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Alexander p.o.v. (gawddamn all the p.o.v.s)

I got on the car shifting gears and Reversing out of my parking spot in Laurens' car. I looked over to Eliza, she looked distraught. "What's wrong?" I asked while taking side streets back home. "I'm gonna ask you three questions alright?" She asked. I nodded. "Okay." "Number one) are you attracted to males, number 2) are you cheating on me and number three, 3) if so with who?"

Oh. Shit. Fuck. Hell. Goddamnit.

"1, No of cours-" she cut me off. "Don't lie to me Alexander." I sighed. "Yes, I suppose I am. Two..." She sniffled. "You're cheating on me...who?" I looked down. "I feel that you know the answer already. You're a pretty smart woman." I responded struggling to keep my gaurd up.

"Alexnader...who?" I looked back up at the road. "Laurens. That's not why I've been recently hanging out with him thoug-" Eliza cut me off. "Where?" I sighed. "His house mainly." I explained uncomfortably. "I cannot believe it...just-- i can help you! I can make you love me again! Please don't leave me! You can mess around with as many guys as you want! But...just...please don't leave me."

I bit my lip. "Eliza, I don't just want men, I want Laurens. But then again I want a domestic life, Wife, lover and son I just want it all." Eliza cried momentarily. "I just-- all i need is some time to think...I can't erase what I wrote in ink." She sniffled and wiped her face. "Alright. I'll find someone to stay with again." I responded refuting eye contact. "Alexander..?" I hummed. "Do you still love me?" I froze but pulled myself out of the daze quickly. "I...i guess." I mumbled untruthlfully. "Alexander. Do you love me?" I sighed. "I don't know."

"Alexander. Yes or no?" I tensed up visablly. "No..." I said almost too quiet to hear. Eliza nodded and proceeded to cry. "A year?" She mumbled. I nodded. "Hot mess.." I giggled, as did she.

Time skip + Laurens P.o.v.

I was laying in bed, scrolling through youtube until I heard my doorbell ring. I sighed and stood up before walking downstairs seeing Alexander holding a suitcase. "Hi..." He waved. "What's this?" I asked refering to the suitcase. He shrugged. "We're getting devorced." I furrowed my brow. "I thought I-" he cut me off. "Not me, her. She figured me out, decided that it was too much for her to handle." He said looking in my eyes. "You must be devistated.." I commented while pulling him and his suitcase in.

"I'm actually relieved. Just...shaken up." I nodded and hugged him while rubbing circles in his back. "Laurens do you think I'm nauseating?" I pulled back and looked at him seeing his serious expression. "What?" I asked. "Do you think I'm...revolting?" He asked again. "No. not at all, why would you ask such an idiotic question?" He shrugged and sat on his suitcase. "Angelica said something along the lines of, I'm a disgusting faggot whom deserves to be publicly outted in the worst way possible."

"She's wrong, don't listen to her, you deserve everything you have and nothing less. I sometimes wish I had your confidence to just..." I trailed off. Alexander sighed. "I just...so many insults being thrown at me at once...anyway, so is it okay if I stay with you? Until I get myself an apartment. I'm finacially unstable, I no longer have a job, Eliza was on my chain account, I have ten dollars to my name right now, Phillip...my son is gonna have to grow up without a father..." Alexander started crying.

"Xander, it's okay.." I hugged him as he continued to sob into my shirt. "How could you want me? I'm poor, I'm lonely, I have nothing to give you but my love." I rubbed circles in his back. "Shhh, Alexander it's fine, I love you and that's all that matters. I'll give you a few thousand dollars, you can live with me and I'll get you back in politics if that's what you want."

Alexander shook his head. "You've already done so much for me! I can't ask so much of you...I have no way to pay you back...I couldn't-" I cut him off. While pulling out of the hug and pulled him to the couch allowing him to sit down. "You will. Your love is all that I need, as long as I know that it's going to your needs and wants I will gladly hand it over."

I plopped down next to him. "Alexander..." I wiped his face. "Laurens...how can I ever repay you for all of the good you're doing me?" He asked with a saddened look in his eyes. "I'll sleep on the couch, I'll make you breakfast everyday, I'll do anything you ask or could ever possibly want." He offered- no, informed. I smiled.

"Please don't push yourself. I want you to relax baby. I'll even help you." I complained while kissing him. Alexander pushed me away. "No! You can't do that, I burrden you by coming into your home, I cry heavily and you offer me all of this money and then shelter and my job and then you do this! I can't accept all of this kindness!" He complained. I kissed him again while putting a hand on his chest and another on his crotch. I pulled back slowly.

"I don't need you to do anything for me. I won't even need to take any clothes off any of my clothes." I unbuttoned his pants and slipped a him into his pants and palmed him. "I just need you to sit back and enjoy this, mkay? Don't think about me, or any of my needs. What I'm doing, is all for you, okay?" He looked into my eyes then at my hand then back at me before hesitantly nodding.

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