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It had been a really long time since Z saw Latvia, occasionally he saw her at work. Only instead of preparing coffee for the customers, he was stuck in an office his dad prepared for him, stuck under a pile of paperwork.

If only he knew how much trouble he had to go through to start his cat cafe. He just hoped that in the end it was going to be worth all the trouble.

That's why this time he actually prepared something to do for them, he was going to take her to the beach. Not for swimming, just to hang out and stroll on the beach. After all the rain it would be sunny today, that's why he decided to do this with her.

A soft tap on his shoulder caught his attention, when he turned around he noticed Latvia standing on her toes to reach for his shoulder. She had a warm smile on her face that made him feel giddy from the inside.

He returned the smile before gently hugging her, it was awkward at first since he didn't realise what he was doing- but neither of them cared. "It's been a while" Z said while clearing his throat.

Latvia nodded, her cheeks tinted in a light pink colour.

"How have you been" he asked curiously, wondering if she actually missed spending time with him. If course he knew that he was being delusional, she was not going to straightforwardly tell him that she missed him.

She looked at him with a smile, "I've been good, my brother is even planning a trip to the night market".

They chuckled softly.

"That seems like fun".

The two of them began strolling on the beach, Latvia decided to tie her hair in a messy bun since it kept blocking her vision.

Once she was done she looked up at the tall guy next to her, "say Z, I was wondering" she started nervously, "do you have any siblings?".

She noticed how he stopped walking as soon as she asked him. Only she was afraid to look up and see his facial expression, afraid that he was upset with her. Immediately she regretted asking him that very question.

"Actually I do, I have a little brother only I haven't seen him for over 10 years" he said quietly, looking down at the sand. "My parents had a rough divorce and they wanted nothing to do with each other, they made us choose which parent we wanted to stay with", Z gave her an sad smile, "I choose father and he mom, since we both knew what father was expecting of me- his first born".

"That's so sad" Latvia softly replied, not knowing what to do she decided to wrap her arms around his waist, her head resting against his chest.

It broke her heart hearing him say that he hasn't seen his brother in 10 years, she herself can't imagine not seeing Levi everyday. The thought alone made her upset, they didn't always get along but she couldn't imagine him not by her side bugging her.

Z was startled by her action but quickly started rubbing her back, "it's okay, I've gotten used to the fact that I will probably never see him again. Unless something crazy happens".

His voice was soft, and she could hear the pain in it. Even though he didn't want to admit it, she knew that it hurt him.

He still thought about his brother on a daily basis.

"Why don't you go and look for him" she quietly asked.

Z shook his head, "I'll be too busy with work, I'm sure he has moved on and is living life like he should. That's what I want for him, to be happy", he bit his lower lip.

Of course Latvia didn't believe him, but she decided to let it go for now. Maybe he'll change his mind later, then she could be there for him to help him out. To help look for his brother.

"I'm sorry for bringing up sad memories".

Z chuckled as he heard her soft apologetic voice, "it's okay, my brother will never be a sad memory. He'll always be one I cherish wherever he is".

Latvia smiled as she let go of the older boy, she was happy he was opening up to her. Even if it was little by little. It was the thought that counts.

"So what's the plan".

He smiled brightly, "we are going to watch the sunset".

Z casually wrapped his arm around her shoulder as they continued walking.

For some reason Z felt relieved telling Latvia about his little brother, even if he didn't share a lot of details about him he did share something about himself. 

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