Chapter 8

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"Reason you wouldn't understand." I said honestly and calmly. As far as he knew his parents were saints. I really didn't want him to know that would ruin him forever.

"Kathryn! Billy! Come on hurry we have lots to do." I smiled trying to pretend I wasn't absolutely horrified to be back. We walked to the car in silence. My brain started to wonder is Billy abused too? Is he just scared to tell me? I have to ask but I can't I mean he can't know they hit me. I'm not telling him until it gets super bad.

"Hey Billy do you want to hang out with your friends when we get home?" Ken asked when we got in the car.

"No thanks. I want to hang out with Kathryn." Billy said. I smiled. God bless his soul. He's saving me and he doesn't even know it.

"What if I also gave you $100 for you to spend at the mall?" Billy looked at me almost begging me to tell him to go. I smiled reassuringly.

"I'll talk to you when you get back." He smiled and leaned across the seat and hugged me.

"I missed you." I smiled.

"Now that we've got that settled, Kathryn where have you been?" He looked at me gravly.

"Ummmm well I was at my friends house..." I looked at him nervously. Which confused me I mean I was telling the truth. I was at a friends.

"Then why weren't you at school?" Martha said butting in.

"My friend is home schooled." I said nervously. I never lied to them I had always been to scared. We sat in silence until we got to the house. I took a deep breath. I guess I'm gonna be here a while. Ken gave Billy the $100 and Billy left as fast as he could but before he was out of sight he screamed,

"I love you Kathryn please don't ever leave again."

"I promise." I said half-hearted. As Billy disappeared I prepared myself for pain beyond belief.

"Kathryn lets go inside." Ken said threw his teeth. He started and I walked half a pace behind him and Martha. "Hurry up" I walked faster, we got into the house and Martha closed the door and locked it. Ken and Martha both stared at me.

"Hi." I said fake smiling.

"Where were you really?" Martha snapped.

"I told you at a friends." This time I sounded completely honest. Which i was.

"Tell the truth!" They yelled. I mean it was the truth by the end at first they were strangers but now they're my friends. They must have seen my face start to weaken because they looked at each other and frowned.

"I knew she was lying." Martha squeaked.

"I did too." Ken said. "What do we do to liars?" They smiled deviously.

"Hug them to death?" I asked trying to soften them up. Ken lifted up his arm and hit me with full force. I fell down to the floor. I didn't cry because of the fear it would be worse.

"Get up and tell us the truth." Ken said through his teeth.

"I was at a friends." I said normally as possible.

"Lies!" Martha screeched. Now Ken and Martha both were hitting me. They hit me so hard I fell over again and got knocked out.

I was in a white sun dress on the beach. I was walking into the sunset suddenly someone hugged me from behind. I looked and it was River. I smiled. We talked and walked just like we did when I was safe if their house. As the sun set lower it got darker. I felt another hug from behind I laughed thinking it was River but it was Ken. I let out a scream and I ran as fast as I could. I finally stopped when I felt the breathing not on my neck. I bent over breathing heavily. My once white dress was not stained with blood and it was more of a ripped night gown than a sun dress.

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