Chapter 33 "pride of power is a killer"

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icebreath was incharge of hawkpaw's bloodclan traning. Cause he was clueless about how their ways are. She taught him how to make a killing claw stab. She showed him that speed was everything and power. She, him and swiftpaw would go running to work out. They would attack trees. The deeper the claw marks went inside the trunk, made more of a killing strike.

"a-am i getting better?" asked hawkpaw.

Swiftpaw rubbed agaist him "yes, soon you'll be able to earn your teeth for your collar"

Icebreath smiled "acctually swiftpaw, i think we should send him on his first mission to recive his teeth"

Swiftpaw nodded and padded back to bloodclan camp. icebreath looked at hawkpaw.

"i know that theres a dog losse on moonclan teritory, and if you were to kill it in frount of a patrol, then they would fear you" said icebreath "then you'll show your mother that you are strong!"

"awsome" said hawkpaw. They padded to the forest. they reached moonclan teritory. Icebreath sniffed the air.

"where do you think the dog is" she asked trying to test his tracking skills.

"um..." he looked at the ground "over there, the ground smells like dog"

"and it looks like a patrol went the same way as well" said icebreath.

They climbed up a tree and hopped from branch to branch. They saw the dog, snapping at a patrol. In it was darkheart, toadtail, bluepaw, greypaw and three other unfamilar cats.

"who are those cats?" whispered icebreath to hawkpaw.

"the black one is goldeye, and the white silver striped one is hollowpaw, and the orange black striped one is tigereye" said hawkpaw "and bluepaw and greaypaw are known as bluefoot and graystream"

"okay, it's good to learn about your eniemies" said icebreath. Hawkpaw nodded.

the dog was snapping at the patrol. icebreath smiled, this was a easy kill.

"now hawkpaw" said icebreath "jump on its back and strike it at the throat, if you need help i'll be right there"

Hawkpaw nodded and jumped out of the tree. He jumped on the dogs back. He extened his claws and struck it in the throat. The dog fell to its side wimpering. Hawkpaw then dug his claws deeper in its neck till it was dead.

"h-hawkpaw" said hollowpaw "you saved our lives"

"no i didn't" he said puffing out.

"tratior" snarled darkheart "kill him now!"

The patrol leaped on hawkpaw. Thats when icebreath leaped out of the tree and struck darkheart in the throat. She pushed darkheart to the ground and hissed at her. The patrol turned and looked at icebreath shocked.

"i'll kill you if its the last thing i do icebreah!" hissed darkheart.

"i'm preparing my army" icebreath hissed "hawkpaw is our new member and has earned two more teeth for his collar"

"i knew we should have killed that weakling" said darkheart narrowing her eyes at hawkpaw. He just looked at her with anger.

"he's no longer weak, in fact he'll kill you if he wanted to right now!" hissed icebreath as she stepped off darkheart.

Icebreath padded to the dog and grabbed it's k-9 teeth out and gave it to hawkpaw. he stabbed each one in his collar and now had three teeth. They looked at the patrol with anger.

"you have a lot of guts to show up here icebreath!" snarled toadtail.

"i can kill all of you if i wanted to right now" said icebreath. She looked at hawkpaw and they jumped up and landed on a tree branch.

"be prepared for moonclan's end" yowled icebreath.

They hopped from tree branch to tree branch. they walked back to camp and all the younger she-cats were swarming hawkpaw and his newly earned teeth. Icebreath smiled.

"where did he get the teeth from?"

icebreath looked behind her to see scourge standding there with bone at his side.

"a dog" anwsered icebreath.

"well, no dur" he said anoyed, his purple toothed collar shined in her eyes "where did you find the dog"

"in the forest" murmed icebreath.

"didn't i tell to stop going in there!" screached scourge "are you crazy!?"

"yes, i am" said icebreath "and i can fend for myself"

"you could get hurt" he said "i was strong and was brought down and killed, having too much cofidence in you will kill you, ice"

"whatever" said icebreath as she ran to her box. she crawled inside and sighed. She watched tinykit playing with her friends.

I have to get foxkit and feverkit back, thought icebreath, no matter what it costs!

Moonfur's POV

"here, eat these herbs" said moonfur as she pushed some herbs to feverkit.

He had a horrible fever and it wouldn't come down. Foxkit was asleep in the other side of the den.

"okay" he said.

The expression on his face was sour.

"that was nasty" he said.

"yes but it'll make you feel better" said moonfur.

"is this the right herb moonfur?" asked minnowscale, moonfurs apprentice.

"yes, set it over there" said moonfur.

moonfur sighed. It was the half moon tonight and she was to travle to the moonflower. Minnowscale was to stay behind and watch fever kit's fever, while moonfur went to the moonflower.

*   *   *   *   *

Moonfur awoke in starclan. She sighed. A tortosieshell with a white muzzle walked toward moonfur. Moonfur had never seen this cat before. She was followed by a red and white tom,which was redstar, and a dark gray tom with yellow eyes.

"who are those two?" asked moonfur.

"aw" said redpelt "this is spottedleaf and stonefur"

"t-they don't smell like cats from around here?" said moonfur.

"we have disturbing news moonfur" said spottedleaf.

"what news"

"all the clans will be destroied by one cat" said spottedleaf "anger has taken over her, and now she is building up her army"

"you have to convice all your clan mates to give back the kits they stole and leave their home land or they'll be destrioed" said stonefur.

"what about the other clan?" asked moonfur worried.

"we've asked cats from their clan to tell them" said redstar.

"who's the threat" asked moonfur "and why do we have to leave the forest?"

"the threat is icebreath, she is overcome with anger" said spottedleaf "she's done nothing wrong until now, you must return her kits or you'll all be destrioed"

"what?!" shouted moonfur. But it was too late the cats vanished and she woke up by the moonflower. All the other medicine cats had left her alone. She had to tell mousestar this, or moonclan might be lost...forever!

IceBreath's descision(A warrior cat fan-fiction) *Old Version*Where stories live. Discover now