Where am I chapter 2

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Hey guys I hope that chapter was good!

Where are they taking Sarah?






I am woken by a loud gate or door getting slammed. I open my to eyes and it looks like I'm in a cell. I hear crying. I look over to all the other cells and see all these women. Oh my gosh!

"Hey are you okay?" I ask a girl that looks around my age. She has short brown hair and green eyes.

"No, I'm fucking not you little tramp! I'm stuck in this dump and we are about to get sold to a fucking vampires! Now do you think I'm okay?!" The girl yells.

"I'm sorry. I-" I was saying but then a girl touches my arm.

"Hey it's alright. I'm Sally. I'm 16. Don't listen to Piper. I'm sorry I didn't catch your name?" Says Sally.

"I'm Sarah. I'm 16 and I need to get out of here!" I say to Sally

"Oh you are so young. I'm sorry I don't think you will be able to get out of here." Sally says while looking away.

"Why, I need to get home to help my little sister, please." I say while feeling a tear rolling down my cheek.

"Because you are getting sold to a vampire, to become a slave. Do you have family?" Sally asks me.

"Great... Umm yeah a 12 year old sister named Ally. Umm my dad, well I wouldn't call him my dad. Well let's just say that he abused my sister and I for the last 6 years. Ever since my mother died. What about you?" I say while sobbing.

"Oh my, that's horrible! Well I have a older brother and a older sister. Which I don't see anymore. My brother peter, he lives in NewZealand and my sister well, she umm kinda died from cancer 3 years ago." Sally says while crying.

"Oh I'm so sor-" I didn't get to finish when Sally told me to shh.

I looked at everyone around me and they were all crying. Just then 2 men came in and were looking at all the girls.

"Shut up!!" One of the men said.

I sat there on the cold, hard ground watching them. The came walking to my cell and opened it up.

"Well well well. We have a beautiful one here aye Marty!" He said laughing

Oh shit there's Marty!

"Be careful of that one Andrew. She's the one that almost took off my finger! She's a feisty one!" Marty said looking at me.

"Well we better get her out of here. And go sell her.!" Andrew said walking over to me.

Andrew pulls me up off the ground and slaps me. I don't scream or move.

"Damn she is strong!" Andrew says looking at me. "Mmm smell that Marty. She's smells amazing! It's a pity I can't have you! I would love to drink off you all the time." Andrew says that gives me shivers.

"Fuck you!!" I yell at him. And I relies my lips was bleeding.

"Haha!! Let's get out of hear and sell you!" Andrew says laughing.

They drag me out onto a stage. Wow so many vampires.

"Up next we have this beautiful young girl. But she is a feisty one! Anyone! Oh yes sir $5000, going once, oh wait $100,0000 there sir, okay then! Going one going twice, oh wait $5000,000 from oh my the prince! Why yes SOLD!"

"You better behave yourself! He's the prince of all vampires" he whispers in my ear.

"Fuck you" I whisper back. He was about to slap me when a hand grabs his hand and chucks him off the stag in front of everyone. I turn around and see a tall beautiful man. With bright blue eyes. Just like mine. With short black hair. And a good toned body.

"Don't you dare touch her you twat!" He yells to him.

"Come on let's go beautiful" he whispers. Then he cradles me bridle style. And walks out of the jail place.

"Who are you?" I whisper

"Blake Dorris" he whispers back

We walk out into a nice black car and he lays me down on the seat. But I sat up and I leaned on the door arm rest. Blake opens up the other back seat and tells the driver to drive. The driver puts up a black glass so he couldn't see us.

"Are you okay?" Blake asked me worriedly. He puts his hand on my thigh. I jump when he put his hand on me. "It's okay I won't hurt you" he says calmly.

"I'm fine" I whisper looking out the window.

"Look at me" he says. I don't I keep looking out the window. "Look at me!" He says louder. I don't "look at me right now!!" He yells while grabbing my chin. He looks in my eyes and I see sad, anger, and love?

"What do you want?!" I say.

"I didn't catch your name?" He says calmly

"Sarah" I say scared

Nice to meet you Sarah. Listen, I won't hurt you, yes I'm a vampire. But please don't be scared!" Blake says

"I'm not scared, I'm never scared. Don't think that I'm scared because I'm not! Okay? Get it?!" I tell Blake

" Yes I get it. But who's made you like this Sarah? Have you got family?" Blake says

"My sister Ally. Yes I do but I've been raised by a beast I call my dad." I say trying not to cry. Knowing that I most likely won't see my sister again.

Blake moves closer and wraps his arm around my waist.

"I will make him pay, he has no right to treat you like this Sarah, and for your sister I will see what I can do, okay?" Blake whispers in my ear.

I looked at him with a confused face. Is he for real? Is he going to help me?!

That's the end of chapter 2 Where am I




Love you all!! ❤️❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2014 ⏰

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