~Chapter 7~

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      "Haha sorry." I look up at Mikazuki and smile. He did stay with me. He didn't run away like most people did. AND WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT MAN THINKING!? I TOLD HIM TO BRING A FAKE KNIFE NOT A REAL ONE! Or was that even the man I hired. Ugh I don't know. Wait. What if it was from Death. NO NO NO THAT CAN'T BE I MADE SURE THEY WOULDN'T FIND ME THERE'S NO WAY!! Well, whatever I'm not gonna worry about it now. I'll just take care of Mikazuki's wound for now.
      "Hey Mika?" I start to say and look back at his wound.
      "Yea what's up?" He replies his voice as beautiful as ever.
      "W-we'll I was wondering. Why did you save me and not run  away?"
     He stares at Mom for a moment and then starts to speak. "Is that even a question? I stayed because I told you I would never leave you and I promised you that too. I kept my promise. Plusss I may have wanted to save you cause your my friend." He says that and starts to blush a little.
      I give a little chuckle and a full blown laugh. "Sorry it's just that you were so cute when you said that. Hehe" I say and get back to the wound.
      "S-SHUT UP BAKA!!!"
      "Ok ok. Well I bandaged it and put ointment on it but don't put too much pressure on it ok?"
      "Ok doctor." We both laugh and then I stop laughing. My room is covered in glass. So is the bed. I can't sleep in it but it would be invading his privacy if I ask him to sleep in his bed since it's the only other bedroom. Well, I'm fine sleeping on the couch so I'll do that. I look up at Mikazuki and realize that he was speaking.
      "OH I'M SO SORRY I WASN'T LISTENING!" I say maybe a bit to quickly.
      "Oh it's ok I'll repeat it. Since your room is a mess and your bed is now covered in glass, I'll give my room for the night. I'll sleep on the cough. If this is ok with you then let's get to bed."
      "No. It's not ok with me." I say without really thinking before I speak.
"Hmmmm and why's that?" He says and leans closer to me. AHHHHH I WANNA KISS HIM NOW DAMN ITTTT!!!!!
"U-uh that's because I would feel bad if you have to sleep on the couch because of me so you can sleep in the bed too."
"Ohhhh ok." We get up head to his bedroom. I look at his bed and I forgot how big it was. But I wish it wasn't so big so that we could be closer but whatever. This will suffice. I go and get into the bed and Mika follows. He turns off the lights and it's time to go to sleep except, I CAN'T SLEEP!
      "Hey Mika you awake?" I whisper hoping he's awake.
      "Yea I'm awake what you need?"
      "Ah well I don't need anything it's just that I can't sleep."
      "Hmm why? Is it because your worried that someone will come and try to kill you again?"
      "No it's not that. I've gotten used to that." I say hoping he doesn't ask questions.
      "Hmm? What do you mean? Know what let's save that conversation for tomorrow. So why can't you sleep?"
      "Oh well it's because I don't know . Maybe because I'm not used to sleeping with people."
      "Well I can leave if you want me to if not th-" he starts to get up and out of the bed. I grab him and put my arms around his waist.
      "NO! I DON'T WANT ANOTHER PERSON TO LEAVE ME PLEASE!!" I say without thinking again. Damn it I messed up again. I ALWAYS MESS THINGS UP! I hoped it would be different this time.
      "Tomoki," He starts saying and sits back on the bed putting his arm around me. "I told you before I will never leave you forever. I never will. No matter what happens."
      He lays back down on the bed and we lay there cuddling each other in one another's arms. He's so warm I wanna stay here forever. I don't want him to leave. He won't leave me right? I hope not.
      I look up at him and he starts to sit up. I do the same and sit up on the bed beside him. I move in closer to him and looks down at me. He lifts up my chin and starts to bend down. It looks like he's trying to observe my face.
"Well, we should head to bed. We have school in the morning." I say and start to lay back down.
"Yea you're right, let's get to sleeping." He lays down also and I drift off to sleep.

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