Mark, a bright smile spreading across their features. Mark stares into Yugyeom's brown eyes, looking forward to the amazing future that they knew they would have.

"So you aren't my prince anymore huh? My king is what you will be, my love." Yugyeom whispers to Mark, a small smile spreading across both of the boy's features.

"My king," Yugyeom says once again before kissing Mark passionately 

Author: Thank you for reading this story. I hope you liked it! Please tell me what you thought. 

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