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It had been an hectic week for Z, but in all honestly he wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

First thing that happened was him meeting his brother all thanks to Yuta, the second being him making up with Latvia- causing the two of them to grow even closer. The two of them later figured out it had been Cyriel and Eunha who made them meet up at the park to reconcile, the pair was even secretly dating for some time before finally coming clean about their situation. The third was him looking for cats with Latvia and Chan for his very own cafe which made him realise how close he is to opening, then fourth and also the final event being his cafe done with restoring.

It would take him another week to finalize the final details and the cats to get settled in and he was ready to open the doors. He was so excited and terrified all at the same time. The worst fear was him failing his investors and disappointing his father.

The only thing that made him feel at ease was the thought of Latvia being by his side, supporting him the entire journey. How she brought him chocolate milk to drink to cheer up along with her famous chocolate chip cookies. Sometimes she even dragged him with her towards her favourite smoothie bar.

"What are you thinking about" Latvia questioned while she was wiping the counter with a wet cloth, "you've literally been staring at cat treats for the past ten minutes. At first I thought you were meditating" she chuckled.

Z let out a soft snicker, "just a little nervous, one more week and I can open this place".

"When are the cats coming? Tomorrow right because we still need to fill their litter boxes and get some more cat treats and-" Latvia rambled until she was cut off my Z's hand gently resting on her lips.

"You're more nervous then I am" he smiled.

He was touched by how involved she has been with the whole process.

After making up she had been helping him with all kinds of decisions. From what colour paint to which cats to take into the cafe. Even on some nights she ordered him to get some rest because he stayed up too late.

Without Latvia by his side he would have surely gone crazy, or passed out on the floor because of lack of sleep.

Latvia gently took his hand off her mouth, "if anything I just want everything to be amazing, nothing less".

"I get it but look around, it's already breath taking because of you" Z told her as he looked around, pleased with their choices.

"You're right, I'm being crazy for nothing".

With a chuckle she softly hit her forehead with the palm of her hand.

These kinds of moments made him see that he wasn't the only one who changed, even Latvia changed. She changed into a more cheerful person, the whole Kino situation was behind her- even though there are still people who have the guy in their life. Latvia doesn't care and moved on.

All Z hoped was that Kino could do the same, that he could find a girl who made him feel as loved as he has with Latvia. Z had the feeling that Kino was mostly just understood, that he's not a bad guy.

Z gently took her hand in his, "your crazy side is one of the best sides, all your sides are. Even mad Latvia".

Remember how she overreacted about him talking to Kino, made her blush as she covered her face with the sleeve of her denim jacket. That was not her proudest moment.

"Don't remind me about that time, I don't even know why I was so mad at you for" she honestly told him.

Z twirled her around lightly, "you were probably afraid I would hurt you like he had done, but don't worry because I'm nothing like him" he stopped her so she was standing right in front of him, "because I really truly like you a lot, I don't care if we are moving too fast or not. Truth is I just need you by my side".

She was about to cover her burning up cheeks with her hands when he grabbed her free hand with his own.

"Latvia Lee, I must sound so official that it's ridiculous but will you be my girlfriend because I don't want to loose you to a guy as Seven".

"Oh stop, Seven is just a friend" she chuckled, "but of course I will".

Her eyes, who were looking into his a second ago were now staring at the floor beneath them.

When he asked her to check out the cafe this morning, she wasn't expecting this at all. She thought relationships were nothing for him until now, no one could wipe away that smile on her face.

His soft hands let go of hers and instead cupped her cheeks, slowly he moved her face up so his eyes could lock gaze with hers again.

She noticed the excited glimmer in his eyes that she hadn't seen before, only when he was talking about his cats- but other then that he never showed this kind of happiness. It made her heart fill with joy.

"I really like you Via" he breathed while resting his forehead against hers, "I'm blessed to have you in my life".

He slowly moved his head to the side and closed the distance between them, until his lips ghosted over hers. Z then softly pressed his lips on hers, something he had been wanting to do for a while.

This time not settling for a surprise kiss.

Latvia wrapped her arms around his neck. Both smiling in their kiss.

Z finally found someone he loves just as much as his cats, someone he can't be without just like his cats. Someone who knows when he's upset just like his cats, someone who's always there for him like his cats.

That being Latvia Lee.

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