Chapter 1

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       chapter 1

I walked down the halls of Calvary Academy to my history class.My best friend Abigail by my side rambling on about how Ms.Peirce,our history teacher,is the rudest old hag.As we turned the corner there stood in all his glory Will Clackston laughing and talking with his friends near the lockers..Will was the most popular Guy in the school and the senator's son.Will and i have talked on a few occasion but rarely even though we sit next to each other in History.If we talked it was mostly asking a question like,"did you get the answer for number 6?".Abigail and I walk into the classroom and sit down in our assigned seats like everyone else.thank god that Abigail sits in front of me.Ms.Pierce hasn't come in yet so everyone in the class is talking up a storm.Abigail turns around and starts talking to me about who's prettier Selena Gomez or Miranda Cosgrove.

"i like Selena personally.i mean for one thing her skin isn't pale like Miranda' know i just don't like Miranda period.who do you like better Hayley?"Abigail says as Will enters and takes his seat then turns toward his friend Justin miller.Abigail has a huge crush on Justin but is to afraid to talk to him.I tell her all the time to go up and say hi,but no she says fate will bring them together.

"I don't know.Selena i guess shes way prettier.Miranda's pretty but she looks like a porcelain doll.don't you think?"


"OK class lets get started."Ms.Peirce says as she waits for everyone to turn around in their seats and be quiet.

"I have decided that we are going to do a project.the rubric is on the projector screen.The project will be on whatever you like but has to have history or you can do you project on a certain topic and do the history behind that."Ms.Perice states and everyone starts to turn and whisper to people they want to be partners with.

"settle down now i wasn't finished"says Ms.pierce."The project is due in two months so if you look on the rubric you can see why its two moths not two weeks.i have also paired you all up with partners so don't be getting any ideas."she says and at that the whole class groans.

"yes i know poor y'all but lets get on with partners shall we."Ms.Perice said and starts naming the partners

"Jamie Fountain and Ace Hamilton,Abigail Cadiline and Justin Miller,Will Clackston and Hayley Marshall..."Mrs.Perice said as she continued on with the list of names.When Mrs.Peirce said Will's name and mine. all the girls in the class glared at me in jealousy.It was easy to ignore them because I was think the Will Clackston,the most popular guy in the school,and me Hayley Marshall,the not so popular girl are partners.

"OK class those are your partners,and no changing them either."Ms.Peirce said and at that moment i got shot daggers by every girl in the classes.This time i slumped down in my seat.

"OK now i would like you to brainstorm for the last 10 minutes of class."Mrs.Peirce said and went to her seat .she sat down and skimmed the class looking at everybody before looking down at school papers that needed to be graded.

"so were partners.hi, I'm Will Clackston.''i hear and sit up to shake will hand that is stuck out at me.I grab his hand and shake his hand.will had took his chair and hand drug it beside my desk.

"i'm Hayley..Hayley Marshall."I say

"so,what would you like to do this project on?"Will ask me.

"It doesn't matter to me.I open to anything."

"OK then so could we do football?"he ask.

"Football?!?"i say

"yeah football.I'm the quarterback so i could do some basic information and we could do a video and have pictures and clips of me on the Field,and maybe some old picture's from the past.I could get you on the sidelines of the Field so you can get great shots.we could also dig up some information from the beginning of football and past football player and games.It would be different,original,fun.'he says.

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