Chapter 9

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This time no dream came to me. I was in darkness for only a few short seconds. Everything started to slowly lighten up and I started hearing beeping. I opened my eyes only to see I was in a hospital.

"Where am I?" I asked a near by doctor. The doctor was a brunette with a pixie cut. Her eyes were brown and inviting.

"You are at a hospital." She said. No really? I wanted to say sarcastically.

"What happened?" She looked at me sympathetically.

"You were racing your brother and you just passed out. We looked to see if there were any signs of what caused you to randomly pass out and we saw you had a very large amount of blood loss before this happened." Oh no please say they didn't see the injury on the back of my head. I would hate to explain that. "And then after looking closer we saw a trauma to your head. Care to explain."

"Well I was playing football with my friends and one of them tackled me and I hit my head on the pole." She looked at me as if trying to decide if I was telling the truth or not. She stopped doubting me and gave me medicine. "Thank you but what is this for?"

"It is just for if you feel any pain, you hit your head on the road pretty hard when you passed out." Makes sense.

"Is anyone here to see me?" She smiled.

"Yes, your foster parents are here. They were worried sick." Probably scared I told the truth on how I got the blow to my head. Ken, Martha and Billy walked in the room. Billy looked so scared.

"Hi Kathryn. How are you feeling?" Martha said.

"I'm feeling pretty good for hitting my head on the side walk." I smiled that fake smile I had gotten oh so good at.

"That's amazing. We were so scared." Ken said. "It was a good thing Billy's as strong as he is. He pulled you out of the road so you wouldn't get hit by a car." I smiled.

"Thank you so much Billy. I love you so much." Billy smiled proudly. "Do you guys know when I'm supposed able to go home?"

"We don't know they haven't told us. Billy could you go get some food for your sister I'm sure she's starving." Martha said. Billy looked at me nervously. I smiled and nodded my head telling him it was okay. They didn't say anything until Billy left the room. "Did you tell her what happened to your head?" She said angrily.

"I told her it was because my friends and I were playing tackle football."

"Good." Ken said. I saw Billy as he walked into the room with a tray full of food.

"Hi Billy, thanks so much for grabbing the food for me. Mom...Dad, can I talk to Billy for a second."

"Of course honey, why would you be able to?" She looked at me warningly. I smiled at her. I waited for them to leave the room. I smiled at Billy.

"Billy close the blinds please, and when you're done sit on the edge of my bed." Billy close the blinds and sat down nervously. I smiled realsuringly. "Billy what I'm about to tell you is on a really grown up topic okay?" He nodded his head. "Has your mom or dad ever hit you?" Billy looked at me confused.

"No, they would never hurt anyone." I started to cry. He hugged me. "Why are you crying Kathryn?"

"Billy do you want to know why I'm really in here?" He looked at me nervously.

"I guess."

"I'm in here because your mom and dad beat me and caused me to black out because I hit the concrete to hard and lost a lot of blood." Billy started crying. I tried to stay strong for him but I couldn't I just cried with him.

"It's not true!" I started crying even more.

"That's the reason I ran away in the first place. I ran away to get away from them." A nurse walked in after Billy and I sitting in silence for a few minutes.

"How are you feeling?" I tried forcing a smile.

"I'm feeling good except for a headache but I mean I can't complain since I hit my head on the road."

"You can head home tomorrow. We just want you to stay tonight so we can make sure you are stable enough to go home. Okay?" I smiled that amazingly realistic smile.

"Sounds good. Can I use the phone to call my friend?"

"Yup of course just dial 9." She left and it was just Billy and I again.

"I'm leaving again. You can come with me if you want." Billy frowned even more.

"I love my mom and dad and I think you are just making this up." I started crying.

"Okay. Well I'm going to call my friend. Please leave." Billy got up and left he looked emotionless. I dialed Rivers number. It rang 3 times.

"Hello who is calling?" He said less mad then he did last time.

"It's comunity service asking for donations Mr.Money-Bags." I started laughing so did River.

"Hey Kathryn, what's up?"

"Well, I'm in the hospital." River interrupted me.

"You are where?!" I took a deep breath.

"I'm in the hospital because I lost to much blood when they hit me. I will be fine though don't worry but I want you to pick me up from the house tomorrow at 11 pm. Okay?"

"Okay. I'm going to kick Ken's ass when I get there too."

"No don't. Just get us a plane ticket somewhere far away where they won't find me and we'll be fine." I smiled I was excited to run away with him. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too." River said. "I love you and I'll pick you up soon okay."

"Okay love you too. Bye." I sighed as he hung up.


A/N Hey sorry for not updating in a while. I had an AP test and I'm just super lazy. Thanks for reading.




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