Chapter 8

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Chapter 8, 804 words

Several of the townspeople, castle workers, and a few family members of Mark has arrived at his hanging. Mark had already had his hands tied and had the rope around his throat. He was waiting for it to begin to the trapdoor under his feet could open and it would all end for him. Mark was looking at the medium sized crowd for Jaebum and Jinyoung. He spots them smiling a bit at them. They both wave and he waves back a bit, Jinyoung bursting into tears and turning towards Jaebum and crying into his chest. Mark averts his eyes towards Yugyeom, eyes softening when he sees that his poor boy is crying.

"It'll be okay Yugyeom, I'll be okay. I love you." Mark says to him since he was sitting in the first row. Yugyeom sobs, putting his head in his hands. Jackson had made sure that it wasn't Yugyeom the one who was to kill Mark, he at least gave a little of his heart to the poor, broken Yugyeom. Jackson rubs Yugyeom's shoulder gently.

The executioner walks out causing the room to go silent. Mark sighs, closing his eyes for a few seconds before opening them, staring at the few people he loved the most.

"Mark Tuan has committed a serious crime. He had fallen in love with one of a lower class when he was to be crowned king along with his husband, Jackson Wang. If Mark would like to say any words, he has the freedom to say what he would like." He says, gesturing to Mark.

"I just want to say that I do not regret this. I do not regret loving Yugyeom. I have a few words to say to a few people." He says, clearing his throat. "I want to start with Park Jaebum and Park Jinyoung. I wanted to thank you both for being such amazing friends and supporting me through everything. Thank you for everything you have ever done for me. Please make sure that Youngjae grows well and please make sure that the memory of me doesn't die today. I love all three of you, so much.Take care of the town for me, please, my brothers. To my father, I love you. I'm sorry for making this mistake. I'll make sure that I say hi to mama for you, she will love to know how you are doing, and I promise I will be okay. I'm sorry, to you, for my decisions. I know I must have disappointed you and my mama so much, and I wish I could have been a better son to you both. Thank you for raising me and taking me through the bumps that come with the game called life. Thank you for being one of the most amazing fathers to walk this Earth. Please continue to care for this kingdom as you always have. I love you, dad. I wanted to thank Jackson, for being great through the time I knew you. Thank you for not telling anyone when you already knew, it truly means a lot and shows how much you care. Bam Bam, thank you for being such an amazing friend for the time that I have known you. You mean the world to me and I am so thankful for you existing. I hope life gets better for you and I hope that you become happier.You deserve to be happy. Please stay safe and well and do me a favor," he smiles at Kunpimook. "Take care of my Yugyeom. And finally, Yugyeom, my love, I'm sorry for putting you through this. I should have thought through what I've done. I love you, please never forget that. Please stay safe and well, for me. I love you Yugyeom, you mean the world to me and more. Never forget that, my angel. I have always told you that I will love you until my dying day, and I kept my word." Mark smiles at all of them, tears rolling down his cheeks. "That's all I have to say, thank you for allowing me to speak sir." Mark politely says, staring straight ahead.

"If anyone who is willing to object, please stand now and speak your word." The executioner says. Mark knew that Yugyeom, Jinyoung, and Jaebum couldn't stand or they would end up having the same fate as Mark. Mark sighs, hoping, just hoping that his father would stand for him. No one had said anything causing Mark to sigh deeply. He wished that he could have stayed living, he wanted to make his mom proud. He reached up and touched the small crystal at his throat. Smiling at the memory of his mom, knowing that he could join her and finally be with her again. He sighed, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.

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