Chapter 3

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“Good morning. What time is it? Gosh I feel like I ask that a lot.” I had no clue where they kept their clocks but I should have probably found out so I didn’t always have to ask. Well actually there may have been a clock but I was to happy laying right were I was.

“It’s 11:55” I looked at him.

“Don’t you have to work?”

“Ummm ya but I’m an inventor. I don’t have to work everyday.” I was so confused.

“Wait I thought Kyle was an inventor and you were just living in his house.” River looked even more confused then I was.

“Ummm, No Kyle doesn’t work at all. Also he doesn’t have enough brains to invent anything.”

“So he lied to me?!?!?!” I’m so mad. Why did Kyle lie to me like that?

“Ya ummm I guess he did.”

“I’m sorry I have to go talk to Kyle.”

“It’s okay see you later.” He smiled and winked at me

“Bye and thanks for understanding.” I smiled and got out of bed and went to find Kyle. As I walked to his room I passed a mirror. God I look horrible. My eyes were so puffy you could barley see my blue eyes. Also my hair was all over the place. My blond hair was so greasy it looked brown. Ewww how could anyone think I’m pretty. I moved from the mirror and walked to Kyles room. I knocked on the door and waited for Kyle to answer. Inside Kyle was standing in his boxers. He had amazing abs. I think he noticed that I was checking him out because when I looked at his face he was smiling. I looked him in the eyes and frowned.

“Why did you lie to me?” I stared as I frowned at him. I mean seriously I was really hurt that he didn’t trust me enough to tell me the truth.

“What?” I looked at him suspiciously.

“Are you serious? You know lying to me about you living with your brother.”

“I didn’t want you thinking I was a loser because I don’t have a job and I lived with my brother.” He looked at me sadly.

“I would never think you were a loser.” I said honestly. “How can you think I’m that shallow?”

“Thanks and it’s just a big turn off for girls.” I kinda felt bad for him but still he lied to me.

“Not really. I think lying is a bigger turn off to me.” He looked so hurt. I felt so bad but he needed a wake up call.

“Ya I guess.”

“I’m sorry that you felt like you had to lie to me.”

“I’m sorry sorry for lying to you.” I smiled a faint smile.

“It’s chill.” He started laughing. “What are you laughing at.” I tried to fix my my hair.

“Just the way you said it.”

“Okay. Good. I thought you were laughing at my atrocious hair.” He laughed.

“Well that’s funny to.”

“Thanks. Any ways. Where is the Kitchen?” I was so upset I barely even noticed I was hungry.

“Go to the left, go down the stairs, turn right, then walk until the end of the hall and then turn left. Then you will be in the Kitchen. Anything in the kitchen you want you can eat.” That sounded so amazing.

“Just warning you, you may not have any food left when I’m done eating.” We both laughed. “Thanks.”

“Not a problem.” And with that I walked out of the room. On my way to the Kitchen I was thinking. Half of me wanted to give Kyle and the other half of me wanted to keep him in the friend zone. My mind was rushing with thoughts.


He was nice, He had an amazing body and His smile was hypnotizing.


He lied to me, He didn’t stand up for me, He could be a jerk and I liked River.

There were more negatives then positives. That settles it I shouldn’t like him. Now positives and negatives of River.


He is sweet. He is amazingly nice. He is super caring. He is a good listener.


He was mean.

Wow okay River sounds amazing compared to Kyle.

Before I knew it I was in the Kitchen. Sitting at the table was River. He was wearing boxers. His body was some how ever more perfect then Kyles. I was smiling so much I thought I was going to die. I finally looked at his face. He had blue eyes and black hair. He also had a lip ring. I should have noticed the lip ring when we kissed last night. He was so perfect.

“Hello.” River said. He was smiling from ear to ear.


“How are you?”

“Good. How about you?” He smiled.

“Amazing?” I’m glad to know that he’s so happy.

“Why amazing?” I didn’t know what to expect.

“I don’t know I just had the most amazing morning.” He winked at me.

“Really? How was listening to me complain all morning amazing?” I looked at him suspiciously.

“It was amazing because I got to spend it with you.” I smiled the biggest smile I’ve ever smiled.

“Mine was amazing cuz I got to spend it with an amazing guy, you.” I tapped my finger on his nose. His face suddenly turned sour. “Why so sad all of a sudden?” He pointed behind me. I turned around and saw Kyle standing in the doorway. “Hey Kyle.” I said awkwardly.

“Can I talk to you?” He said. I smiled.

“Ya of course.” I looked at him waiting for him to talk. “Oh you mean alone. Okay.” I fallowed Kyle to what looked like a living room.

“What was that about?” I stared at him blankly. “What did you and River do last night?!?!”

“I told him about my dream and we talked. We were tired so we went to sleep.” I looked at him.

“Did you guys kiss?!” He was yelling at full force. I was trying not to cry or flinch.

“Yes.” I said calmly.

“What about my kiss? Did that mean anything to you?” He was so angry.

“No... The kiss meant nothing to me. You kissed me I didn’t kiss you. I’m sorry.” He looked so mad and sad. I felt so bad but I had to be honest.

“Well that Freaking sucks you hoe!!!” He was furious. “Get out of this house! I never want to see you again!”

“Okay I understand. I’ll leave don’t worry.” I smiled and tried to hide the tears. “Thank you again for letting me stay here.” I smiled that brave little smile that has gotten me out of numerous beatings. “Good bye. Tell your brother I say bye.”

“See you in hell jerk.” That last comment pushed me over the edge. I ran out of the house as fast as I could. Tears running down my face.  There’s a forest up ahead maybe two miles. I could stay hidden there for a few days. Then nothing will happen to me.


Hey guys. If you see any mistakes tell me in the comments. Thanks (: Love you all have a great day!!!!!

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