Chapter 4

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My legs felt like jello. Thank god there was the forest. I ran to the edge of the forest but right before I made it I tripped and fell into a puddle and got myself drenched. I got up and started walking to the edge of the forest. I was dripping wet and it was freezing out. Not a good combo. I walked strait into the woods and kept walking until I got to the middle of the forest.

“Why does this always happen to me?” I let out a sob. Come on Kathryn think strait. Make a blanket or something to keep you warm at night. We’re gonna be here for a while. The cold fall air sent a shiver down my spine. Why did November have to be so cold? All I had on was a light sweat shirt and sweat pants. It was already getting dark too. It was only noon last time I checked. Well Kyle and I did talk for forever. Then I ran here and took a wrong turn. I should probably go into thicker woods so I’m warmer. I walked a little farther into the woods hoping that if the trees are closer then it will be warmer. The sun kept sinking deeper and deeper into the sky. It was absolutely freezing out and my clothes were still drenched.

“I should probably find shelter.” I looked around frantically. “Maybe I should just go back to Ken and Martha’s at least I would have a roof over my head..... Ya that’s what I’ll do. Ummmm where is the way out of here anyways. Of course, I’m lost. Just my luck. Okay Kathryn think. How did you get here in the first place? Fuck I can’t freaking remember. Dang it! Okay I’ll just lay here until morning.” I laid down.

“Dad! Mom! I’m home.”

“Kathryn where have you been?!”

“Just walking around town. Sorry if I worried you mom.” She sounded calm when she yelled at me. That was always a good sign.

“It’s okay. Now clean up everything. You are already behind.”

“Could I maybe sleep. I’m really tired?” I knew right when I asked I was in big trouble.

“No, are you crazy. You are already starting 12 hours late!”

“I know but I could finish cleaning in less than an hour if I am well rested.”

“I don’t give a rats ass if you are ‘rested’ or not!” She brought her hands to my neck and started to press on my throat.   

I woke up screaming. I was still in the woods but this time it was pitch black.

Brrrr it was so cold. God I hate North Dakota so much. It’s so cold.

I’m still so tired. I’ll try to go to sleep again. I scrunched into a ball and fell fast asleep. I don’t remember having a dream which is amazing because I know for a fact it was a nightmare.

I woke up to the sun beaming on my face. Where am I again? Oh right. I’m in a forest. Oh joy. I was lost deep in my thoughts when I heard a voice off in the distance.

“Kathryn!” Who was calling my name? Was that actually someone calling my name or was it just my imagination? Like on those shows where the person thinks there’s a hot bath in front of them but it’s really a freezing cold river. Was I going insane? I mean I was shivering a lot and that was one of the signs. “Kathryn!” Okay hearing it again I was thinking I wasn't hallucinating.

“Hello is anyone there?” I screamed back.

“Ya it’s River. Kathryn come to my voice.”

“Okay!” I was so confused but I stood up and started walking.

“Kathryn!” I walked towards where I thought the voice was. “Kathryn!” He said again but that time his voice was in a completely different direction. “Kathryn!” Again it was in a different place.

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