Chapter 9

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 Chapter 9, 1002 words

"I'm ready." Mark finally says, opening his eyes and nodding at the executioner. "Please finish it quickly." The executioner goes over to the lever to open the trap door. He places his hand on it, ready to pull it when a loud voice echoes through the room. The executioner removes his hand from the lever, staring at the man who yelled.

Jackson stands up causing several people to gasp, including Mark. "I object to this. As his husband, I refuse to allow this to happen. As the technical king of this kingdom, I demand that Mark's execution is canceled, and now!" Jackson yells, Mark, staring at him with thankful eyes.

"This objection cannot be overruled, for the execution of Mark Tuan is canceled." The executioner sighs, going over and taking the rope off of Mark's neck. Mark smiles a bit, tears rolling down his face. The executioner uses a small blade and cuts off the rope on Mark's wrists. Mark bows to him before running down the steps and to the crowd. Yugyeom stands up, running over to Mark. They run to each other, enveloping one another into a hug. Mark sobs into Yugyeom's shoulder, holding onto him tightly and breathing in his scent. Yugyeom wraps his arms around Mark's waist and holds him closer and tighter than he ever had, kissing his cheeks, temples, head, and face repeatedly.

"You're okay, oh my god, you're okay," Yugyeom whispers, continuing holding onto Mark tightly. "My prince, you're okay." Yugyeom smiles a bit, tears still rolling down his face.

"Mark!" Jinyoung yells at him causing him to pull away from Yugyeom and run to Jinyoung. He hugs him tightly, smiling at the warmth of the hug. Jaebum joins them, wrapping his arms around both of them and holding them close. He lays a kiss on both or their heads. "I'm so happy that you are okay," Jinyoung whispers.

"I don't know what I would have done without you, Mark," Jaebum says, Mark sobbing once again.

"Thank you for being here," Mark whispers, holding onto both of them tightly. He pulls away after a moment, leaving them to talk to Yugyeom and going over to Bam Bam. He smiles at him, pulling the smaller boy into a hug.

"Thank you for having such high hopes for me Mark, I'm so happy that you are safe and well." Bam Bam whispers causing Mark to smile, holding him tightly.

"Thank you for being here Kunpimook, it means a lot." Mark smiles, laying a kiss on his cheek. Bam Bam blushes, pulling away and quickly walking to where the other three boys stood. Mark chuckles, finally turning towards Jackson.

"Jackson, thank you, so much. Without you, I wouldn't be here. Thank you, so much. This means... I couldn't pay you back for this, thank you so much." Mark hugs Jackson tightly, a few tears falling onto Jackson's shoulders.

"I'm sorry for being so harsh, I'm sorry for putting you in danger, I'm sorry," Jackson says, running his hands through Mark's hair. "I want you to be happy Mark, I really do. I'll give up the position as next king. Let Yugyeom rule with you, you both deserve to be happy. I'll be fine finding someone else." Jackson says.

"Thank you, so much Jackson." Mark pulls away, smiling. He lays a soft kiss on Jackson's cheek before running back over to Yugyeom and going into his arms. Jackson smiles a bit at them, turning around to face King Tuan.

"You did a good thing Jackson, thank you for being so brave. I heard what you said about Yugyeom and if that's what makes you happy, that's what will be done." King Tuan says causing a bright smile to spread across Jackson's features.

"Thank you, Sir. My father, mother and I will head back to our kingdom after the wedding and coronation. Please feel free to invite me anytime or visit the kingdom whenever you want." Jackson says, bowing before walking over to his parents.

"Mark, Yugyeom, I'd like to speak to you both." King Tuan says once he walks over to the small group. Yugyeom and Mark follow him as he walks to a corner where no one will be able to hear them.

"What is it, father?" Mark grabs onto Yugyeom's hand tightly.

"I wanted to tell you, Mark, that later today, you and Yugyeom will be crowned as the new rulers of this kingdom." King Tuan says causing the boys to smile brightly.

"Thank you father, for your approval." Mark smiles.

"Your mother would be very proud of your true heart Mark, she would love the man you have become." King Tuan says causing Mark's smile to grow wider.

"Thank you," Mark let's go of Yugyeom's hand, stepping closer to his father and hugging him tightly. "For everything."

"You're welcome." King Tuan smiles a bit. Mark pulls away after a moment, going back to standing next to Yugyeom. "I'm going to go make the announcement now, letting the people that are here know." He says before walking out to the crowd.

"Let's go Gyeomie," Mark says, grabbing Yugyeom's hand and going to stand next to his father.

"I hear by announcing that Mark Tuan and Jackson Wang are no longer to be married or role this kingdom but Mark Tuan and Kim Yugyeom shall take the place of becoming the kings. If anyone objects, don't try to, it's my final decision." King Tuan smiles. "That's all! Please proceed on with your day, thank you for your time. Coronation and wedding will be tonight at six! Please show up on time." He says before walking over to the guards and tell them to begin setting up since it was three at the moment.

"Mark! This is amazing!" Jaebum yells, walking over to them and hugging Mark. "I'm so happy for you." Mark hugs him back, smiling brightly.

"Thank you Bum," Mark says, pulling away. They all talk for a little while longer, smiling and laughing through and through. 

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