~Chapter 5~

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      As I sit here, with Tomoki crying in my arms, I can't help but wonder how he made it this far. If it was me, I would have ended it all. I would have jumped off the roof or hung myself. I would not have been able to live with all that. With my mother beating me, and then my brother hating me after all that I did for him, and my best friend betraying me. I would not have been able to be a strong as he was.
      I look down and see Tomoki looking up at me with his face wet from the tears he just let out. " i'm sorry," he says. "I got your shirt away."
      I smile at him and let out a little chuckle, "It's OK don't worry about it. You have the right to let out all the emotions you had pulled up inside of you for years. After everything you've been through, you can cry all you want because, I'll always be here for you no matter what."

      "'I'll always wanna here for you no matter what.' Yeah that's what they all said. Hiro, my little brother (Igarashi), my mom, my dad, and even Kumo who I met at the mental hospital. They all said that, but they never meant it. They didn't care if I lived or died. No, they didn't want me to live! They wanted me to die! They all do! Everybody wants me to d-!" Mikazuki grabs my head and and buries it into his chest, making my voice into nothing more than a mumble.
"SHUT UP!" He says. I can feel his tears as they fall onto my face, mixing with my own tears. "I don't wanna hear all of that. You have me and I'm not going anywhere. I'll always be here for you no matter what happens. I'm not saying it just to say it, I'm saying it because I mean it. You are an amazing friend. I'm sorry that all of that happened to you because you didn't deserve any of it but sadly we can't change the past. What we can do though, is just move on and forget about the past, or at least try to." I clench his shirt as more tears start to fall down my face.
"Thank you," I say as he lifts up my chin and wipes away my tears. "I guess I finally found a real friend." I smile.
"Yes, you have, and I'm not going anywhere."

Once he finished his breakdown session, me and Tomoki started to getting ready for bed. Tomoki helped me wasj and dry the dishes. After we finished cleaning the kitchen, I went to my room and got Tomoki a pair of pajamas. I got him a shirt and some shorts. I gave it to him and showed him where both the bathroom and the guest room were at. While he's taking bath, now would be a good time to call Mom. I go over to my desk, grab my phone and go on the balcony. Then I dial Mom's number.
The phone rings and after two rings she picks up. "Hey Mom, how's it goi-" I start to say before I'm cut off by her voice.
"Mika! Son!? Is that you!?"
"Yes Mom, it's me."
"Where are you Sweetie?"
"I'm at home with a friend."
"....Honey... what's.... your friend's name?"
"Huh? It's Tomoki Akihiro. Why? What's going on?"
      "You need to get out of there and fast? There's no time to waste! You have to leave immediately!"
      "Why!? Mom! What's going on!? Why are you acting so wei-!?" Beep. And with that the call ended.

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