Chapter 10

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I smiled faintly as I walked up to the nurse. "Hi, miss can I go home now? I feel perfectly fine."

"Let me ask the doctor." She said as she walked away. I went back to my room and layed down waiting for the nurse to tell me I can leave. After a good half hour she was finally in my room telling me what I can do. "The doctor said you can go home." I smiled and thanked her. I went into the waiting room and found Martha, Ken and Billy.

"Hi mom and dad. The doctor and nurse said I can go home now." They smiled for real just this once.

"Lets sign you out and never come back." Ken said. We went to the front desk signed me out and we were off to the house. When we got there they told Billy to go to the park and he did. He wanted nothing to do with me and I knew it. When he finally was gone far away I was alone with Martha and Ken. At that moment in time I was more scared then I thought possible and I was never that scared again.

"Kathryn, What do you have to say?" I looked at Martha while she spoke.

"I'm very deeply sorry. But I don't think I should work for a few days just to make sure I don't get hurt again." They smiled in a nice way but you could tell they were plotting.

"Fine." Martha sneered.

"I'm going to call my friend and tell them I'm not going to be at school for a while longer." Martha nodded and I went upstairs to my room. I picked up the phone and called River. It rang once..... twice..... three times and then I heard Rivers voice.

"Hey Kathryn. You okay?" I laughed.

"Ya I am. Meet me at the corner of Mcandrews and Nicollet at 10:00 okay." I said calmly.

"Okay of course."

"Thanks. I love you. I have to go." I looked at the clock. "See you in 6 hours."

"I love you too. Be safe." We hung up and I started packing a backpack. I threw in 7 things of underwear, 7 bras, 9 over sized shirts, 7 tank tops, 6 pairs of jeans, 5 shorts, 6 pairs of socks and flip flops. After I threw them all in my bag I went down stairs to talk to Ken and Martha. They were in the living room watching TV. I sat in the recliner and looked at the TV. They were watching Doctor Who. It was such a weird show. It was The Unicorn and the Wasp. Probably the worst Doctor Who episode ever.

"Hello." Martha said.

"Hi." I said quietly.

"Go wash the dishes. They are overflowing the sink." Ken said. I smiled and went into the kitchen to wash the dishes. After doing 4 hours of small jobs like that they went to bed and so did I. I stayed up and stared at the clock. I took out my ipod and started listening to it. The song playing was Welcome to My Life by Simple Plan. It seemed very weird that it was playing exactly what I felt. I felt completly alone and I wanted to scream! I was so deep into thought that I didn't even notice it was 9:30. I grabbed my backpack and started heading downstairs but before I did I went into Billy's room and kissed his forehead.

"I love you sweetie see you later I promise." With that I walked out of the house and to Nicollet Ave. When I got there it was 9:55 I waited for 3 more minutes until River got there. He was driving the mustang. I leaned over the middle and kissed him passionately. We stopped kissing so he could drive. "Thank you River." I said. "I honestly don't know what I would do with out you." He laughed silently. The rest of the ride was silent except for the sound of the pavement on our tires. "So where are we going?" I asked excitedly. I was hoping we would be going to England or something exciting like that.

"We are going to beautiful Alaska." I looked at him.

"Are you serious?" I could tell he wasn't joking. "Why would you pick Alaska?"

"Because it is the safest place away from them." I smiled.

"Thank you." We didn't talk much until we went to the front desk.

"We are here for the 2 one way tickets to Alaska." He said smiling.


Finished finally. I'm sorry I'm a terrible person for taking so long. Do you want an epilogue or no?




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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2013 ⏰

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