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  My eyes fluttered open, although my bed is empty I could've sworn...

I got up and walked downstairs. "Alexander?" Alex poked his head out from the kitchen. "Yes my love?" I smiled. "Hey." I greeted. Alexander waved and retreated to my small kitchen. I furrowed my brow and followed him in seeing large a plethera of food. "I- what's all of this?" I asked. Alexander smiled. "I figured since you gave me a place to live the least I could do was make you breakfast." He said looking down.

"Hamilton..." He looked up at me. "Please call me anything but. It's too formal." I nodded, He's never asked me not to call him by his last name. This is weird. "Talk over breakfast?" I suggested, just so that he would know I didn't forget. He nodded.

Mini time skip.

I put my fork down looking from my almost empty plate and up to Alexander. "So, why me?" I asked trying to get the ball rolling. "You're my best friend...my long time crush, I'm literally in love with you, I love you and I cherish you and I would be honored if you would even consider this." He suggested. I nodded. "I...I just don't know that I would be a brilliant example of what homosexual sex is like, y'know?" He shook his head. "I just don't think I'm the best partner." Alexander oh'd.

"Why's that? It would be my first time so it's not like I would have anyone to compare it to." I sighed and picked my fork up. "I just..." Alexander looked confused. "You can tell me anything John. I'll love you just the same." I sighed. "Never been in a relationship with a male before. It's frowned upon, how could I." I explained quietly. I took a bite of my food. "So we could experiance it together! Do you love me John?" I nodded. "Then let's do this together. We've both been with girls, I didn't dislike it but men...I'm attracted to men." He explained. I looked at him.

"I still don't think I'm a very good romantic partner..let alone sexual."  I put my fork back down. "Laurens, it doesn't matter to me. It's about our intimacy and the two of us and...what are you so scared of John?" Thats a good question. Do I even know? "It's just...I don't want you to regret your first time." I explained.

Alexander sighed. "John no more lies. Tell me the truth, even if it hurts me, at least it's the truth." He asked. I shook my head. "I don't know.." Alexander held my hand. "John. Tell me the truth. I won't be mad." He asked again in a comforting voice. "I don't know...I just want you to really love your first partner and I...I'm in love with you but-" Alexander cut me off. "Then do it. I'll be honest with you afterwords and we can take it from there." I took a deep breath and nodded.

I nodded. "Hey, I'll be with you every step of the way." I gulped and nodded. "Be gentle...please?" He asked with a concerned look. I nodded. "I will." I assured. "How about later, huh? Maybe before we go to bed? I have trouble sleeping anyway." He suggested. I nodded. "Sounds lovely."

Time skip

I moved casually, I felt a sudden fatuige and quickly remembered why I fell asleep. I managed to shove in a shower as did Alexander but I ended up on the couch because I was washing my sheets and I don't recall what Alexander did. I got up slowly looking down, seeing my lack of clothing and walking over to my bedroom seeing Alexander laying on my bed, doing something on his phone. "Hey Xander." He looked up at me and his eyes twinkled. I smiled and walked over to him. He sat on his knees and kissed me desperately. I pulled back eventually and sighed.

"So, the usual questions, how was I? You were great and most importantly, did you like it?" Alexander put his arms around my neck. "You were fantastic. Thank you, and yes, very much so. I still feel attracted to women though." I felt a sudden pang of sadness.  "So I take it you'll be going back to Eliza soon." He shook his head and kissed me.

   "Never in a million years. I love you." I bit my lip. "But you've been married for years, what's with the sudden need for me?" He sighed. "Laurens did you know that I've fanticised about what it might be like to have the pleasure and honor of having intercourse with you for almost our entire friendship?" I blushed deeply. I put my hands around his waist. "To finally know what it feels like...to feel your body heat, to...to finally have you is nothing I can ever give up."

I couldn't help but smile. "I'm glad you feel that way." I cleared my throat. "So do you wanna chill out? I- oh yeah Eliza, you have to go home don't you." Alexander shook his head. "I'm happy here. I already filed for a divorce, all she has to do is-" I cut him off. "No! Don't do that! Stay with her! People might get suspicious of you living with me." I explained.

"Then let them. Let them be suspicious, I don't care." I looked away nervously. "John, my dearest, are you afraid of what the world with think of you?" He moved his hands to be underneath my chin, making me look him in the eyes. "Yeah. I'm a bit nervous I guess." Alexander sighed. "Here, I'll keep you safe and..." He looked around but ended up looking at me. "I'll give you something later alright?" I nodded confused. "Until then...what is your ring size my love?" I shrugged. He moved his hands and took a ring off of his middle finger.

"Put that on your ring finger. If it doesn't fit I'll give you my engagment ring I know it's in my bag." I removed my arms from around his waist and put the ring on my finger. "Fit?" He asked. I nodded. "Good, keep that on." Alexander kissed me suddenly and smiled when I kissed back quickly. I pulled away slowly.

"I got that ring when I lived in the carribean. It didn't fit me when I was younger but I kept it. My mom gave it to me when I was eleven." He explained. I looked at the rose gold band. "I'm undeserving of this..." Alexander put his hand back under my chin making me yet again look up at him. "You're more than deserving of that. Keep it safe, take it as a token of my affection."

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