h u i t

435 18 16

Another five month time skip. So uh Eliza had le smol Phillip, and uh Alexnader and Laurens are still having the affair out of Eliza's sight.

I sighed while staring at my ceiling. I heard my doorbell ring and I ran downstairs to answer it. "Hey Laurens." Alexander greeted and kissed me briefly. "Do I taste liquor?" I asked licking my lips. "I- yeah, I had a shot...or two, but that was it. I promise." I nodded and let him step inside. "When do you think we should tell Eliza?" I asked. "Tell me what?" She asked coming out of the car. "Nothing lovely." Alexander reassured. Alexander mouthed the words 'later' i nodded and looked at Eliza. "Oh, okay."

Eliza followed Alexander in. I felt extreme tension between the two of us. The three of us sat on the couch and I looked down at the ring, remembering why and when Alexander gave it to me. I looked up at Eliza and then felt Alexander lace our fingers together. "So John, how are you doing?" Eliza asked me. I looked over to her and forced a smile. "Oh, uh, I- I'm good I guess." I answered.

"Still no girlfriend John?" She asked. I shook my head. "Well I heard, you've got a special someone on the side John." Alex teased with a smirk. I looked away. "Is that so!" Eliza asked. Alexander nodded. "Mhm. What are you trying to hide, John?" I looked at them. "I should go." Alexander chuckled. "I'm just fucking with you John. It's all good. Your secret is safe with me." he winked at me and looked back at his wife.

The two of them started having a conversation, I suddenly felt Alexander rub my hand with his thumb. Almost to say "I'm still yours" without talking. I looked down and sighed. "Hey, Laurens?" I looked up at Alexander. "Do you want me to stay the night? You seem pretty upset." I shook my head. "No, I could never pull you away from your family like that." Alexander casually retracted his hand. "Talk to me in the bedroom?" he asked. I shrugged and stood up with him walking to my bedroom and closing the door.

"Doubting yourself, Laurens." he whispered. I sighed. "I know, I'm sorry, I'm just finding it difficult to keep this under wraps." I explained, I looked down while standing against the wall. Alexander put his hand underneath my chin and I looked up at him but was quickly met with a gentle kiss.

"Don't do that baby." he whispered to me. I nodded. "Do you really want to tell her that bad?" I nodded. "I just feel so guilty..." Alexander nodded. "How about this, I tell her about my attraction to men, see how she reacts, we give it about...another year..?" I sighed and looked off. "I know my dearest, but she can't handle so much information at once, Eliza is fragile." I nodded.

I felt my phone vibrate. "Let it go to voicemail." I said; "Okay." Alexander retracted his hand and kissed me softly. "Do you want me to stay with you tonight?" I shook my head, I would never ask something so extreme of-" he kissed me again. "I'm staying the night. We'll watch some movies, sleep. We can even play that unsophisticated card game you're always going on about." I giggled. "War?" He nodded. "Correct." Alexander gently pressed his lips to mine yet again, but this time with more meaning. With more emotion. He pulled away. "I'm going to tell Eliza, she'll leave, and we can get comfortable on the couch, alright?" I nodded.

Time skip.

The two of us sat casually on my couch. I was on Alexander's lap, this was probably the most intimate contact we had within the past couple months. I didn't even pay attention to the movie, I was exceptionally comfortable and just wanted to focus on Alexander, who had a smiled planted on his face. "Laurens, are you tired?" He asked me. I shook my head. "You're really quiet today. Is something the matter?" I shook my head. "No, I'm just happy." Alexander nodded. "Hey, Alex?" I put my hand on his chest. "Yes, my dear?" he asked. "Why do you get out of bed in the morning? Y'know? What's your...motive to keep going?" he sighed.

"You. I know it sounds cliche but it's very truthful." I nodded. "It sounds like what we called back in south Carolina, bullshit." Alex chuckled. "I know, but I'm serious, I can't go a day without thinking about you. Do you know that the one week you were gone my only reacurring thoughts were 'John's hands are so soft' and 'John is so gentle when he's with me' and 'I love John'." I furrowed my brow. "Is that what you think about when I'm not around you?" he nodded. "Really?" I nodded. "I- I feel...honored." Alexander put his arms around my waist. "I just love you and cherish you. Alexander finally looked down at me. I smiled.

"Laurens, you are so cute, do you know that?" I blushed deeply and looked away. "I beg of you Laurens, please look at me." I hesitantly looked back at him. "Laurens, did you know that I sometimes wonder what it would be like if I hadn't stayed with you?" I shook my head. "Yeah. I do." I kissed him and felt him assert dominance for once and drag his tongue across my bottom lip. I opened my mouth and felt him insert his tongue into my mouth pulling me closer to him by my waist. I put my hand to his cheek and allowed him to this this for once.

This extremely intimate and excitable moment was ended by his phone's skype ringing. We slowly pulled away from each other. "Y-You should get that." I suggested while licking my lips. Alexander nodded. "So long as you stay next to me." he requested as skype came through again. I nodded and moved and sat next to him putting my head on his shoulder and my hand on his thigh. Alexander answered in the form of a voice call, I caught a glimpse of peggy's camera, she was eating popcorn for some reason, Hercules was sitting next to Lafayette and Burr's laptop was on his desk, he sat neatly in front of his clean bedroom, white earphones in.

"Damnit Lafayette! I can't get a single hit on you!" Hercules complained while putting the game controller down. "Haha! That's right!" Peggy giggled, Burr just shook his head and looked down at his phone. "Alexander! Get your ass into Destiny 2! We are WHOOPING some hunter ASS in crucible!" Peggy exclaimed. "I can't I'm not home." Alexander responded while turning on his camera. "That's gay." Hercules mumbled receiving a playful hit from Lafayette. "Like you don't do the same thing." Lafayette shot back.

Peggy sighed. "Guys chill, this is a friendly thing! My sisters an I do it all the time!" Peggy defended while Alexander casually put his arm around my waist, although on camera it didn't look intimate, it just looked friendly. "They're close friends!" Lafayette added on while putting his controller down. "son of A BITCH LAFAYETTE, YOU DIED!" Peggy yelled. Burr just proceeded to shake his head. I looked up at the camera. "Hi John." Peggy greeted. I waved with the hand that wasn't on Alexander. "Yo, Peggles, Large Baguette and roman god, I'm kind of in the middle of a movie marathon with my best friend, so i'm gonna go. You children have fun now." "NO! ALEX! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE WITH THE MUTE COCONUT!" I saw Burr yet again just shake his head.

"Speaking on which, Burr why aren't you talking?" Alexander asked. Burr looked up from his phone. "Oh, I just got Theodosia to sleep. Trying not to wake them up." he whispered. "Plus nobody talked to me, so why bother." He continued while shrugging and turning back to his phone. "Wait them?- LAYAYETTE YOU FUCKING CUNT!" Peggy asked, but yelled the end. "What did he do?" Hercules asked looking up at the TV. "YOUR FUCKING BOYFRIEND JUST SNIPED ME, DICK!" Peggy yelled. I sighed. "oh ok." Hercules mumbled and went back to his phone.

"So he is your boyfriend?" Peggy asked wiggling her eyebrows. "No! I misheard you!" Hercules claimed while putting his phone down. "You said boyfriend! See, I thought you said best friend!" Lafayette faked offense. "You bastard!" Lafayette screeched. "Okay legally blonde, I'm headed off now, I'll talk to you later." Alexander left the call threw his phone and climbed on top of me. "So where were we?" I asked with a smirk.

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