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It was getting dark outside, even getting a little colder as the time passed.

Z was sitting on a blanket on the beach, his eyes squeezed into slits as he enjoyed the sight of the ocean and the nice cool air. He was waiting for someone to hang out with, not believing how often he got out of the house nowadays. Normally he would be sitting at home sipping tea and falling half asleep while watching TV with C and X.

His cats were having the time of their lives, running around the house and playing with toys Z had stored in a basket on a high shelf. Up to this day he wondered how they even reached there.

"Hi that's new" Z heard a gentle voice say.

He looked up to see Latvia standing there, smiling like she always did. He noticed she was wearing a black dress along with an white vest. It was smart of her to bring a vest since the temperature was dropping.

"Indeed, normally you have to wait for me" Z smiled, not wanting to reveal the truth. On how he arrived there an hour early so she didn't have to wait for him.

Latvia smiled before taking a seat next to him, "so I was trying to leave but I was stopped by my brother and he gave me these".

She took something out of her pocket as she handed it over to Z, who looked at it with a smirk.

"Seriously? Your brother gave you sparklers to use on the beach", Z asked as he opened up the plastic bag, "that's cute, luckily I have a lighter right here".

Hearing his words made Latvia curious, why would someone carry a lighter with them unless they are a smoker.

"Do you?" she carefully asked, not wanting to upset him like last time when she asked about his brother.

He shook his head, "no I've never smoked, it's a gift from my father" Z explained as he took out a silver lighter with an large 'J' engraved in it, "it's been passed down generations, one day I will give it to my son who also won't use this for smoking".

It made her smile when she heard him explain.

"Come on, let's light those so your brother didn't give them to you for nothing" Z suggests as he stand up, extending his hand to her.

With a smile on her face she accepted his hand as he pulled her up, her bumping into him because of his action.

"Sorry" she quickly apologized as she felt her cheeks heat up.

When she looked up to face him, she noticed he was smirking at her- something she didn't see before. It made her feel even more embarrassed.

"Don't worry about it, here" Z said as he gave her a sparkler, he flipped open his lighter before lighting her sparkler.

She smiled when she looked at it, how something that looks black and basically ugly can be so beautiful once you lit it. Her smile grew when she saw that Z was waving his around with a dry facial expression. As if he wasn't sure what to do with the sparkler.

"Smile" she told him as she happily waved hers around.

Slowly but surely a smile grew on his face, waving his around just like she was doing.

They looked happy, maybe even like a couple by the way they stood together so close. Z didn't often feel this happy, it was mostly if he was with his cats or with his two friends. But there was something about Latvia that made him smile, made him happy.

He felt contend.

That was until he heard his phone whistle, confused he took out his phone with one hand while the other was holding onto the sparkler. Which was hard for him to do, he almost dropped his phone twice.

Latvia on the other hand didn't notice what was going on as she was still happily swinging her sparkler around. A soft chuckle escaped from his mouth.

His face then turned into a frown when he saw why he got an notification. Yuan had been commenting on a picture, it was an entire spam of his friend not believing what he saw. It confused Z since he didn't post anything yet.

When he excited the comment section to look at the picture- his phone almost slipped out of his hold. He was shocked. It was a picture of him and Latvia having fun with the sparklers, neither of them knew that a picture was being taken of them. That was what low key scared him.

Although the caption was even more creepy, it said; I love you.

One thing he knew for sure was that he didn't post it, but he did have a clue on who did

愛你 | C A T | Kim Inseong |Where stories live. Discover now