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Z was pulling at his tie, he wasn't used to wearing one that it just felt odd. He was wearing something that didn't fit him as a person- but he had too since he had a meeting with some investors for his cat cafe. He wanted to look serious and professional, that's how he ended up with what he likes to call; a human collar, around his neck.

His father had set up the meeting for him, but didn't tell him who he was meeting with. Z didn't get a name of the man or woman he was about to meet, and that just made him more nervous since he had no idea what to expect.

All he was told was to be at the cafe at ten o'clock. His father said it was a good idea so the investors could get an idea of what kind of cafe Z was going for.

Suddenly there was a tap on his shoulder that almost made him jump up, when he turned around he saw two guys standing next to each other. Both were dressed nicely in a similar suit to his. He noticed that they looked alike but also not- it was hard for him to explain exactly what he meant.

"Hi, you must be Z" the shorter one of the two said, he smiled kindly as he extended his hand, "I'm Lee Yuta".

After they shook hands, he was slightly pushed to the side by the taller one of the two, "I'm Lee Yanjun" the guy said with a smile that made a pair of dimples pop up.

Z raised his eyebrows as he looked at them more closely. They did have their similarities but on the other hand they looked different. It didn't cross his mind that these two could be related, but perhaps they were and that would explain a lot.

The two guys noticed the look Z gave them after their introduction- they figured he was deep in thoughts since he didn't say anything.

Yanjun and Yuta gave each other a look before they let out a soft snicker- simultaneously.

"We're twins" Yanjun said, "we're obviously not identical since I'm more handsome then he is. Since I got mother's dimples".

That's what earned him a shove from his twin brother along with an eye roll, "especially since I'm a better version of him. But we are not here to scare strangers with your ugly face" Yuta mocked the taller boy before taking a seat across of Z. "We are here because you have an idea that might intrigue us".

Yanjun rolled his eyes as he took a seat next to his brother, "ew you sound like dad. I saw the idea you wrote, you want to start a cafe" Yanjun raised his eyebrows, "why a cafe? What's so special about yours that the tens of others in this city doesn't have".

Z took a deep breath, "it's simple, I want to open a cat cafe, it would be the first one in this city and that well make my cafe unique".

Once he finished his sentence he saw Yanjun's eyes twinkle, "with various races of cats?".

Z nodded, "of course, but I will pick the cats suitable for the scene. I can't pick a cat that will only be afraid of the visitors- it all depends on the personalities". He saw the two brothers nod, and Z knew that at least Yanjun was into his idea. "If the cat cafe is a success I might try and open a dog cafe- or even one with fish. Imagine sitting in a booth with a cup of coffee and you can just stare at the aquariums that form a wall, it might sound like an crazy idea but it's not impossible".

The brothers looked at each other, until one of them spoke up. "Your cafe would be unique if it's the only one with cats" Yanjun said.

His brother nodded, "there's a lot of people nowadays who would love to spend time with some cats- especially if they can't own one themselves. I like the idea and I know my brother does too".

Z was getting tense. Just because they liked his idea didn't mean that they were going to invest in it- he had passionately told them about his dream but he didn't know if that was enough to convince them.

"We would like to invest in your idea" Yuta said with a smile.

A heavy weight was lifted off his shoulders, a sigh of relief left his lips. He was grateful that they are willing to risk this with him.

He happily thanked them and promised the two they wouldn't be disappointed.

"As long as we can see the place before you open, I would love to see what kind of cats you picked".

Z smiled, "of course".  

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